AVZ Discussion 2022


Tommy the turd update in the afr this morning.

AVZ gets 1¢ per share takeover bid​

Tom Richardson
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The board of struggling lithium exploration company AVZ has recommended its institutional shareholders reject a 1¢ per share takeover bid from Resource Capital Investments.

AVZ’s board said the offer is an attempt to control what is potentially the world’s largest lithium deposit in the Democratic Republic of Congo, without paying fair value to shareholders.

The explorer delisted in May and delivered one of the largest sharemarket wipeouts in history, after 21,000 retail shareholders lost $2.8 billion in paper wealth tied up in the shares that last traded on the ASX in May 2022 for 78¢.
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it’s amazing how the fuckwitts the ccp hire to attempt to steal our shit are really bad at their jobs! It must be hard to get staff to be willing to corrupt their reputations and destroy themselves just to do dodgy deals.
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I rarely tap into HC, but glad i did today.........



Good post by the GUNN!

smoking gun.gif
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Then there is this cunt to offset........


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Squint, and imagine the headline...AVZ reports $US13 billion win against the DRC.

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There's a bit of a pattern forming of ex associates of AVZ sticking the knife in.

Langford, Eckhoff, Math, Huljich, Eastwood, now Jones

I find it quite odd 🤔

I guess you could add Cong, Loando, Kibeya, Pei and perhaps even Mihigo to that list too...

Man if we ever get out of this with a profit, it will be a blast to know that we made money by holding* Australia's most hated stock!

* holding it for...a decade?
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All retail shareholders are in the dark and until AVZ can pull a rabbit out of the hat i don't expect much communication. Unfortunately, AVZ in the DRC are considered lightweights with no capital, very few good connections and no real clout. As there are only 4 months or so for AVZ to have their ducks in a row before the next AGM we can only hope the BOD have Plan B ready to go to keep AVZ in the game.

We shouldn't underestimate Zijin's ability to stich up Manono and their best chance of success lies in controlling the AVZ board. If they get control of the board game over. At the last AGM most retail shareholders supported the BOD. I suspect that the support this year may not be as strong unless the AVZ board can produce some concrete support from the DRC Government. I also expect Zijin to make many more attempts to increase their influence and gain more shareholder support.

To me the best chance AVZ has to retain some or all of Manono is to get a major ally to take up some shareholding within the next 3 months. I would feel more comfortable if we got preferably a USA based company ( other major still OK ) to come onboard, with up to a 19% shareholding even at a low based contribution. This action would be a game changer and solve all the negatives about AVZ and improve our negotiating position.

To all shareholders hangin and lets hope we can get some satisfaction shortly.
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I rarely tap into HC, but glad i did today.........

View attachment 65547

View attachment 65548

Good post by the GUNN!

View attachment 65549
Hey Beish,

Imagine if the new DRC government finally smartenned up and stood tall to Zijin because of the new Minister of Justice & the stop work orders - here is a theoretical scenario i just made up while dreaming.
  • DRC Gov/Minister of Mines issues order for Comineire to sell the FROR 15% to AVZ for $150M as per the fair price of the DFS at the time (As shown in the IGF report) - Comineire can arguably pay back any money that they had taken from Zijin and don't have to pay AVZ any further ICC fines
  • DRC Gov ask for 15% free carried on the project instead of the standard 10%
  • AVZ break the CATH 24% Agreement
  • RIO sign binding agreement for 34% of Dathcom for $1B dollars ($30M per 1% due to the updated BFS/10mtpa plan & increase in resource size)
  • CATH/Zijin get shown the door from DRC Gov for their corruption/behaviour
  • AVZ don't need to raise any money to fund their 60% of the project CAPEX (Allowing for the DRC Free Carried 15%)
All court cases are dropped, China still ends up with the product (Existing offtakes - albeit not as cheap as they would have it if they stole the project) and the show can get on the road with a Major miner in RIO being a part of it.

