AVZ Discussion 2022


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The article in the Twitter link by GuruDurkan is an excellent read and gives the history of Manono with lots about AVZ (It’s a long read though!)


It explores the geopolitical struggle between China (#Zijin) and Australia ($avz) over these resources. Essential reading for understanding the project's impact and challenges.



Anyone thinking Global Lithium didn’t know what Geoff Jones was up to is kidding themselves. They only sacked him to try and save their own arse because they knew they were involved in an illegal scam and are trying to avoid an investigation.

My own personal view is the Chinese are using Global Lithium as an Australian company to acquire shares in other Australian assets the way Zijin did here with their subsidiary Bellamel who previously scooped up AVZ shares on the quiet.

Remember Zijin owned Norton Goldfields took over Bellamel and Dianmin Chen (who founded Global Lithium & has just been made Executive Director) was the Managing Director of Norton Goldfields

Dave Evans

Is @dfat aware of fraudulent emails sent to AVZ Minerals shareholders by Michael Carrick and Geoff Jones. Brief overview in the link below of attempts by Chinese entities to usurp the AVZ BOD and steal critical minerals

This is curious... From the article, Nicolas claims secrecy around the ICC procedings... I'm sure his due diligence surrounding entry was carried out before travelling to Paris?!

Mr Pei's seemingly dirty tactics surrounding GL1 also suggests they're in the dark, possibly trying to garner information?!

"The Australo-Chinese lithium squabble is still caught up in the courts – no AVZ representative would speak to me for this article, and when I tried to attend a hearing between the parties at the International Chamber of Commerce’s International Court of Arbitration, in Paris, I was told that such proceedings are secret."

A win-win scenario for the DRC is for both Western/Indo-Pacific and Sino countries to have a portion of Manono... what that looks like, I have no idea and also dont agree that any chinese entities have any legitimate claim, however, both have massive planned projects i.e Lobito railway etc that could transform the country within a decade!

I DO think we're still in the game, as there are too many 'why's?' to the contrary... Why do Cominiere reply on twitter, why Carrick, why Jones, why MMGA... I'm holding strong as I think we'll get there!
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Everyone, can I please suggest you all make sure you look after your health. I started with my first round of medical tests today and after bit of a runny nose I’m glad I wasn’t poso for the vid!
Look after yourselves hey.
Got the Warnie medical up next 👍
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@lucas don velor, wrong court (you quoted the international criminal court)
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@lucas don velor, wrong court (you quoted the international criminal court)
Ahhh, so it is... same attendence rules apply for ICC Arbitration... I'll post a screenshot when able!
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Ahhh, so it is... same attendence rules apply for ICC Arbitration... I'll post a screenshot when able!

Ahhh, so it is... same attendence rules apply for ICC Arbitration... I'll post a screenshot when able!
*Correction - ARTICLE 26 - Hearings - 3. of the ICC Arbitration rules states:

The arbitral tribunal shall be in full charge of the hearings, at which all the parties shall be entitled to be present. Save with the approval of the arbitral tribunal and the parties, persons not involved in the proceedings shall not be admitted.
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This is curious... From the article, Nicolas claims secrecy around the ICC procedings... I'm sure his due diligence surrounding entry was carried out before travelling to Paris?!

Mr Pei's seemingly dirty tactics surrounding GL1 also suggests they're in the dark, possibly trying to garner information?!

"The Australo-Chinese lithium squabble is still caught up in the courts – no AVZ representative would speak to me for this article, and when I tried to attend a hearing between the parties at the International Chamber of Commerce’s International Court of Arbitration, in Paris, I was told that such proceedings are secret."

A win-win scenario for the DRC is for both Western/Indo-Pacific and Sino countries to have a portion of Manono... what that looks like, I have no idea and also dont agree that any chinese entities have any legitimate claim, however, both have massive planned projects i.e Lobito railway etc that could transform the country within a decade!

I DO think we're still in the game, as there are too many 'why's?' to the contrary... Why do Cominiere reply on twitter, why Carrick, why Jones, why MMGA... I'm holding strong as I think we'll get there!

I'm holding strong because there aren't any other viable options even if I wasn't.
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Meanwhile back at the DRC and its corrupt agencies....

I did some digging around enforcement (or lack-of) of international arbitral awards, and the potential consequences for us.

It seems that the DRC is not the only country with a history of disregarding ICC & ICSID rulings or awards. Unsurprisingly, Venezuela, Argentina and Russia are also up to their necks in ignoring arbitral rulings...and they seem to be getting away with it.
  • Venezuela has a long history of disregarding rulings from international tribunals. It appears willing to defy the rulings, likely calculating the strategic importance of the disputed matters outweighs the financial and reputational risks. Examples include: Kimberley-Clark vs Venezuela (ICSID), and OPIC Karimun vs Venezuela (ICSID).
  • Argentina also has a history of ignoring or refusing to comply with adverse arbitral awards. Argentina ignored its international legal obligations in the majority of the over 50 investor-state arbitration awards rendered against it, totaling over $1.9 billion in principal and interest. However, recently Argentina governments have made some progress in rectifying this appalling record.
  • Unsurprisingly, Russia also has form for non-compliance with adverse arbitral awards rendered against it. One review found that almost no arbitral awards were actioned voluntarily, and less than 50% of foreign awards were enforced by Russian courts. Examples include, Everest Estate v. Russia (ICSID).
As we are well aware, the DRC (and Cominiere) are entangled in a complex web of corrupt contracts with the Chinese, which will be extremely difficult to disentangle. The DRC has little incentive to change its behavior because its international reputation is already severely damaged due to widespread corruption at all levels of government, judiciary and business. In addition, China's ongoing demand for raw materials and its willingness to secure mining rights through bribery, regardless of international legal standards gives the DRC a ready market for its minerals.

