AVZ Discussion 2022


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just bloody sell off market then….simples
No Mate. What I'm referring to is in relation to the North being stolen . Roche Dure is still in play . I should have been more specific . imo
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No Mate. What I'm referring to is in relation to the North being stolen . Roche Dure is still in play . I should have been more specific . imo


Lets see what the lay of the land is - lets wait for the ICC and ICSID Rulings are and take it from there.

You dont own are car just because you have stolen it and have the key.


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I have been following August for a while now and have noticed he is a strong supporter of sleepy Biden and anti-trump so be aware of some bias in his political views.
I think he is correct in that Trumps office will be far more aggressive if they believe Manono is a strategic asset. However on the other hand Trump is not very supportive of the electric car industry nor the lithium battery industry. So if it is true that Fatshi is using Manono as leverage then I really hope the current US regime comes to the table soon because if it doesn't then we will be waiting a long time post November for an intervening by the US, if any..

Would love to know what Rio were doing recently... I'm also interested to know if any of the core researchers had any contacts who attended Mining Week and what the general atmosphere was like..
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Master of Quan
Would love for Zijin to be feeling the pressure from all this and just make an honest offer for the whole shebang.
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Would love for Zijin to be feeling the pressure from all this and just make an honest offer for the whole shebang.
As much as I'd also like this to be true, sadly, I don't think the words "Zijin" and "honest" work in the same sentence
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Would love for Zijin to be feeling the pressure from all this and just make an honest offer for the whole shebang.
Hopefully the pressure from the various arbitrations force them to do so.
As a shareholder I couldn't give a fuck about the internal or geopolitical factors at this point as long as we get out money out of shit hole DRC.
It just means we'll be flooded with more shit box, ugly and unrefined Chinese cars as those filthy parasites get more of a monopoly on critical minerals.
I won't be buying one regardless, makes me sick seeing them on the roads at this point.
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Lets see what the lay of the land is - lets wait for the ICC and ICSID Rulings are and take it from there.

You dont own are car just because you have stolen it and have the key.


Mate we are just going to have to disagree on this . It needs to be resolved before it goes the full distance in the courts . The whole point of going through the ICSID process is to pressure/encourage Felix to resolve the situation before it goes that far .
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Mate we are just going to have to disagree on this . It needs to be resolved before it goes the full distance in the courts . The whole point of going through the ICSID process is to pressure/encourage Felix to resolve the situation before it goes that far .
Resolved with what leverage?
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I wouldn't buy a Chinese EV as yet.
I'm just considering looking for a BYD dealer in Oodnadatta could be a bit of a pain.
The Chinese are in the throws of flooding the world markets with cheap existing technology EV's.

It appears to me that people in Australia and now also in the US are not really taking up EV's and are more starting to look at PHEV's for obvious reasons. But buying a car with 2 propulsion systems, married together, makes it pretty clear that there is a problem with the current EV technology.

The other concern I have is with the current battery fires of electric scooters and E-bikes.
Is it that people use cheap and nasty chargers, or is it that the batteries are getting damaged due to insufficient quality suspension.
And how about jumping sand dunes with high powered 4x4 EV's?

I rather wait and watch developments like this.

mass production on 2027 Mmm
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ICSID has released an in-depth study of compliance and enforcement of ICSID Convention awards. The results show that the vast majority of awards are satisfied through compliance, settlement, or enforcement.

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Resolved with what leverage?
The point is does Felix care about ICSID ? If he does he will resolve it before the DRC are found guilty . DRC/Felix already know they will lose at ICSID . The leverage is in the process not the result .
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The point is does Felix care about ICSID ? If he does he will resolve it before the DRC are found guilty . DRC/Felix already know they will lose at ICSID . The leverage is in the process not the result .
All good, just read your comment as Avz needs resolve it before ICSID/ICC not the Pres.
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Biding my Time 1971
Was that Celestine representing DATHCOM/AVZ at the recent Congolese Battery Council conference? I trust he put in a good word for us :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Hopefully the pressure from the various arbitrations force them to do so.
As a shareholder I couldn't give a fuck about the internal or geopolitical factors at this point as long as we get out money out of shit hole DRC.
It just means we'll be flooded with more shit box, ugly and unrefined Chinese cars as those filthy parasites get more of a monopoly on critical minerals.
I won't be buying one regardless, makes me sick seeing them on the roads at this point.
As much as I agree, I think having Chinese EV on the Aus market keeps the price down for other brands.
There are fields of unsold EVs parked and fading in the Chinese sun.
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ICSID has released an in-depth study of compliance and enforcement of ICSID Convention awards. The results show that the vast majority of awards are satisfied through compliance, settlement, or enforcement.

I suspect that when the music stops, AVZ will need its arbitral orders enforced. Nobody in the DRC has willingly done the right thing to date, and I can't see them suddenly becoming remorseful and doing the right thing now.

