AVZ Discussion 2022


Hmm Goat limits who can see his posts, what a wonderfully fantastic story you told before.

Sound like a fucking troll to me back to hotcrapper you panlicker
Fuck you wanker! go back and see my previous posts in this forum.
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“Think, magically, channeled out and diverted”

Glad DLA Piper, ICC and ICSID are handling our case and not you. I used to have to teach legislation in different areas and I never once came across those magical words in any of the Act’s.
Dave, I'm going on past events that have occurred thus far. We haven't received any penalty payments to date when we should have. DRC are ignoring everything legally imposed by ICC/ICSID!
I hope we do get payments that we are entitled to!
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Hmm Goat limits who can see his posts, what a wonderfully fantastic story you told before.

Sound like a fucking troll to me back to hotcrapper you panlicker
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Fuck you wanker! go back and see my previous posts in this forum.
You know what they say... "You f@%k one goat"... anyway, a gentlemanly way of settling this dispute could be via a coin toss!?

@Dave Evans - Heads he wins... @Goat - Tails you lose...
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My take on the current situation:

Locke Funding - Either the BoD are holding their cards close to their chest so that the enemy thinks they don't have funding, OR, they don't have a dollar promised in and they'll just ride it out until a hopeful agreement is made with the DRC. There's nothing stopping the BoD pursuing the court cases on a shoe string budget for another year or even without pay. My question would be along that line of thought is that someone has to be paying court fees as there's surely no cash in the kitty by now.

Lets say tomorrow everyone shakes hands and coughs up what is rightfully theirs, the next stage will require some huge funding.
The penalties imposed by the ICC/ICSID won't be received this decade, so to go mining is going to require a huge CR or debt funding or something else magically excreted by a unicorn.

The silence by Cominiere on Twitter is very interesting. Either they have been gagged or are laughing on a tropical island sipping pina coladas out of the pineapple leftovers they reamed us with!

I did speak to someone close to heart who has been involved with the AVZ project (not recently however, but did appear in the top 20 shareholder register), they believe that the project is done and AVZ won't ever mine it - the damage done and relationship breakdown between BoD & DRC is not reversible. Again, take that with a pinch of salt as to if that has any merit..

Anyways. Lets see how the remainder of the calendar year plays out!
Don’t you know this is the forum for positive posting only where Nigel and the bod are golden gods who do no wrong and the DRC ministers read X and change their behaviour based on AI generated memes. Don’t worry you’ll get it mate. Sheriff Dave is in town and you are wearing the wrong coloured boots!
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You know what they say... "You f@%k one goat"... anyway, a gentlemanly way of settling this dispute could be via a coin toss!?

@Dave Evans - Heads he wins... @Goat - Tails you lose...
No one is winning, just give it a rest, no amount of calling out the situation for what it is, or never ending tyre pumping about our chances are gunna achieve shit,,,, it s fucking retarded, the chances of seeing our original investment back, sadly feels like like zero,,, fuck me happy to be wrong. But that’s it
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No one is winning, just give it a rest, no amount of calling out the situation for what it is, or never ending tyre pumping about our chances are gunna achieve shit,,,, it s fucking retarded, the chances of seeing our original investment back, sadly feels like like zero,,, fuck me happy to be wrong. But that’s it
Not a pumper, never have been. Just think in this world of social media with 100% exposure of the corruption on such a globally significant resource in such an anti China environment!! If china get away with it then as Fatty would say - "that'll do me".
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I think all the flogs on HC are feeling deflated now that most people left and now it's just trolls and downrampers talking to each other with no shareholders to scare anymore.

So they come here of course to get their thrills.

Nearly every time they throw out the old line that it's an echo chamber here, that negative viewpoints are not allowed and it's cheer squad only.
But people here recognise a good constructive negative analasys and appreciate people who bring previous unknown ideas or research to the collective, whether it's positive or negative for AVZ.
And we know when it's just shitposting in disguise, which again is always followed by the same "oh cheer squad only here is it?" rubbish.

