AVZ Discussion 2022


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Completing DD does not mean they will proceed

Completing DD is the process of gathering all the available information to make an informed decision as to whether "to proceed" or...... "not"
"If Locke determines, on the basis of its due diligence, that it will not proceed with the Transaction it must immediately terminate this Term Sheet ."

AVZ announced on April 30th that Locke had completed it's DD . Either Locke still in play or Nigel has back up .imo
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Nice one Azzler, excellent questions.
1. Good legal title, it’s an interesting statement isn’t it, the legal and political system under which we are operating in the DRC certainly don’t seem to think our legal title is good, they seem to think it is weak and therefor they are happy to ignore it. So while the “international justice system” - a non existent fantasy entity you’ve referenced here is somehow on our side. The legal system under which we are operating does not agree. Now I’m not suggesting they’re right. I agree they are corrupted. I’m suggesting simply that for legal title to be “good” it must be good in our particular jurisdiction and I’m sure you can agree that it is infact not.

2. Spurious in nature, again tough one. Again you’ve mentioned the fantasy international legal system, which to be clear does not exist. The term spurious implies that statements made are “not genuine or authentic” - Webster. Now let’s look at these non genuine statements. The statements are that zinjin have legal title over sections of the mine. Now if these statements are not genuine, again to be clear in the context of actual fact not “international legal system” then how do they now have rights to mine what was once our tenement, which we paid to JORC.

I’m not suggesting that we vote Nigel out, I suggest we turn up the heat and stop blaming everyone else for what seems to me to be the fuck up of one arrogant man who should work hard to regain the trust of those of us paying for him.

Klaus is a wanker right, but he knows how to play it over there, and he’s called Nigel out for his lack of engagement with the local government. And his absence from the DRC. So while I appreciate your question and love the idea of this fantasy legal system overseeing all international trade run by I assume Batman and Wonder Woman. I’m going to hold my ground and say Nigel is on the shitlist and needs to pick up his fucking feet and get this situation sorted. And no I don’t see giving a bunch of abulance chasing lawyers 20million in promises as an action of any value other than ass covering.
Yeah Dave also hates facts! Hates them! Like a racist sherif at a basketball game.
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Go buy a car. Then someone steals it.
Did you still legally buy the car?
Using this analogy which does not apply considering the complexity. You actually buy the car from a dodgy provider then leave it in the lot for years without going over there, then they resell it to another person and you show up after 2 years after paying yourself handsomely by showing everyone pictures
Of it. To find it was sold by the dodgy provider. You then pay yourself a bonus.
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...So while the “international justice system” - a non existent fantasy entity you’ve referenced here is somehow on our side. The legal system under which we are operating does not agree. ...

2. Spurious in nature, again tough one. Again you’ve mentioned the fantasy international legal system, which to be clear does not exist. The term spurious implies that statements made are “not genuine or authentic” - Webster. Now let’s look at these non genuine statements. The statements are that zinjin have legal title over sections of the mine. Now if these statements are not genuine, again to be clear in the context of actual fact not “international legal system” then how do they now have rights to mine what was once our tenement...

,... I suggest we turn up the heat and stop blaming everyone else ...

Klaus is a wanker right, but he knows how to play it over there, ... And no I don’t see giving a bunch of abulance chasing lawyers 20million in promises as an action of any value other than ass covering.
I think you'll find there is a very real interntional justice system, one that I did not make up as a fantasy in my head.

Not "somehow" on our side, but based in the LAW it is on our side, it's not mysterious.

The DRC are signatories to these systems of law, that is to say, within the DRC law, they have agreed to be subject to the law and rulings of these interantional systems. And by this law Nigel, and the BoD have based their actions, reports and beliefs.
So the legal system DOES agree, but so far they have not been following that system.

Again you claim there is no international legal system, that it's a fantasy I made up, are you for real?

Zijin have apparent rights granted against what the law states, this is because corrupt entities have acted unlawfully, it's all very well documented and I'm 100% sure you know about this.
The statement of it being spurious was in reference to law, which it is.
Nigel can't be blamed for the law not being followed or enforced.

If I tell everyone that your car is in fact my car, and you tell everyone that it's not true, then I steal your car... well that makes you a liar according to you, because I have the car now.

So you're aware that the plan of those seeking to steal Manono is to turn shareholders against the BoD so they can be voted out in favor of people who will gift it to the chinese, and they're playing a long psy-ops campaign to trash Nigel and team?
Knowing this you think the best course of action is to "turn up the heat" and put more blame onto Nigel?
"Stop blaming everyone else"... so in other words stop blaming the people who acted on bribes against the law to block us?

I see you have favorable opinions on Klaus.

And lastly, I see you are against persuing our legal rights, and want to drop our legal action against the detractors?
The very same goals as MMGA again?

I think everyone here can draw their own conclusions from this.
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I guess AJN will be dealing with the same corrupt MoM officials - good luck to them
Only a problem if you don't hand out paper bags.
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Using this analogy which does not apply considering the complexity. You actually buy the car from a dodgy provider then leave it in the lot for years without going over there, then they resell it to another person and you show up after 2 years after paying yourself handsomely by showing everyone pictures
Of it. To find it was sold by the dodgy provider. You then pay yourself a bonus.
This, also does not apply to the current situation..

the car is not fixed to lot.

The Mine is fixed to the land / area that it resides in.

A better example would be if you had proper legal title over a house and land. and then that same seller tried to sell this same land to another purchaser, due to bribes received. It doesn't matter if you visited the house or not .. you still own the house and land.

