AVZ Discussion 2022


Finally got a chance to add my holding in Automic. It’s showing a zero balance. Does it take a while to update or do I panic?


Finally got a chance to add my holding in Automic. It’s showing a zero balance. Does it take a while to update or do I panic?

After two weeks, mine was still not updated, so I re-did it this morning.

Maybe they're busy with the Sumo Energy data hack. To date my personal identification details have been hacked from Latitude Financial Services, Ticketek, Optus, Air India and now Sumo Energy (I'm not even a Sumo customer. They were too lazy to purge their historical information).
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After two weeks, mine was still not updated, so I re-did it this morning.

Maybe they're busy with the Sumo Energy data hack. To date my personal identification details have been hacked from Latitude Financial Services, Ticketek, Optus, Air India and now Sumo Energy (I'm not even a Sumo customer. They were too lazy to purge their historical information).
I just spoke to Automic and they said I need to add it again using the SRN sent in the welcome letter, rather than the HIN. On the road now so won’t be able to try til next week but you could give that a go!
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Dave Evans

Global Lithium has a number of Chinese links including Suzhou (now called Canmax), CATH, Yibin, Lithium Plus and Zijin.
The chart below (from a Market Index report in 2023) shows Global Lithium has the lowest grade lithium of all the projects shown as well as being the smallest in terms of resource.

TickerCompanyMkt Cap ($m)ProjectsLocationStatusMRE DateLi20Mt LCE(A$/t LCE)
CXOCore Lithium2,110FinnissAustraliaProducer18/04/231.370.663210
LLLLeo Lithium631GoulaminaMaliDevelopment17/01/231.462.93430
PLSPilbara Minerals14,510PilgangooraAustraliaProducer06/10/211.176.082385
LTRLiontown Resources6,600Kathleen ValleyAustraliaDevelopment01/04/211.384.421494
ESSEssential Minerals125DomeAustraliaExploration20/12/221.230.26478
SYASayona Mining1,960Moblan, NAL, AuthierCanadaDevelopment~1.161.891039
EUREuropean Lithium149WolfsbergAustriaExploration01/12/211.030.25601
GL1Global Lithium457Manna, Marble BarAustraliaExploration15/12/221.020.56813
A11Atlantic Lithium377EwoyaaGhanaExploration01/02/231.270.88429
PLLPiedmont Lithium367Quebec, CarolinaCanada, USDevelopment~1.110.96381


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Here is something hot off the press - The Weekend Australian (June 29-30 Page 3) has reported the Nine Publishing Arm, which includes The Australian Financial Review may lose 200 jobs.

Just in case the Chief Executive (Mike Sneesby) needs some suggestions would anyone care to make recommendations.

I used to read the Australian Financial Review religiously and insist Senior Management read it on a daily basis but have definitely found that its not the great paper it was and no longer read it.


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Dave Evans

Another interesting character, the CEO of Global Lithium (the link with Chris Ellison, Mineral Resources, is interesting):


Ron Mitchell​

Managing Director
Mr Mitchell has more than 25 years’ experience in senior commercial, strategy, sales and business development roles including more than 13 years in the lithium and battery metals industry with executive level roles at Tianqi Lithium Corporation and Talison Lithium. He is also the inaugural Chairman of the London Metal Exchange (LME) Lithium and Cobalt Committee, a role he has held for more than 4 years.

Mr Mitchell was awarded a Japanese Government Scholarship and completed a Master’s degree at the Tokyo University of Marine Science in 2004. He also lived and worked in Tokyo Japan for 7 years and held several commercial roles with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Inc., a large globally diversified OEM.

As Managing Director, Mr Mitchell oversees marketing development, investor relations, strategic partnership negotiation and business growth opportunities.

During his tenure, Ron has overseen significant developments including the 10-year offtake agreement with major shareholder Canmax (formerly Suzhou TA&A Ultra Clean Technology Co. Limited), the introduction of Mineral Resources (ASX:MIN) as a cornerstone investor, in addition to a $110m institutional placement; $10m SPP and delivery of a 69.6Mt resource base, grading at 1.0% Li2O, across both the Manna and Marble Bar Lithium Projects.

And here’s another one of their directors, Dianmin Chen founded Global Lithium and he also used to be the Managing Director of Norton Goldfields who is owned by Zijin


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On the occasion of June 30: the soul of the DRC awaits revival


Political actor and national president of the political party “Christian Democracy (DC), Eugène Diomi Ndongala asked himself this Friday, June 29, on the eve of this event, “what democracy for the Democratic Republic of Congo?”

Although the process of Independence allowed the DRC to acquire freedom from colonialism, the practice of democracy, according to Diomi, "still remains precarious in the DR Congo".

He argues, for example, that the political transition towards democracy in the DRC is characterized by episodes of deprivation of freedoms, wars of aggression and rebellions, formal and informal looting of the economy and the denial of rights. fundamental human rights on the part of those who govern.

For him, the future of democracy in DR Congo appears more and more as a problem of responsibility of citizens and their awareness.

Falling on Sunday, the celebration of the day of January 30 was postponed to Saturday June 29.

As usual, the President of the Republic will not fail to deliver a solemn speech, another opportunity to reaffirm his determination to protect territorial integrity, which has been undermined for several years by followers of the warlike and annexationist logic.

In harmony with the founding fathers of independence.

Since the first mandate and the next, he has continued to awaken the soul of the Congolese and the desire to belong to the same land bequeathed by the ancestors.

The abyss being deep, efforts are still necessary for an acceptable future for several inhabitants.

He is asked not to let go and above all to preserve this renewed confidence by improving social conditions as a priority, so as not to break this communion around living together.

The fight against impunity and corruption plaguing society deserves a good place in the action plan for desired and desired change.

Quickly separating from employees who are less concerned about the metamorphosis is essential.


Justice: cited in the street lamps and drilling files, former minister Nicolas Kazadi authorized for treatment abroad!

Unsurprisingly, the former Minister of Finance, Nicolas Kazadi, is authorized to seek treatment abroad. Authorization was granted to him by the Prosecutor General at the Court of Cassation, several sources report to Opinion-info.cd.

This authorization comes at a time when the former financier of the Republic is cited for his involvement in the misappropriation of funds allocated for the purchase of street lights and boreholes.

He was recently interviewed on the said case, then authorized to return to his home, pending the continuation of the investigation.

In this same case, two people, including the former Minister of State for Rural Development, François Rubota, were placed under provisional arrest warrant.

Soon, the trial will begin, some of which are very favorable to the media coverage.

Thanks to the advent of a young person, an opponent moreover, at the head of the judicial system of the DR Congo, several Congolese hope for the recovery of the Justice system deemed ill, in particular, by the President of the Republic.







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The CAMI site is now showing 4029 & 4030 as PR's changed from "cancellation due to lack of payment"🤔
Can anyone confirm the change? I'm away from a PC at the moment.
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The CAMI site is now showing 4029 & 4030 as PR's changed from "cancellation due to lack of payment"🤔
Can anyone confirm the change? I'm away from a PC at the moment.
You're correct. The important one being 13359 still unchanged from 100% Cominiere though


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