Have a Cigar 1975
Well, we picked that like a snotty nose, and now the facts are out there, we can probably say it's a positive for AVZ from the perspective that GL1 has had to act on the participation of one of it's BoD in the dirty tactics (cough cough) of undermining our BoD through less than savoury tactics, let alone being associated with Carrick. Maybe Pei was also involved in the background?Quick question, why is everyone so certain the board changes at Global Lithium is positive for AVZ? Could equally be coincidental or a non-event or even negative for AVZ. Am I missing something?
Also anyone have the next ICSID or ICC important date??
So its negative publicity for the scum
Looks like Pei has taken the opportunity to install his man as chief of GL1, but thats not our business (unless he tries to fuck with us).
Good fucking luck to holders of GL1
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