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“The resignation of Stéphanie Mbombo was predictable”
The resignation of the Minister Delegate to the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development in charge of the Climate Economy was predictable and there will be others.
This is what Richard Mwenyemali, member of the “Together for the Republic” party, said this Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at La Prunelle RDC.
He said this after the resignation of this minister on Tuesday June 18 in Kinshasa, just one week after her appointment to the post of Minister responsible for the Economy and Climate.
According to this opponent, the members of the Sacred Union should question themselves, because the government in place appoints people to lead the country without their approval.
He adds that the Sacred Union only works with those who bend to its will.
“I think that Madam Stéphanie Mbombo understood that there was nothing else to do but to resign.
The Ministry she manages is a good ministry, but the stories she encountered there pushed her to resign.”
For Richard Mwenyemali, the Sacred Union should review its way of working by highlighting the expectations of the people.
This political actor thinks that the country is poorly governed and that things are getting worse overnight.
Note that, a few hours after the resignation letter from the former Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development in charge of the Climate Economy, the Prime Minister's office acknowledged receipt of the said letter and took note of it.