This forum is community moderated, so it means you don't have the right to be a fuckwit here (well you can as long as you're lovable in some way).

Sharks and fuckwits are definately circling, waiting to jump on our insecurities. Aren't they just revolting?
Stay strong guys :)
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Not a pumper, never have been. Just think in this world of social media with 100% exposure of the corruption on such a globally significant resource in such an anti China environment!! If china get away with it then as Fatty would say - "that'll do me".
At this point what does it matter? We are trapped and nothing said hear there or anywhere is changing that ffs
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Not a pumper, never have been. Just think in this world of social media with 100% exposure of the corruption on such a globally significant resource in such an anti China environment!! If china get away with it then as Fatty would say - "that'll do me".
Go where ??? :LOL:
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At this point what does it matter? We are trapped and nothing said hear there or anywhere is changing that ffs
Well that's true to a point Hemi,

because as we have seen a few times now, the fuckwits (👋) watch this forum like hawks looking to cherry pick and attack at any opportunity. I'm not interested in playing into their hands, to the ultimate detriment of us SHs. We have an investment here no point talking it down, it certainly wont help sell it nor negotiate the best outcome. But it can help the detractors in showing them a sentiment they can try and leverage.

It's a pretty much nailed on certainty to say everyone is over this, frustrated, and pissed off at the corruption that's blocked every single poster here as well as the grand total of 20,000 AVZ SHs, that's crazy. The shit thats happened in the last two years is ridiculous and worthy of a Netflix film. The opportunity cost lost alone is huge.

It still matters mate, end of the day if they are complete cunts then ICSID comes in and gives them the pineapple treatment we have endured, an by fuck it'll hurt them. I know it'll take forever, I know it'll be a real pain in the arse to get the $$ off them, but it WILL happen. The ball is in their court, negotiate in good faith or go bankrupt via ICSID.

Alternatively, if they got this mine up, these corrupt tits could then syphon off all that juicy tax money and also their share of profits in their holding percentage. But instead, a few simpletons hold this up for two years and in effect for literal peanuts in comparison to the possible $$ flow.

Slow clap boys, slow clap.
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Biding my Time 1971
Frank will update in a fulsome manner in due course, but it seems the inauguration of the full fucking monty DRC shitshow is now set for next week sometime, after various interventions from slime ball cunts who have self appointed themselves, family and mates, into the positions they want, after the final list was published. Felix seems to have had Hobsons choice on the matter

Perhaps all the angst on here should take this into account, and if there is anything significant to be signed/authorised/ratified at a weekly meeting/whatever, it would be prudent to fucking wait for the Ministers involved to get their fucking feet under the fucking table and fill their fucking fountain pens with fucking ink first
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Don’t you know this is the forum for positive posting only where Nigel and the bod are golden gods who do no wrong and the DRC ministers read X and change their behaviour based on AI generated memes. Don’t worry you’ll get it mate. Sheriff Dave is in town and you are wearing the wrong coloured boots!
William of Ockham would be jealous of your reductionist attitude!
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Frank will update in a fulsome manner in due course, but it seems the inauguration of the full fucking monty DRC shitshow is now set for next week sometime, after various interventions from slime ball cunts who have self appointed themselves, family and mates, into the positions they want, after the final list was published. Felix seems to have had Hobsons choice on the matter

Perhaps all the angst on here should take this into account, and if there is anything significant to be signed/authorised/ratified at a weekly meeting/whatever, it would be prudent to fucking wait for the Ministers involved to get their fucking feet under the fucking table and fill their fucking fountain pens with fucking ink first

Presidency of the Senate: Greater Katanga demonstrates its legitimate ambition


It must be recognized that the time taken to establish the institutions resulting from the general elections of December 20, 2023 has served the different political groups to refine their ambitions and find ways to materialize them.

