AVZ Discussion 2022


AJN is coming up now as a distraction. Don’t get dragged into a shit and useless argument that detracts from AVZ and the main issue of Zijin and complicit corruption from DRC individuals in power who have blocked Manono for more than 2 years!!!!!
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12-14 June... the shit show is nearly upon us again.... farken unbelievable.
Well I can understand why a lubricant company wants to be a major sponsor… target market for advertising! 🍍
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AJN is coming up now as a distraction. Don’t get dragged into a shit and useless argument that detracts from AVZ and the main issue of Zijin and complicit corruption from DRC individuals in power who have blocked Manono for more than 2 years!!!!!
Fair point but I think it’s also important to keep management on that particular shitlist. It’s very rich of Nigel to be a shareholder and previous board member of a company that is in direct fucking competition with us. Additionally and I’ll say it again for those who just arrived.
“Good legal title”
“Spurious in Nature”
Are 2 blatant lies told to shareholders.
Or 2 examples of how the entire executive branch are incompetent.
One or the other. They either lied to cover up how fucked (and by fucked I mean embroiled in legal proceedings and now delisted) we were. Or they were so stupid they didn’t see how fucked we were. Us not getting fucked is their job. Fucking us. Is the Job of the ccp and DRC.. someone has not done their job!
Just think it’s important to keep the heat on and the blame appropriate. Crying victim after 2+ years of complete failure is a bit rich, not to mention the 1/2 mill pay packets with “performance bonuses” paid out of OUR MONEY. Where is Locke?
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Decline of a state: the DRC fourth poorest country in the world, in the IMF-Global Finance ranking

Global Finance, an American magazine known for its rankings of the best financial institutions in the world, recently published the ranking of countries on the planet according to their wealth.

These awards and rankings have become a standard of excellence throughout the world, and are recognized for their reliability.

In the latest ranking drawn up with macroeconomic data from the IMF, the DRC has the sad privilege of appearing in the top 5 of the poorest countries in the world.

To develop its ranking, Global Finance based itself on GDP per capita as shown in a recent IMF report.

Although GDP per capita is often considered the standard metric for measuring the wealth of nations, it has been compensated for by differences in the cost of living and inflation rates, using, not the constant dollar, but the dollar in purchasing power parity (PPP).

Which, according to the magazine, makes it possible to better assess the purchasing power of an individual in a given country.

“It is difficult to identify a single cause of long-term poverty.

Corrupt governments can turn a very rich nation into a poor nation,” writes Global Finance in its report. :(

Who adds: “The same goes for a history of exploitative colonization, weakness of the rule of law, war and social unrest, difficult climatic conditions or hostile and aggressive neighbors.

The weaknesses are getting worse: a country in debt will not be able to afford good schools, and a poorly educated workforce will limit capacity.”

Deteriorating outlook

According to the report, the figures are striking: in the 10 richest countries in the world, the average annual purchasing power per capita is more than $110,000, in the 10 poorest countries, it is less than $1,500.

The worst part is that poverty is often likely to lead to more poverty.

In the latest edition of the World Economic Outlook, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) explains how poor countries could fall deeper into difficulties: "Decline in growth implies a deterioration in prospects or living standards and a reduction of global poverty.

A persistent low growth environment, combined with high interest rates, would threaten debt sustainability and could fuel social tensions and hamper the green transition. Furthermore, expectations of lower growth may discourage investments in capital and technology and thus, in part, become self-fulfilling.

Out of 190 countries studied, the top 10 richest countries in the world are dominated this year by a regular: the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which shows 134,743 dollars per inhabitant.

It is followed by Macau (134,141 USD per capita), an autonomous region on the south coast of mainland China, in the Pearl River Delta, opposite Hong Kong, which lived under Portuguese supervision until 1999. then: Ireland (133,895 USD), Singapore (133,737), Qatar (112,283 USD), United Arab Emirates (96,846 USD), Switzerland (91,932 USD), the United States (85,373 USD), and Norway (82,832 USD).

In this ranking, Africa is generally at the bottom of the table, even if some countries manage to do well. On the continent, the richest of all is, for several consecutive years, the Republic of Seychelles, 54th place in the world. , with 43,151 USD per capita.

