AVZ Discussion 2022

Dave Evans

Here is a true story about why I dont like Chinese food.

A number of years ago I was working in China and I had pushed the wrong in-house lift button and it opened up into a kitchen - here was one of the chefs sitting on a food preparation bench picking his toenails with a knife - it has scarred me for life.

The last time I was in Shanghai my friends wanted to take me to dinner - we went and had Japanese.


I got take away fried chicken from the local Chinese restaurant a week ago. When I got home and tried it, it tasted like rubber

I took it straight back and asked to see the chef, went out the back to their kitchen and said to the chef, I just bought takeaway chicken here and its rubbery, he said thankyou!
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Now who do we believe
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Cumquat Cap

Probably trying to stymie avz ability to raise funds/lit funding.

Easily contradicted with the recent letter posted, doesn’t seem real. DRC is a fucking disgrace either way
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July 18 letter from MoM to PM:
"Following up on this, I bring to your particular attention that at the request of the company AVZ, the parties have agreed to settle the dispute amicably. Thus, the draft memorandum of understanding submitted by AVZ is under examination at the level of the group of experts from the Ministries concerned as well as the Lawyers required by the Republic to ensure the defence of the country's interests."

30 July letter from AVZ to PM:
"However, we would like to make a number of important clarifications to the statements made by the Minister of Mines and remind you that initial discussions were instigated at the request of the government and this is how Dathcom Mining SA has submitted a draft memorandum of understanding ("MoU") which provides a framework to facilitate talks in calm conditions."

How can there be no discussions after both sides said there was!?
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Wait, so are they bragging about facr rhar they're making no effort to resolve this through dialogue with AVZ??

I don't think they really thought this one through....
Gonna be great to add to the list for arbitration though.
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Cumquat Cap

Seriously dumb
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Disputed Manono lithium mining project in DRC sparks concern​

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  • A lithium mining project in the DRC that was expected to begin in 2023 is still pending.
  • The Congolese government and mineral exploration company AVZ Minerals are fighting over the rights to an ore concession awarded to the Chinese company Zijin Mining.
  • Delays are lengthening for residents waiting for jobs, and the local population has not yet been informed of how lithium mining will impact their environment.
LUBUMBASHI, Democratic Republic of Congo — In Manono, a town in the province of Tanganyika, in the northern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) Katanga region, a mining project has still not broken ground, more than two years after the confirmation of a sizeable lithium deposit. Lithium has been in high demand worldwide for about a decade for the production of lithium batteries — the best electrical energy storage system currently available. The prospecting of the Manono deposit has brought hope that infrastructure such as roads will be developed and jobs will be created for local residents.

Thus far, agriculture has remained the primary economic activity in Manono and the surrounding region. Young people, however, are turning away from farming in a quest to earn quick money. They climb down into hand-dug, underground galleries looking for cassiterite, another popular mineral in the electronics industry, in demand among Indian and Chinese buyers, who have established trading posts on site.
An artisanal miner in North Kivu holds cassiterite crystals, from which tin can be extracted: young people in Manono also dig for this mineral to sell to traders. Image by Laura Heaton/Enough Project via Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).
An artisanal miner in North Kivu holds cassiterite crystals, from which tin can be extracted: young people in Manono also dig for this mineral to sell to traders. Image by Laura Heaton/Enough Project via Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).

“This conflict is affecting us. We are waiting for the [lithium] mining project to develop Manono,” said Dieumerci Kabila, a local radio journalist and civil society activist living in the town, regarding the impact of the conflict on the community.

A public company named Zaïretain operated a tin mine in Manono until 1982, after which activity dwindled gradually to a complete halt in 1998 with the Second Congo War, when armed rebel forces from Rwanda and Uganda rose up against Laurent-Désiré Kabila (1939-2001). Several private companies have also bought rights to mining sites on the deposits owned by the public company, whose name has since changed to Cominière.

AVZ estimates the Manono Lithium Project’s total mineral resources at 400 million tons, and the project has brought hope for the economic revival of Manono, which declined with Zaïretain’s closure.
Workers conducting exploratory drilling on the Manono concession. Image by AVZ (Fair Use).
Workers conducting exploratory drilling on the Manono concession. Image by AVZ (Fair Use).
Core samples from the Manono concession. Image by AVZ (Fair Use).
Core samples from the Manono concession. Image by AVZ (Fair Use).

AI also revealed that Zijin had recently committed $70 million to humanitarian aid projects for victims of violence in the eastern DRC through the joint venture Manono Lithium. However, only $40 million was received by the recipient, an NGO named Le Bouclier, the rest having vanished, according to AI, from an unidentified transitional account. According to the same source, the president of the NGO, Jean-David E’ngazi, has been on the board of directors of Cominière, Manono Lithium’s other joint owner, since 2023.
The Manono concession area. Image and map courtesy AVZ (Fair Use).
The Manono concession area. Image and map courtesy AVZ (Fair Use).

