With all due respect we get so much double talk,wink,wink,nudge,nudge from the DRC,that I'm sick of it from fellow posters.Mr Clean we will having many months of funding to come. Watch this space.
Any legal or MOU updates?Mr Clean we will having many months of funding to come. Watch this space.
I’ve seen and heard for 3 years (since Zijin first reared their ugly heads) plenty of these baseless comments. Sick of it. The board need to deliver, or we’re done at the next AGM. Or even before, when we finally run out of cashMr Clean we will having many months of funding to come. Watch this space.
Where has your blind loyalty gotten you Cruiser? Aren’t you the one that had to come out of retirement because of all this debacle?Go to hotcrapper mate and talk with the toilet, he will agree with you.
You could sing a duet with the toilet.
Bye, bye, have fun.
I’ve been here from the early days mate - a couple of weeks after this place became a thing. Also, I’ve likely been a shareholder with the company longer than you as well. But hey, let’s not make this a dick measuring contest.That is because you luckily don't come here too often, champ.
I can't see one single reason why I should come out of retirement digger, you must be confusing me with one of your mates.
Who is it?
The wonder from hole 9 in Cardwell, who thinks he knows everything about drilling holes in the ground, but had to find out the hard way the only holes he knows to drill are the ones in his beloved golf course???
Nigel should've put up 30+ of his millions of freebies.I don't know why everyone is so keen to get this funding, all it means for us is we'll get fleeced on the term sheet and it'll be a sure sign that the shit show continues for months and probably years.
I hope management are putting major pressure on to get a deal under the threat of suing for 10's of billions at ICSID.
It's time for those in the DRC government who've been stringing us along to come good on their promises. Fucken dopey cunts!
We aren’t so lucky, champ.Wow a longer shareholder and a longer poster and there is more he doesn't want to mention his dick.
Amazing to have such eloquent posters pop up from time to time.
Why are we so fucking lucky.
We aren’t so lucky, champ.
Otherwise we wouldn’t be in this position.
Not so much about anyone being keen or not about funding; more just keen for a fucking real update. Everything positive we've heard has been great in theory but it's resulted in sweet fuck all for us in practice (so far). Pretty keen to actually see some of this imminent action take place.I don't know why everyone is so keen to get this funding, all it means for us is we'll get fleeced on the term sheet and it'll be a sure sign that the shit show continues for months and probably years.
I hope management are putting major pressure on to get a deal under the threat of suing for 10's of billions at ICSID.
It's time for those in the DRC government who've been stringing us along to come good on their promises. Fucken dopey cunts!
Funding is the only thing that matters when you have at best a couple of million left. When you have board members on huge salaries and huge court costs, the numbers game is not in our favour.Honestly bad timing.
We've just gone through the bs 0.01 cent share offer and the first thing you post in ages is more negativity about funding.
Honestly, none of us are wearing rose tinted glasses. You're just pushing the negativie narrative... again.
In doing so you're being a dick.
ok mate im with you , I grabbed my vodka after a few attempts
Comparing me to Lenny is such a moronic approach. Expect nothing less from you, champ.You better talk with the toilet, oops Mr Clean, who wants to know everything, from what was being said at RS and if there is any secret knowledge he doesn't know. After that he threatens us to disclose everything about his rabbit. I hope he doesn't trip over it when he gets on the tram.
Not interested in making a deal with you, champ.Your behaviour leads to painful responses, champ.
And we will not to mention your dick, deal?