A real feat, because this Indian Ocean country is ahead of countries like Greece, Latvia and Russia.

Then come Mauritius, 65th place in the world (32,094 USD), Libya, 73rd in the world (26,456 USD), Botswana, 88th place in the world (20,097 USD), Gabon, 92nd place in the world (19,452 USD), Equatorial Guinea, 96th in the world (18,378 USD) , Egypt, 98th place in the world (17,614 USD), South Africa, 106th place in the world (16,424 USD), Tunisia, 113th place in the world (13,645 USD), and the incredible Eswatini, ex-Swaziland, often caricatured because of the escapades of its king known for his multi-polygamy, 115th place in the world (12,637 USD).

Ubuesque and predatory governance

On the other hand, Africa is the champion when it comes to appearing in the top ten poorest countries on the planet, with 9 countries out of 10.

Indeed, the ten nations which have the sad privilege of The poorest in the world are: Yemen (1,996 USD per capita), Madagascar (1,979 USD), Liberia (1,882 USD), Malawi (1,712 USD), Niger (1,675 USD), Mozambique (1,649 USD), DRC (1,552 USD), CAR (1,123 USD), Burundi (916 USD), and South Sudan (455 USD).

Despite its multitude of mineral wealth, its extent and the immensity of its arable land, and because of a governance that is both ludicrous and predatory in nearly 64 years of independence, the DRC therefore arrogantly occupies the place of fourth poorest country in the world, surpassed even by non-states like Somalia and Yemen.

It would undoubtedly be recommended that Congolese leaders ask themselves the right questions about the causes of the decline of a country so well endowed with natural resources, in order to develop public policies likely to launch the development of Congo-Kinshasa.



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Fair point but I think it’s also important to keep management on that particular shitlist. It’s very rich of Nigel to be a shareholder and previous board member of a company that is in direct fucking competition with us. Additionally and I’ll say it again for those who just arrived.
“Good legal title”
“Spurious in Nature”
Are 2 blatant lies told to shareholders.
Or 2 examples of how the entire executive branch are incompetent.
One or the other. They either lied to cover up how fucked (and by fucked I mean embroiled in legal proceedings and now delisted) we were. Or they were so stupid they didn’t see how fucked we were. Us not getting fucked is their job. Fucking us. Is the Job of the ccp and DRC.. someone has not done their job!
Just think it’s important to keep the heat on and the blame appropriate. Crying victim after 2+ years of complete failure is a bit rich, not to mention the 1/2 mill pay packets with “performance bonuses” paid out of OUR MONEY. Where is Locke?
So what ya recon we should do Rhyno? Get new management in? kick these freeloaders out?
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Master of Quan
Fair point but I think it’s also important to keep management on that particular shitlist. It’s very rich of Nigel to be a shareholder and previous board member of a company that is in direct fucking competition with us. Additionally and I’ll say it again for those who just arrived.
“Good legal title”
“Spurious in Nature”
Are 2 blatant lies told to shareholders.
Or 2 examples of how the entire executive branch are incompetent.
One or the other. They either lied to cover up how fucked (and by fucked I mean embroiled in legal proceedings and now delisted) we were. Or they were so stupid they didn’t see how fucked we were. Us not getting fucked is their job. Fucking us. Is the Job of the ccp and DRC.. someone has not done their job!
Just think it’s important to keep the heat on and the blame appropriate. Crying victim after 2+ years of complete failure is a bit rich, not to mention the 1/2 mill pay packets with “performance bonuses” paid out of OUR MONEY. Where is Locke?
Go buy a car. Then someone steals it.
Did you still legally buy the car?
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Fair point but I think it’s also important to keep management on that particular shitlist. It’s very rich of Nigel to be a shareholder and previous board member of a company that is in direct fucking competition with us. Additionally and I’ll say it again for those who just arrived.
“Good legal title”
“Spurious in Nature”
Are 2 blatant lies told to shareholders.
Or 2 examples of how the entire executive branch are incompetent.
One or the other. They either lied to cover up how fucked (and by fucked I mean embroiled in legal proceedings and now delisted) we were. Or they were so stupid they didn’t see how fucked we were. Us not getting fucked is their job. Fucking us. Is the Job of the ccp and DRC.. someone has not done their job!
Just think it’s important to keep the heat on and the blame appropriate. Crying victim after 2+ years of complete failure is a bit rich, not to mention the 1/2 mill pay packets with “performance bonuses” paid out of OUR MONEY. Where is Locke?