It is from this perspective that in political circles from the former Greater Katanga, we hear reflections which tend to legitimize the fact that this extremely rich mining region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has the right to claim direction of the Senate institution in view of its political weight and the role that this space plays in the formulation of the country's political and economic strategies.

From this perspective, Katanga also wants to participate as a functional space in the constitutional representation of power resulting from the last general elections.

If the Grand Kasaï area has the Presidency of the Republic, Kongo-Central the Prime Minister and Grand Kivu the National Assembly, it would be fashionable for Greater Katanga to take the Senate for sociological balance and mobilization of all on the national stage.

In the implementation of national public policies, it is essential that we take into account the balances in this mosaic Republic where exclusion is often a source of serious conflicts.

Greater Katanga has always positioned itself as the area par excellence contributing to major national ambitions and the way in which central power is articulated in Katanga often sets the tone for other public policies.

It must be recognized that separatist desires were constructed by the Belgians who said to themselves that if the pan-Africanist independence movement affected the Belgian Congo, it, Belgium, could bring its ambitions of occupation and expansion back to Katanga, judged by it to be the useful Kongo.

Since then, Katangese leaders have had to make the immense effort to prove that they are not heirs of this ideology at the same time as they carry within them the dreams of grandeur of a powerful Katanga.

From Moïse Tshombe, through Jason Sendwe, without mentioning others like Laurent-Désiré Kabila, Jean Nguza Karl-i-Bond, Kibassa Maliba, Lunda Bululu, Nyembo Shabani, Kyungu Wa kumwanza, Mwando Nsimba, Kabuya Lumuna Sando, Ilunga Ilunkamba and many others were asked to demonstrate the belonging of Greater Katanga to the Congo of Patrice-Emery Lumumba.

But Katanga remains the land of Congolese ambitions and this province is proud of it and believes that we owe it to it to at least listen to it in national decision-making bodies.

This is why, in this sequence of the establishment of institutions, it seems legitimate for him to position one of his best sons to lead the Senate, the upper house of the Parliament of the DRC, an emanation of the provinces.

Among the names that keep coming up, there is that of Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde Kyenge, the outgoing Prime Minister of the “Warriors” Government. :rolleyes:

The man had the confidence of the Head of State with whom he had courteous relations and perfect collaboration during the past mandate.

It must be admitted that the record of the Head of State was based on a tireless worker in the person of the Prime Minister who spared no effort to build the basis of a policy based on the resolution of the fundamental problems which corrode national life. :sick:

Judith Suminwa Tuluka's predecessor managed to increase the national budget to 16 billion US dollars.

To do this, he faced major unforeseen events without getting lost, notably the COVID-19 pandemic (which appeared on November 16, 2019 in Wuhan, China, then declared a state of public health emergency of international concern on January 30). 2020), the Francophonie games in Kinshasa (from July 28 to August 6, 2023), the general elections financed with own funds and the war effort in the east of the country without losing control of public policy indicators.

This list of feats is not exhaustive.

Sama Lukonde has the stature needed to lead the upper house, that of experienced men who know how to appreciate the actions taken by those who are in charge of decision-making.

After having been in the heat of action, Sama Lukonde should then move to the side of law and control to instill the rhythm of governance thanks to his experience.

Katanga would see one of its sons continue to defend its colors, the senators will have a President steeped in experience and ready to get involved in their influence. :rolleyes:

The Congolese people and their President will be able to rest on their laurels because they are confident in Sama Lukonde's great capacity for work.

In the meantime, Katangese circles are sharpening their strategies because it is necessary to uphold the ideals of the province towards its entry into the road which leads to national cohesion.