That said, not sure why we are talking about cars and hypotheticals .. we have the real deal here.
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Hi everyone. Does anyone know when the next court results are due please?

I've totally lost track.

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Good points mate! Very much see your position and point. I’m not in favour of removal of Nigel, he has my support 100% but I do not believe in this endless diatribe of he is just a golden boy caught out by bad actors. He should do his job better. If a 2 bit hustler like Klaus can make the DRC work for him. This golden boy should be able to. If some fuckwitt wants to use my comments as a statement on Twitter that’s their risk. I did not broadcast this opinion outside of this forum and had no intention to. I’m with you and crew on this but I won’t be pulled into a reality where we are a hapless victim. It was bad business management that got us in this shit. Let’s hope good management can get us out. I sincerely believe they will

Klaus makes the DRC work because he uses tools not at Nigel's disposal.
They come from the same toolbag Zijin uses.
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Klaus makes the DRC work because he uses tools not at Nigel's disposal.
They come from the same toolbag Zijin uses.
RHyNO is a tool!
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RHyNO is a tool!
I came to that conclusion a long time ago and put him on ignore.

Everybody is entitled to their opinion, however there isn't a rule which forces me to take any notice of his utter unhinged nonsense.


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My take on the current situation:

Locke Funding - Either the BoD are holding their cards close to their chest so that the enemy thinks they don't have funding, OR, they don't have a dollar promised in and they'll just ride it out until a hopeful agreement is made with the DRC. There's nothing stopping the BoD pursuing the court cases on a shoe string budget for another year or even without pay. My question would be along that line of thought is that someone has to be paying court fees as there's surely no cash in the kitty by now.

Lets say tomorrow everyone shakes hands and coughs up what is rightfully theirs, the next stage will require some huge funding.
The penalties imposed by the ICC/ICSID won't be received this decade, so to go mining is going to require a huge CR or debt funding or something else magically excreted by a unicorn.

The silence by Cominiere on Twitter is very interesting. Either they have been gagged or are laughing on a tropical island sipping pina coladas out of the pineapple leftovers they reamed us with!

I did speak to someone close to heart who has been involved with the AVZ project (not recently however, but did appear in the top 20 shareholder register), they believe that the project is done and AVZ won't ever mine it - the damage done and relationship breakdown between BoD & DRC is not reversible. Again, take that with a pinch of salt as to if that has any merit..

Anyways. Lets see how the remainder of the calendar year plays out!
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Dave Evans

My take on the current situation:

Locke Funding - Either the BoD are holding their cards close to their chest so that the enemy thinks they don't have funding, OR, they don't have a dollar promised in and they'll just ride it out until a hopeful agreement is made with the DRC. There's nothing stopping the BoD pursuing the court cases on a shoe string budget for another year or even without pay. My question would be along that line of thought is that someone has to be paying court fees as there's surely no cash in the kitty by now.

Lets say tomorrow everyone shakes hands and coughs up what is rightfully theirs, the next stage will require some huge funding.
The penalties imposed by the ICC/ICSID won't be received this decade, so to go mining is going to require a huge CR or debt funding or something else magically excreted by a unicorn.

The silence by Cominiere on Twitter is very interesting. Either they have been gagged or are laughing on a tropical island sipping pina coladas out of the pineapple leftovers they reamed us with!

I did speak to someone close to heart who has been involved with the AVZ project (not recently however, but did appear in the top 20 shareholder register), they believe that the project is done and AVZ won't ever mine it - the damage done and relationship breakdown between BoD & DRC is not reversible. Again, take that with a pinch of salt as to if that has any merit..

Anyways. Lets see how the remainder of the calendar year plays

The penalties imposed by the ICC/ICSID won't be received this decade”

If Zijin were to develop the north, the ICSID can enforce the awarding of the penalties to AVZ as soon as Zijin began producing and paying royalties to the DRC. In which case the DRC would not receive the royalty payments from Zijin because they would go to AVZ.

Zijin say they could build a plant inside two years, so we wouldn’t be waiting a decade to receive penalties.
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Cumquat Cap

Buyout coming unless DRC want the worlds largest lithium mine to remain in the ground whilst they are the 4th poorest country on earth. I don’t think we mine either and sadly don’t want to, place is a fucking shitshow.

A world power can buy us out or we can sit on it and Pursue ICSID/icc charges with a vengeance.
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The penalties imposed by the ICC/ICSID won't be received this decade”

If Zijin were to develop the north, the ICSID can enforce the awarding of the penalties to AVZ as soon as Zijin began producing and paying royalties to the DRC. In which case the DRC would not receive the royalty payments from Zijin because they would go to AVZ.

Zijin say they could build a plant inside two years, so we wouldn’t be waiting a decade to receive penalties.
I don't think royalties will be paid OR in the event they magically are, that will be able to be channeled out and diverted to AVZ. I'm sure the corrupt players up in the higher echelons of the governments will work out a definitive way. Hey, they've bypassed the very mining code whic awards licenses, so surely the payments of royalties will suffer the same demise.
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Dave Evans

I don't think royalties will be paid OR in the event they magically are, that will be able to be channeled out and diverted to AVZ. I'm sure the corrupt players up in the higher echelons of the governments will work out a definitive way. Hey, they've bypassed the very mining code whic awards licenses, so surely the payments of royalties will suffer the same demise.

“Think, magically, channeled out and diverted”

Glad DLA Piper, ICC and ICSID are handling our case and not you. I used to have to teach legislation in different areas and I never once came across those magical words in any of the Act’s.
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