Top 20
Frank will update in a fulsome manner in due course, but it seems the inauguration of the full fucking monty DRC shitshow is now set for next week sometime, after various interventions from slime ball cunts who have self appointed themselves, family and mates, into the positions they want, after the final list was published. Felix seems to have had Hobsons choice on the matter
Perhaps all the angst on here should take this into account, and if there is anything significant to be signed/authorised/ratified at a weekly meeting/whatever, it would be prudent to fucking wait for the Ministers involved to get their fucking feet under the fucking table and fill their fucking fountain pens with fucking ink first
Presidency of the Senate: Greater Katanga demonstrates its legitimate ambition
It must be recognized that the time taken to establish the institutions resulting from the general elections of December 20, 2023 has served the different political groups to refine their ambitions and find ways to materialize them.
It is from this perspective that in political circles from the former Greater Katanga, we hear reflections which tend to legitimize the fact that this extremely rich mining region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has the right to claim direction of the Senate institution in view of its political weight and the role that this space plays in the formulation of the country's political and economic strategies.
From this perspective, Katanga also wants to participate as a functional space in the constitutional representation of power resulting from the last general elections.
If the Grand Kasaï area has the Presidency of the Republic, Kongo-Central the Prime Minister and Grand Kivu the National Assembly, it would be fashionable for Greater Katanga to take the Senate for sociological balance and mobilization of all on the national stage.
In the implementation of national public policies, it is essential that we take into account the balances in this mosaic Republic where exclusion is often a source of serious conflicts.
Greater Katanga has always positioned itself as the area par excellence contributing to major national ambitions and the way in which central power is articulated in Katanga often sets the tone for other public policies.
It must be recognized that separatist desires were constructed by the Belgians who said to themselves that if the pan-Africanist independence movement affected the Belgian Congo, it, Belgium, could bring its ambitions of occupation and expansion back to Katanga, judged by it to be the useful Kongo.
Since then, Katangese leaders have had to make the immense effort to prove that they are not heirs of this ideology at the same time as they carry within them the dreams of grandeur of a powerful Katanga.
From Moïse Tshombe, through Jason Sendwe, without mentioning others like Laurent-Désiré Kabila, Jean Nguza Karl-i-Bond, Kibassa Maliba, Lunda Bululu, Nyembo Shabani, Kyungu Wa kumwanza, Mwando Nsimba, Kabuya Lumuna Sando, Ilunga Ilunkamba and many others were asked to demonstrate the belonging of Greater Katanga to the Congo of Patrice-Emery Lumumba.
But Katanga remains the land of Congolese ambitions and this province is proud of it and believes that we owe it to it to at least listen to it in national decision-making bodies.
This is why, in this sequence of the establishment of institutions, it seems legitimate for him to position one of his best sons to lead the Senate, the upper house of the Parliament of the DRC, an emanation of the provinces.
Among the names that keep coming up, there is that of Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde Kyenge, the outgoing Prime Minister of the “Warriors” Government.
The man had the confidence of the Head of State with whom he had courteous relations and perfect collaboration during the past mandate.
It must be admitted that the record of the Head of State was based on a tireless worker in the person of the Prime Minister who spared no effort to build the basis of a policy based on the resolution of the fundamental problems which corrode national life.
Judith Suminwa Tuluka's predecessor managed to increase the national budget to 16 billion US dollars.
To do this, he faced major unforeseen events without getting lost, notably the COVID-19 pandemic (which appeared on November 16, 2019 in Wuhan, China, then declared a state of public health emergency of international concern on January 30). 2020), the Francophonie games in Kinshasa (from July 28 to August 6, 2023), the general elections financed with own funds and the war effort in the east of the country without losing control of public policy indicators.
This list of feats is not exhaustive.
Sama Lukonde has the stature needed to lead the upper house, that of experienced men who know how to appreciate the actions taken by those who are in charge of decision-making.
After having been in the heat of action, Sama Lukonde should then move to the side of law and control to instill the rhythm of governance thanks to his experience.
Katanga would see one of its sons continue to defend its colors, the senators will have a President steeped in experience and ready to get involved in their influence.
The Congolese people and their President will be able to rest on their laurels because they are confident in Sama Lukonde's great capacity for work.
In the meantime, Katangese circles are sharpening their strategies because it is necessary to uphold the ideals of the province towards its entry into the road which leads to national cohesion.