I also suspect that Zijin's millions in bribe monies are long gone, having been converted into a range of Gucci handbags and cases of 1961 Charles & Diana Moet. Good luck getting your money back from your equally corrupt buddies you shit-eating rodents.

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As much as I agree, I think having Chinese EV on the Aus market keeps the price down for other brands.
There are fields of unsold EVs parked and fading in the Chinese sun.
Sweet! some other idiot can buy that shit and we can all get a superior EV from Korea, Europe, Japan or the States at a reasonable price.
I'm boycotting all things Chinese as much as possible after this.
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Along with putting max pressure where it's most effective, without doing ourselves irreparable damage - AVZ needs to be on the front foot with envoys etc pushing messages that AVZ:
* is committed to being a highest standard corporate citizen - a model employer, and is compliant with laws/regulations
* pursues fairness/justice (is forward looking and not vengeful)
* works closely with governments - is professional/cooperative
* seeks to maximize returns for DRC and investors
* is an investor in/supporter of local business and community aspirations (incubator)
* remedying the wrongs of Zijin/Cominiere would be a very popular move in DRC/Tanganyika and set a good local/international example of good governance.

We really need for this story to be picked up and run (often) by all the local media in DRC/Tanganyika etc
Comparing the legal operation of a quality business (AVZ) compared to the corruption being fostered through the DRC government/community by Zijin/Cominiere. Remedying the wrongs of Zijin/Cominiere would be the biggest step forward in addressing corruption in the DRC 😇

It would make Felix look good locally/internationally and reinforce the negatives/shame on Zijin/Cominiere.
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Anyone here a subscriber?

Conflict escalates between miners AVZ and Manono Lithium in Tanganyika
Published on 20.06.2024 at 04:40 GMT Reading time 2 minutes
In addition to the arbitration it has launched before the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Paris, Australian mining firm AVZ Minerals has to contend with an increasingly hostile situation on the ground in Manono in Tanganyika Province. The group is at loggerheads with Manono Lithium, the joint venture between state-owned Cominière and the Chinese giant Zijin Mining Group's Congolese subsidiary. The two parties are prospecting for lithium in the same area and have locked horns over the construction of a road.

AVZ claims Manono Lithium began building the road in order to gain easier access to its own concession. The Australian company opposed this encroachment and launched multiple legal proceedings last year, including the ICC arbitration in Paris, to recover its operating permit. The permit was withdrawn in January 2023 by a decree issued by Mines Minister Antoinette N'Samba Kalambayi, who referred at the time to a dispute between shareholders. The dispute began after the break-down in AVZ's partnership with Cominière, which gradually drew closer to the Chinese group, Zijin (AI, 13/12/22).

Manono Lithium may well have designs on AVZ's concession, but it is also facing a number of difficulties. Last May, the deputy governor of Tanganyika Province, Ferdinand Massamba Wa Massamba, suspended the joint venture's activities until further notice. The authorities accused it of failing to submit an environmental impact study, a prerequisite for obtaining a mining permit. But the province's decision did not stop Manono Lithium from moving up a gear. As well as building the road, it is currently constructing a hydroelectric dam on the Lukushi River.
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Conflict escalates between miners AVZ and Manono Lithium in Tanganyika
Published on 20.06.2024 at 04:40 GMT Reading time 2 minutes
In addition to the arbitration it has launched before the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Paris, Australian mining firm AVZ Minerals has to contend with an increasingly hostile situation on the ground in Manono in Tanganyika Province. The group is at loggerheads with Manono Lithium, the joint venture between state-owned Cominière and the Chinese giant Zijin Mining Group's Congolese subsidiary. The two parties are prospecting for lithium in the same area and have locked horns over the construction of a road.

AVZ claims Manono Lithium began building the road in order to gain easier access to its own concession. The Australian company opposed this encroachment and launched multiple legal proceedings last year, including the ICC arbitration in Paris, to recover its operating permit. The permit was withdrawn in January 2023 by a decree issued by Mines Minister Antoinette N'Samba Kalambayi, who referred at the time to a dispute between shareholders. The dispute began after the break-down in AVZ's partnership with Cominière, which gradually drew closer to the Chinese group, Zijin (AI, 13/12/22).

Manono Lithium may well have designs on AVZ's concession, but it is also facing a number of difficulties. Last May, the deputy governor of Tanganyika Province, Ferdinand Massamba Wa Massamba, suspended the joint venture's activities until further notice. The authorities accused it of failing to submit an environmental impact study, a prerequisite for obtaining a mining permit. But the province's decision did not stop Manono Lithium from moving up a gear. As well as building the road, it is currently constructing a hydroelectric dam on the Lukushi River.
I hope there is such a thing as karma. I'd do a lot for the opportunity to get back at the Chinese and the corrupt officials in the drc. what does make me mad is the apparent lack of support from aus, maybe there is something going on in the background but who knows, I suspect the labour government wouldnt give a shit as it is not on our soil and they're too focused on not upsetting the Chinese.
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