From an AVZ Minerals investor point of view, all this supports our board's view of negotiating a deal ahead of time, rather than relying on the outcomes of lengthy international arbitrations, and voluntary compliance or enforcement of awards. Even if AVZ rolls the dice and ultimately wins everything, enforcement could stretch to a decade or more.

In the end, the DRC may still refuse to pay up, particularly if in the meantime Zijin expands its Manono footprint, pollutes its rivers beyond repair, further impoverishes the local community, and expatriates its ill-gotten billions back to China.

Just thinking out aloud.

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Shorts moving around - anyone selling for 1c?

Screenshot 2024-07-12 at 11.58.45 AM.png
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Ok, Friday Joke.

"A dyslexic man walks into a bra"

I didn't say it was a good joke.
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Ok, Friday Joke.

"A dyslexic man walks into a bra"

I didn't say it was a good joke.

Never apologise for your punchlines.

My joke self-identifies as funny.
Its pronouns are He/He/He
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I'm thinking of adopting a new profile pic

Any thoughts?

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Hi there, I'm trying to find out what's happening with the AVZ stock shares?

Long story short, my ex boyfriend convinced me to get a credit card to then take out all 15k of the cash and put it into these shares, even tho I kept telling him I didn't want to do it endless times, I ended up folding, and basically a few months later the stocks became suspended. I have come to the realization that I will probably never see that money ever again but wanted to find out what's going on now because I left him and have no intention to contact him ever again, when I logged onto my account now the shares have all but vanished? Below is a screen shoot of my shares from the last statement.

Are the stocks still active or have they now been removed all together? IS it worth waiting around because there have been so much talk over the past year or 2 about them opening on this date, then it never happens, and this happens again and again and I'm just tired of waiting around like 👁👄👁 I've seen there is a class action and I'm wondering if the class action that will be taking place is worth looking into, has anyone thought about this route or would I be better off waiting another 2-3 years and see if they open?

I don't even know how y'all will find my next question, but if someone would want to buy my current stocks, if they even exist, from me and we can make a contract agreement to transfer as soon as they open, I would legitimately give you all my log in details to see my account that's how badly I want out of this. I've had so much anxiety and stress with the credit card, I'd never had one before in my life, my biggest and only loan was for my car, and my mental health over the past 2 years has been significantly impacted.

I don't check this thread often, not sure if I will get some kind of notification if people respond to me or if I will loose my place to anyones response, hopefully someone can give me a sense of direction. I'm not interested in making millions of dollars here, I have a basic life that I'm happy with, 2 kids, family and friends and work a honest living. If I can get my money back I'm winning, because for me 15k is ALOT of money, if not than that's a loss I'll have to live with✌🏽

I don't know if private messaging is a thing on here, and if it is id have to then figure out how to find them, if anyone is keen to help me with any advise, Im all ears, feel free to pm me
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Never apologise for your punchlines.

My jokes self-identify as funny.
It's pronouns are He/He/He
And never talk down to your audience, of course you lot wouldn't understand that...
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Never apologise for your punchlines.

My jokes self-identify as funny.
It's pronouns are He/He/He
How does someone with pronouns kill?
they / them
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Hi there, I'm trying to find out what's happening with the AVZ stock shares?

Long story short, my ex boyfriend convinced me to get a credit card to then take out all 15k of the cash and put it into these shares, even tho I kept telling him I didn't want to do it endless times, I ended up folding, and basically a few months later the stocks became suspended. I have come to the realization that I will probably never see that money ever again but wanted to find out what's going on now because I left him and have no intention to contact him ever again, when I logged onto my account now the shares have all but vanished? Below is a screen shoot of my shares from the last statement.

Are the stocks still active or have they now been removed all together? IS it worth waiting around because there have been so much talk over the past year or 2 about them opening on this date, then it never happens, and this happens again and again and I'm just tired of waiting around like 👁👄👁 I've seen there is a class action and I'm wondering if the class action that will be taking place is worth looking into, has anyone thought about this route or would I be better off waiting another 2-3 years and see if they open?

I don't even know how y'all will find my next question, but if someone would want to buy my current stocks, if they even exist, from me and we can make a contract agreement to transfer as soon as they open, I would legitimately give you all my log in details to see my account that's how badly I want out of this. I've had so much anxiety and stress with the credit card, I'd never had one before in my life, my biggest and only loan was for my car, and my mental health over the past 2 years has been significantly impacted.

I don't check this thread often, not sure if I will get some kind of notification if people respond to me or if I will loose my place to anyones response, hopefully someone can give me a sense of direction. I'm not interested in making millions of dollars here, I have a basic life that I'm happy with, 2 kids, family and friends and work a honest living. If I can get my money back I'm winning, because for me 15k is ALOT of money, if not than that's a loss I'll have to live with✌🏽

I don't know if private messaging is a thing on here, and if it is id have to then figure out how to find them, if anyone is keen to help me with any advise, Im all ears, feel free to pm me
View attachment 66454
Your shares still exist! AVZ is negotiating with the new government, i.e. the game is not lost yet...

I would not sell at the moment!

Read the information from AVZ on the website...

Announcements — AVZ Minerals Limited
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A baby seal walks into a bar and says “I'll have anything except Canadian Club”.
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