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Frank will update in a fulsome manner in due course, but it seems the inauguration of the full fucking monty DRC shitshow is now set for next week sometime, after various interventions from slime ball cunts who have self appointed themselves, family and mates, into the positions they want, after the final list was published. Felix seems to have had Hobsons choice on the matter

Perhaps all the angst on here should take this into account, and if there is anything significant to be signed/authorised/ratified at a weekly meeting/whatever, it would be prudent to fucking wait for the Ministers involved to get their fucking feet under the fucking table and fill their fucking fountain pens with fucking ink first
Ministry of Justice and Keeper of the Seals: the Constant Mutamba “case”


We will remember from the Suminwa government's publication the appointment of the "opponent" Constant Mutamba to the Ministry of Justice and Keeper of the Seals.

A fireworks display of praise for him still clutters social networks today, accompanied by an anthology of infinite gratitude to the magnanimity of the Head of State who had the incredible wisdom to appoint a former close friend of the one that he himself always refrained from mentioning the name. 🐦 🧨 👨‍❤️‍👨

The superlatives intersect and magnify the young leader of DYPRO, a movement straight from the thigh of the Common Front for Congo (FCC) on the eve of the 2023 elections.

Then one of those close to Joseph Kabila whose martial outfits he pretended to copy as well as the exuberant mop of hair apart from the salt and pepper beard (he does not yet have white hair), Constant Mutamba stood out from the crowd. approach which consisted, for the former presidential camp, of boycotting the electoral process.

Ambitious and presenting himself as an alternative to the nihilistic policy of the FCC, the man knew how to juggle several tables and succeeded in snatching the only seat allocated to the opposition at the electoral center, placing the 1st vice-president there in the person of Didi Manara, former president of the PPRD parliamentary group in the National Assembly.

A masterstroke one would be tempted to say.

But his rants against the government on all the media here and elsewhere never made him suffer the agonies of the animosity of the Tshisekedist radicals, the climax of which is generally a humiliating stay in the Makala central prison.

No doubt because of his positions against Rwandan President Paul Kagame as well as the mono-ethnic Tutsi power in Kigali, and not hesitating to vituperate against the ambassadors of the European Union stationed in Kinshasa, accused of collusion with the sworn enemy .

Without forgetting his complaint lodged with the ICC against “the butcher” of Kigali.

A narrative which did not fail to delight beyond all hope at the top of the Congolese state.

Narcissistic as can be, he liked to let himself be filmed at 5 a.m. sitting at his desk drafting yet another bill to submit for approval to the National Assembly, which he joined after the last legislative elections.

So here he is, at 36 years old, bombarded as minister of a sick Justice as the other says.

It remains to be seen whether, flanked by the intractable Bestine Kazadi, his vice-minister, he will truly have free rein.

Whatever happens, Constant Mutamba will remain “a case” apart.

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Frank will update in a fulsome manner in due course, but it seems the inauguration of the full fucking monty DRC shitshow is now set for next week sometime, after various interventions from slime ball cunts who have self appointed themselves, family and mates, into the positions they want, after the final list was published. Felix seems to have had Hobsons choice on the matter

Perhaps all the angst on here should take this into account, and if there is anything significant to be signed/authorised/ratified at a weekly meeting/whatever, it would be prudent to fucking wait for the Ministers involved to get their fucking feet under the fucking table and fill their fucking fountain pens with fucking ink first

Perhaps all the angst on here should take this into account, and if there is anything significant to be signed/authorised/ratified at a weekly meeting/whatever, it would be prudent to fucking wait for the Ministers involved to get their fucking feet under the fucking table and fill their fucking fountain pens with fucking ink first

A few days before the inauguration of the Government by the National Assembly, the Congolese expect a realistic speech from Judith Suminwa

After the publication of the Government of Prime Minister Judith Suminwa Tuluka, reactions came and continue to come from all sides.

Organizations and personalities from all sides have commented, each in their own way, on this long-awaited event since the proclamation of the results of the general elections of December 2023.

Some commentators preferred to make a projection on the future, going so far as to wish to see the National Assembly proceed as quickly as possible with the inauguration of the new head of the national executive and her team to allow them to put to work in order to brave the multiple security, economic, health challenges... that the Congolese people face.

