AVZ Discussion 2022

Man I'm getting so restless, we need another announcement to quell us for a few weeks
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Regardless what is happening the various arbitration hearings can't happen fast enough.
And they aren't happening anywhere near fast enough either.
This promise of a MoU that is already close to 12 months late is an absolute fucking joke.
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I’m actually surprised DRC haven’t done the MOU yet. Means nothing for them but kicks the can down the road and keeps us thinking we making progress
If I was the DRC I'd hold off signing anything until Nigel can at least prove he has secured a finance deal . Not to mention we have an attempted BoD spill in progress . Unless there are some powerful levers being pulled that share holders are not privy too I'd say Nigel at this point, and up to this point ,has been p1ssing in the wind . Be nice if they'd at least update SH at due dates . I noticed they were on time when we were listed .If you hadn't noticed , a month extension became a 6 week extension because they were 2 weeks late in updating share holders . It like a card trick .Like an optical illusion . You didn't even know it happened . All IMO only .
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