Environmental impacts yet to be assessed​

According to the journalist, Kabila, and Cyprien Kitanga, the administrator of the territory of Manono, an environmental impact assessment of the mine has yet to be conducted; nevertheless, all that is pending for Dathcom is its lithium mining permit. The same goes for Manono Lithium, whose research is advertised as very far along.
But according to Kabila, who has been following the lithium project’s evolution, a cahier de charges, an agreement between the company and the affected communities, hasn’t been developed either. “People [civil society activists] need training” to better understand the future environmental issues related to mining, Kabila said.

Kitanga isn’t aware of any environmental impact assessment, either, although the studies are a prerequisite for opening any mining project. “The company is not acting in good faith,” Kitanga said. He also noted how the wait is drawing out for local residents, and there aren’t even steps being taken to “win the people’s confidence” and reassure them about the mining project.

However, Célestin Kibeya, Cominière’s actingmanaging director, guaranteed on a call with Mongabay the study has been done and should be published on the company’s website in May. (As of Aug. 7, it had not yet appeared.) As for when operations will start, he said, “The feasibility study results must first be approved” by the Ministry of Mines.

A version of this article was originally published on our French website on 8 May 2024 as Inquiétudes sur les retombées du lithium de Manono en RDC
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Well I am sure that the ICSID and ICC will validate the content of the above letter and take it into consideration when deliberating outcomes/rulings.

I am sitting on the edge of my lounge waiting with bated breath for the rulings.

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Cumquat Cap

They’re pushing hard for us to run out of cash, hope our highly paid cfo/new ceo Jan has got his shit sorted
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This shit show just gets worse and worse, time to cut them off and take them to the cleaners by the fastest means possible.
Nobody should have to endure years of this shit. Fucking dumb assholes don't know if they're Arthur or Martha.
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Playing devils advocate here, there's no official stamp on the communication AVZ shared, just signatures?

If this isn't official comms, where did AVZ get it from and who fabricated it?

Either way the ICSID has instructed the DRC gov to pull their heads in so if they just aren't communicating and not following interim orders, hurry up and fast track this ICSID and put the sword into them. Bunch of corrupt 🤬🤬🤬
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"show me corruption and we will shut it down"
Meanwhile have the largest lithium deposit stolen from the company who does all of the drilling and feasibility studies - 2 years on after a bunch of corrupt actors and moves in complete disregard to existing DRC law and yet there's (quote) "NO lines of communication have been reestablished between AVZ and our government".
Ryan Reynolds Wtf GIF
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If this stupid thing was even remotely legit it would be written in French ffs

What an absolute load of shit....
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This shit show just gets worse and worse, time to cut them off and take them to the cleaners by the fastest means possible.
Nobody should have to endure years of this shit. Fucking dumb assholes don't know if they're Arthur or Martha.


Tanganyika: Suspended for authorizing the export of more than one ton of lithium, the administrator of Manono reinstated in his functions

The Court of Appeal reinstated the administrator of the territory of Manono (Tanganyika), Kitanga Kabale Cyprien, in his functions in its decision made public on August 9.

The Court of Appeal reports that it noted that no disciplinary action had been taken against the administrator of the territory, calling into question the legitimacy of the suspension pronounced by the Honorary Vice-Governor of Tanganyika, Masamba wa Masamba Ferdinand.

Cyprien Kitanga Kibale, administrator of the territory of Manono, was suspended from his functions on the proposal of the provincial Minister of the Interior and Security.

In a correspondence consulted by MCP on July 8, 2024, Cyprien Kitanga was accused of having authorized the export of more than one ton of lithium without prior authorization from the governor.

According to this document, the administrative authority was placed at the disposal of Justice following his behavior qualified as serious breach and proven insubordination to the hierarchy.


Shitshow ! !.png
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View attachment 67835

If this stupid thing was even remotely legit it would be written in French ffs

What an absolute load of shit....
I mean it was posted on the official Ministry of Mines social media pages.

But I think it's probably just the MoM being pissy at the public release of those recent letters, which I can somewhat understand, and in pique then taking semantic exception as to how we have portrayed our recent engagements with the authorities. Namely saying that there has been no direct and formal negotiations. Maybe they feel like the nature of any communications have been misrepresented by management. Wouldn't be the first time frankly.

But also as you say, that it's in English likely highlights it's target audience. Has the new crowd at the Ministry also taken a set against us, prompted by our Chinese opponents?

I hope not. Fingers crossed that we can build a good relationship we the new MoM despite these initial teething issues on both sides - I think that we both need each other if there is to be a way forward out of this mess.
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Thugs at Cominiere feeling neglected ? Reminding the new MoM it's not good for his health to communicate with AVZ without their OK ?
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Hates a beer
But also as you say, that it's in English likely highlights it's target audience.
I guess it's no different to various shareholders on Twitter who post in French when sticking it to Cominiere et al
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View attachment 67835

If this stupid thing was even remotely legit it would be written in French ffs

What an absolute load of shit....
Okay I got that wrong. It's been posted on the Minister of Mines socials (and there's a French and English copy)......

But it's still a load of utter bullshit and a furthering of deceipt, falsification, cover-ups, lies and corruption

It seriously has to end soon
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