Okay now wake me up

Found Footage Video GIF by Eternal Family
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Hey Beish,

Imagine if the new DRC government finally smartenned up and stood tall to Zijin because of the new Minister of Justice & the stop work orders - here is a theoretical scenario i just made up while dreaming.
  • DRC Gov/Minister of Mines issues order for Comineire to sell the FROR 15% to AVZ for $150M as per the fair price of the DFS at the time (As shown in the IGF report) - Comineire can arguably pay back any money that they had taken from Zijin and don't have to pay AVZ any further ICC fines
  • DRC Gov ask for 15% free carried on the project instead of the standard 10%
  • AVZ break the CATH 24% Agreement
  • RIO sign binding agreement for 34% of Dathcom for $1B dollars ($30M per 1% due to the updated BFS/10mtpa plan & increase in resource size)
  • CATH/Zijin get shown the door from DRC Gov for their corruption/behaviour
  • AVZ don't need to raise any money to fund their 60% of the project CAPEX (Allowing for the DRC Free Carried 15%)
All court cases are dropped, China still ends up with the product (Existing offtakes - albeit not as cheap as they would have it if they stole the project) and the show can get on the road with a Major miner in RIO being a part of it.

Okay now wake me up

Found Footage Video GIF by Eternal Family
Scoota ya little sneak. Where is that final 1%?! Is that your commission for brokering all the deals? 😉
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Scoota ya little sneak. Where is that final 1%?! Is that your commission for brokering all the deals? 😉
  • 51% AVZ
  • 34% RIO
  • 15% DRC Gov
I think i did that right, maybe i didnt - i threw a lot of %'s in the first post 🤣
No sneaky deals or comission for me.... Just the thought of AVZ coming out on top is enough haha!
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Not hard to track the smell with Zou Laichang's cock still on their breath. Tommy has the same smell, weird isn't?
Can I just ask 1 question?

How do you know 🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Joking Mute, joking but it was there to be asked 😂
Step Brothers Reaction GIF by reactionseditor
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Can I just ask 1 question?

How do you know 🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Joking Mute, joking but it was there to be asked 😂
Step Brothers Reaction GIF by reactionseditor
I only wish I could get close enough to these cretins to smell their breath.......
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I only wish I could get close enough to these cretins to smell their breath.......
Mate, I was only joking…. You left the door open 🤣
I did at the AGM with @BEISHA but I wasn’t sniffing…. I was snorting 😉
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Thank you Dave....seriously

You bring enormous illumination and depth of investigation to the connections and corruption that all decent AVZ shareholders face in the battle for the legal and rightful ownership of the resource at Manono

There is an enormous desire from Australian AVZ shareholders to develope the Manono lithium resource for the mutual benefit of shareholders and more importantly the Congolese people

AVZ brings honesty, values, transparency, skill sharing, decent conditions, fair wages, decent housing, education and mutual respect for all involved

Zijin and China bring mistrust, bribes, corruption, protection for the elite, environmental damage (already witnessed with recent illegal works on the lake), archaic human rights practices, revolting treatment of workers and ultimately misery to the people of the DRC for the gain of the CCP

I pray that President Felix and the newly appointed government remedy the awful wrongs of the past (and the present) and institute a strong, proud and honest regime that forever banishes the colonialist types and the absolute corrupt and delivers the country of the DRC and its people the future they are most certainly entitled to
Did you quit drinking Wino?
Because after a few reds I was thinking how DRC are a miserable pack of corrupt morons who let a bunch of low level crooks like Kebeya sabotage their entire economy so that the elite can pass around a bit of Chinese yen. How's about they reinstate AVZ's rights so we can sell the project for billions of dollars of which those fucking morons get something like 30% to embezzle to their hearts content.
It's a win win!... Fuckwits!
They're pissing around with chicken feed and they'll loose all revenue because the scumbag Chinese will take it all for themselves as they run Manono like an internment camp.
Otherwise I really look forward to suing them for the billions in losses that shareholders have had to endure and they can suffer the misery of their own creation.
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Did you quit drinking Wino?
Because after a few reds I was thinking how DRC are a miserable pack of corrupt morons who let a bunch of low level crooks like Kebeya sabotage their entire economy so that the elite can pass around a bit of Chinese yen. How's about they reinstate AVZ's rights so we can sell the project for billions of dollars of which those fucking morons get something like 30% to embezzle to their hearts content.
It's a win win!... Fuckwits!
They're pissing around with chicken feed and they'll loose all revenue because the scumbag Chinese will take it all for themselves as they run Manono like an internment camp.
Otherwise I really look forward to suing them for the billions in losses that shareholders have had to endure and they can suffer the misery of their own creation.
In answer to the initial question......no :cool::ROFLMAO:
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