AVZ Discussion 2022


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This thread has become absolute crud. Rather than decent discussion, its just pissed off punters who had a crack at making multiples and are stuck and salty.

I’m one of them, with several hundred k thrown in around 40-50c.

I took a gamble in a well known shithole with a resource that was always in retrospect going to be targeted by less governed entities. My fault, I blame nobody else for where that money sits.

But I for one am enjoying the silence right now, to me it 💯 means progress. Nigel has my full support, as any alternative is goodnight in my view.
If you enjoy the silence then you've come to the wrong place . This is a public forum . And no one has said they don't support the BoD . It's just their performance that has drawn criticism . I was critical 22 months ago . 22 months later I'm still critical .
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And we'll all complain when the creepy fuckers that prowl and troll these threads start using these posts against us further on twitter and the crapper...

Unfortunately, absolutely nothing constructive comes of us sooking it up presently... no matter how entitled it may be...
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Is it too early for Friday night funnies?

View attachment 66920
A poodle and a collie were walking down the street. The poodle turned to the collie and complained, "My life is a mess. My owner is mean, my girlfriend is having an affair with a German shepherd, and I'm nervous as a cat."

"Why don't you go see a psychiatrist?" asked the collie.

"I can't," replied the poodle. "I'm not allowed on the couch."
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Can't disagree that Nigel is who we are stuck with for better or worse. Any change to the board would almost certainly mean China twisting the knife and we would lose out big time. I also think this is somewhat personal for him now, understandably so.

I don't believe that means he cannot be criticized and we shouldn't be pushing for fairer treatment from the BOD. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth how we were communicated in the lead up to 2022 and now after the fact we are more in the dark than ever.

Maybe you can compartmentalize this, but for me the opportunity cost is eating up every waking moment of my days.
I absolutely understand mate and agree fairer treatment would be ideal. I just don’t think it’s possible. How can anyone on the board say literally anything, especially to some of our shareholders without undoing what they are trying to achieve? It’s just not possible.

I can compartmentalise only because I’ve got solid mottos. Drink. Don’t let shit get to you. Drink. Repeat.
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A poodle and a collie were walking down the street. The poodle turned to the collie and complained, "My life is a mess. My owner is mean, my girlfriend is having an affair with a German shepherd, and I'm nervous as a cat."

"Why don't you go see a psychiatrist?" asked the collie.

"I can't," replied the poodle. "I'm not allowed on the couch."
What’s better than eating a mandarin?

Eating Amanda out
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I absolutely understand mate and agree fairer treatment would be ideal. I just don’t think it’s possible. How can anyone on the board say literally anything, especially to some of our shareholders without undoing what they are trying to achieve? It’s just not possible.

I can compartmentalise only because I’ve got solid mottos. Drink. Don’t let shit get to you. Drink. Repeat.
Thibk we bought the same Bali tshirt


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I absolutely understand mate and agree fairer treatment would be ideal. I just don’t think it’s possible. How can anyone on the board say literally anything, especially to some of our shareholders without undoing what they are trying to achieve? It’s just not possible.

I can compartmentalise only because I’ve got solid mottos. Drink. Don’t let shit get to you. Drink. Repeat.
Maybe it was a bad time for me to do 'Dry July'... Funny, I was feeling just fine the other 24+ months?
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This thread has become absolute crud. Rather than decent discussion, its just pissed off punters who had a crack at making multiples and are stuck and salty.

I’m one of them, with several hundred k thrown in around 40-50c.

I took a gamble in a well known shithole with a resource that was always in retrospect going to be targeted by less governed entities. My fault, I blame nobody else for where that money sits.

But I for one am enjoying the silence right now, to me it 💯 means progress. Nigel has my full support, as any alternative is goodnight in my view.
You think our enemies don’t know the arbitration dates?

Or is it more likely that the suppression of the timeline is about quelling discontent amongst shareholders because it’s gonna take years until we get a decision before we then need to go try and enforce it

We are the owners of this company and deserve to know the key dates for the ICSID. And once again for the record I only have 15k invested in this mess because it’s a project in the DRC involving China.
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You think our enemies don’t know the arbitration dates?