However, they want the Prime Minister to deliver, on the occasion of her inauguration, a realistic speech, based on achievable programs, taking into account the means available and the duration of the current legislature.

Improvement in the living conditions of the Congolese

As far as it is concerned, the National Assembly has already expressed its availability to welcome the Government for this purpose on June 15, the day of the closing ceremony of the ordinary parliamentary session in March.

This clarification was given by its president Vital Kamerhe.

The latter wished an excellent mandate to those appointed, inviting them to work to improve the living conditions of the Congolese.

The leader of the Union for the Congolese Nation (UNC) addressed his fellow national deputies during a plenary session which he chaired on Wednesday May 29.

“We all followed the Sumwina Government’s publication on TV. On behalf of the Plenary Assembly and my own, I offer my sincere congratulations to the happy conscripts. We warmly await them in this room for their inauguration,” he suggested.

3 other urgent points

Vital Kamerhe announced the 3 other points which must be resolved before the close of this ordinary session, namely the establishment of parliamentary groups, permanent commissions and the committee of wise men; the examination and adoption of the budget of the National Assembly, financial year 2025; the examination of the indictment of the Attorney General to the Court of Cassation for the purposes of investigation.

At the end of this plenary session, the Office of the National Assembly granted 3 days to deputies to form permanent committees.

As a reminder, the Government of Prime Minister Judith Suminwa was made public on the morning of Wednesday, May 29.

The team has 55 members, including six deputy prime ministers, nine ministers of state and four delegate ministers.

Jean-Pierre Lihau, Eve Bazaiba, Augustin Kibasa, Alexis Gisaro and Patrick Muyaya keep their respective portfolios.

While Jean-Pierre Bemba moves from National Defense to Transport and communications; Jean Lucien Bussa leaves Foreign Trade to Julien Paluku and goes to Portfolio.

Among the new entrants are Jacquemin Shabani, Deputy Prime Minister of the Interior; Guy Kabongo Mwadiamvita, National Defense; Daniel Samba Mokoko, National Economy; Guylain Nyembo, Development aid planning and coordination.

17 women are part of the team.


Suminwa I: a forgotten ministry will be assigned to the province of Maniema to complete the team

The Suminwa government could experience a change.

According to consistent sources, a forgotten ministerial post allocated to the province of Maniema will be added.

This follows the absence of nationals from this part of the country in the national executive.

According to the same sources, this would be the ministry in charge of Relations with Parliament.

The nationals of the province of Maniema, in particular the national deputies, had relied on the wisdom of the President of the Republic, Félix Tshisekedi, after noting their absence in government.

Made public on May 29, the new executive composed of 54 members will be invested between June 10 and 11, reassured the president of the lower house of Parliament, Vital Kamerhe.

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Frank will update in a fulsome manner in due course, but it seems the inauguration of the full fucking monty DRC shitshow is now set for next week sometime, after various interventions from slime ball cunts who have self appointed themselves, family and mates, into the positions they want, after the final list was published. Felix seems to have had Hobsons choice on the matter

Perhaps all the angst on here should take this into account, and if there is anything significant to be signed/authorised/ratified at a weekly meeting/whatever, it would be prudent to fucking wait for the Ministers involved to get their fucking feet under the fucking table and fill their fucking fountain pens with fucking ink first

Establishment of the government: the strong message from Tshisekedi facing the leaders of the Sacred Union!


He no longer pampers them as he did during the first term.

Félix Tshisekedi used his signature to erase the “wrens” who thought they were competing for power with him.

In the Suminwa government, the president prioritized his own pawns, the rest hardly interested him anymore.

Fatshi already knew he was the winner in this battle against crooked Congolese politicians ready to bend ten thousand bows to obtain a position.

Despite the storm, nothing will change in the sense of reviewing his order, warns a member of the leader's inner circle.

