I reckon they were testing the copy of the MoM's new stamp.July 18 letter from MoM to PM:
"Following up on this, I bring to your particular attention that at the request of the company AVZ, the parties have agreed to settle the dispute amicably. Thus, the draft memorandum of understanding submitted by AVZ is under examination at the level of the group of experts from the Ministries concerned as well as the Lawyers required by the Republic to ensure the defence of the country's interests."
30 July letter from AVZ to PM:
"However, we would like to make a number of important clarifications to the statements made by the Minister of Mines and remind you that initial discussions were instigated at the request of the government and this is how Dathcom Mining SA has submitted a draft memorandum of understanding ("MoU") which provides a framework to facilitate talks in calm conditions."
How can there be no discussions after both sides said there was!?