Or is it more likely that the suppression of the timeline is about quelling discontent amongst shareholders because it’s gonna take years until we get a decision before we then need to go try and enforce it

We are the owners of this company and deserve to know the key dates for the ICSID. And once again for the record I only have 15k invested in this mess because it’s a project in the DRC involving China.
Come on mate. It has nothing to do with arbitration dates. It has everything to do with ANY progress in negotiations and who will get that info.

I still prefer silence.
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Come on mate. It has nothing to do with arbitration dates. It has everything to do with ANY progress in negotiations and who will get that info.

I still prefer silence.
Remember when AVZ management were frozen out of negotiations by the DRC government and we had to initiate the ICSID process. I did a post this time last year explaining how it was our only option under the mining code. Anyone who hasn’t realised by now that we’re going the distance unless we concede that we relinquished the north is completely delulu imo
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The governor of the Central Bank brought to justice for “embezzlement of funds in complicity with Nicolas Kazadi”

In a complaint filed, Monday July 22, 2024, with the Attorney General at the Court of Cassation and consulted by Actu30.cd, the Anti-Corruption Association, through its law firm, requests legal proceedings against the governor of the Central Bank of Congo (BCC) for “embezzlement of more than 27 million US dollars in complicity with the former Minister of Finance, Nicolas Kazadi”.

“In the name and on behalf of my client, the Anti-Corruption Association (ALCC), I hereby file a complaint against the better identified person for embezzlement of more than $27,000,000 in the public treasury account.

Indeed, then governor of the Central Bank, Mrs. Kabedi Malangu, in complicity with the former Minister of Finance, Nicolas Kazadi, will be distinguished by reprehensible acts and to the detriment of the Republic, release in emergency procedure a trifle sum of $398,982,383 for an alleged installation of 1000 boreholes against 10% in return negotiated between her and Kazadi,” notes this correspondence signed by Master Richard Mbenza Kolo.

This anti-corruption structure says it has proof of several conversations between the former minister and the current governor of the BCC on this issue.

“The audios obtained by us and verified with a telephone network reveal several conversations dating from 12/27/2022, 01/04/2023 and 01/14/2023 between Ms. Kabedi Malangu and Mr. Nicolas Kazadi.

Regarding the first audio dating from December 27, 2022, Mr. Nicolas Kazadi instructs Ms. Kabedi Malangu to do everything in her power to release via an unknown account, but lodged at the Rawbank, a sum of $147,320,230 against her 10 %. “, we read in this complaint.

And to continue: “In another audio dating from January 4, 2023 and verified with a telephone company, we can hear a lively discussion between Mrs. Kabedi Malangu and Nicolas Kazadi on an increase in her percentages on the understanding that she provides a lot of efforts to make these enormous sums available without his two vice-governors being exposed and, above all, to avoid collusion with the Presidency of the Republic.

In response,

Nicolas Kazadi instructs him to still release in an emergency procedure a sum of $87,400,000 against this time an increase of 12%.

This association requests the opening, "as a matter of urgency, of criminal action against the current governor of the Central Bank who has engaged in the same practices which not only weaken economic growth, but also and above all cause enormous damage to the Republic which today finds itself in a situation of galloping inflation following these retrograde practices.


Drilling, street lamps, financial center and other files: “It is time that those responsible for these thefts are prosecuted, judged and condemned”

Opponent Moïse Katumbi steps up to the plate, this Tuesday, July 23, 2024, to denounce the repeated misappropriation of public funds in the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo), particularly on drilling and street lamp projects, as well as the Francophonie games and the center financial.

The president of the Ensemble pour la République party wants to see those responsible for these thefts prosecuted, tried and convicted.

Because, according to him, these aforementioned projects were overcharged beyond belief.

“It is time that those responsible for these thefts are prosecuted, tried and convicted.

The embezzled money must be returned to the treasury and impunity must end,” he tweeted.

For the opponent, confronting the perpetrators of the embezzlement is a crucial question of dignity for all Congolese, social justice and the responsibility of leaders.

“While soldiers starving and abandoned for five days risk the firing squad simply for seeking food, we learn that hundreds of millions of dollars have been embezzled via rigged public contracts,” he said indignantly. .

Note, moreover, that some are awaiting the public trials of these various cases, which have visibly drained the state coffers.









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