His decision remains and will remain upheld.

Tshisekedi before the 2023 elections is not the Tshisekedi who won the presidential election.

The man has clearly metamorphosed. :unsure:

He dictates the course of action for his political family.

Fatshi refuses to give in to blackmail and establishes himself as the only leader of his camp to make the final decisions without consulting his so-called political partners. (y)

In the last days of consultations, the head of state showed his claws.

He allocated most of the portfolios to his party.

The other forces and their leaders are content with only small fry.

Overwhelmingly, the UDPS-Tshisekedi and its mosaics won 21 departments against 6 for the platform of Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde, the now ex-Prime Minister, and 3 for the UNC-A of Vital Kamerhe, the new president of the National Assembly and 2 for the AFDC-A of Modeste Bahati.

The presidential party made its 185 elected officials prevail over the 450 deputies who are members of the majority to grab the big loot.

The ACP-A of the former Kin government, Gentiny Ngobila, did not obtain any portfolio. However, it has a dozen national deputies.

A sign that mathematical calculation no longer influences the political options of the leader. Quite a symbol.

Tshisekedi's strong message

Now with his stick in hand, the President of the Republic whistles a sort of end of recess.

Those who thought they were untouchable are hit.

Even the virulent Jean-Pierre Bemba was transferred from Defense to Transport without flinching.

Bahati, unhappy with the sharing of responsibilities, was conspicuous by his absence at the last meeting of the presidium.

Two second-hand portfolios were assigned to him, namely Vocational Training as well as Labor and Employment emptied of its true substance, namely social welfare which includes the CNSS and the INPP, two big penny boxes now attached to the Ministry of health.

Kamerhe only received a “full” minister (Hydrocarbons), the other (Urban Planning) is only a simple delegate.

On the other hand, Tshisekedi considers himself relieved for having given pride of place to technocrats.

11 personalities with no clear political affiliation found key roles within the Suminwa government.

They are the VPM of the Economy Mukoko Samba, the Minister of Finance Doudou Fwamba Likunde Likombio, the Minister of Industry Louis Kabamba Watum, the Minister of Mines Kizito Pakabomba Kapinga, the Minister of Health Samuel Roger Kamba Mulamba, of the Minister of Gender Léonie Kandolo, the Minister of Tourism Didier Mpambia Musanga, of Agriculture Grégoire Mutshail Mutomb, of Foreign Affairs Thérèse Kayiwamba Wagner, of Hydraulic Resources and Electricity Teddy Luamba Muba and finally of the ESU Safi Somba Ayane.

The president is gradually distancing himself from political actors who have tarnished the image of the regime because of the widespread misappropriation of public funds.

Stuck, the banished praise the head of state

Tshisekedi removed many leaders of political groups from the executive.

Christophe Lutundula, Adèle Kahinda, Pius Muabilu…, the list is long. (y)

He didn't explain his choices to anyone.

Most of the leavers discovered their ostracism like everyone else on TV.

Faced with this harsh reality, the moral authorities could only bow.

They swallowed their pride and dealt with their disappointment.

The group leaders simply capitulated to the big Tshisekedi machine.

Because if he failed to flatten himself, anyone who dared to raise his head would have been crushed.

The elected officials lectured

USN elected officials threaten not to invest in the Suminwa government if corrections are not made to the copy deemed unbalanced and unrepresentative of the Suminwa executive.

A damp squib. However, they know full well that the head of state will never reverse his decision.

Tshisekedi is not used to discarding. He remains firm and does not move one iota from his starting positions.

Even if Kabuya, as a good politician, shows a glimmer of hope for the appointments of the frustrated in public companies, Tshisekedi moves forward and takes responsibility.

He alone will be accountable to the population at the end of his term.

The options already exercised, the protesters just have to line up.

Moreover, he had warned the elected officials during their last exchange that he would dissolve the Lower House if the blackmail returns as in the past legislature.

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