The international justice system seems to agree that AVZ have good legal title to what they claim they own.
As do AVZ's lawyers.
As laymens, we can look at the merits of the claims, such as the sale by Dathomir, of which all conditions were met and therefore complete.
That means legal ownership of 75% despite what others claim.

So @RHyNO you claim this is 1 of 2 "blatant lies told to shareholders"
You seem to have some knowledge about this that no one else does to call it a lie, can you elaborate what this information is please?

And the second "blatant lie" ties in with the first, but applies to the sale from Cominiere to Zijin.
Again, the international legal system so far seems to agree that the sale was illegal and had no merit, therefore is "spurious in nature", which also applies to Dathomirs claims to have cancelled the sale, when all legal conditions had already been met.

So can you explain how this was also a lie?

Otherwise would you care to retract your slanderous accusations toward the BoD?
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Does anybody have an idea what's going on with Locke funding? I am still positive we haven't heard anything as management has something on the burner meaning we won't need the funding.
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Does anybody have an idea what's going on with Locke funding? I am still positive we haven't heard anything as management has something on the burner meaning we won't need the funding.
Where did everyone get the idea there's some deal going on in the background?
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Where did everyone get the idea there's some deal going on in the background?
It's just me making an assumption.

If we are about to go into 2 years of legal battles we will need the cash on hand. If however, with the formation of the new government dialogue has opened back up and there may be the chance of a negotiated outcome we wouldn't need Locke's funding.
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Does anybody have an idea what's going on with Locke funding? I am still positive we haven't heard anything as management has something on the burner meaning we won't need the funding.
That sounds like an old fishwives tale to me :LOL:
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It's just me making an assumption.

If we are about to go into 2 years of legal battles we will need the cash on hand. If however, with the formation of the new government dialogue has opened back up and there may be the chance of a negotiated outcome we wouldn't need Locke's funding.
Locke completed their DD . Which means they will proceed . One would think if we are completely screwed without Locke $$$$ then no matter what the terms and conditions are Nigel is going to accept it . So with that in mind either Nigel/Locke are currently finalizing terms/conditions OR
Nigel has a better option other than Locke . imo
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Does anybody have an idea what's going on with Locke funding? I am still positive we haven't heard anything as management has something on the burner meaning we won't need the funding.
Apart from speculation we can only rely on the news we have.
Locke have finished their DD and the two parties were ready to move forward with establishing terms of the agreement.

The extension was in regards to the DD period as they stated there was some more issues they wanted to look at or resolve.
And that DD was finalised before the extention period ended.

Who's to say how long it will be before we hear something, we don't know whats going on, but as far as funding from Locke, we passed their intensive scrutiny, and to me that says the money's there whe we need it.
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Locke completed their DD . Which means they will proceed . One would think if we are completely screwed without Locke $$$$ then no matter what the terms and conditions are Nigel is going to accept it . So with that in mind either Nigel/Locke are currently finalizing terms/conditions OR
Nigel has a better option other than Locke . imo
Completing DD does not mean they will proceed

Completing DD is the process of gathering all the available information to make an informed decision as to whether "to proceed" or...... "not"
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Dave Evans

The international justice system seems to agree that AVZ have good legal title to what they claim they own.
As do AVZ's lawyers.
As laymens, we can look at the merits of the claims, such as the sale by Dathomir, of which all conditions were met and therefore complete.
That means legal ownership of 75% despite what others claim.

So @RHyNO you claim this is 1 of 2 "blatant lies told to shareholders"
You seem to have some knowledge about this that no one else does to call it a lie, can you elaborate what this information is please?

And the second "blatant lie" ties in with the first, but applies to the sale from Cominiere to Zijin.
Again, the international legal system so far seems to agree that the sale was illegal and had no merit, therefore is "spurious in nature", which also applies to Dathomirs claims to have cancelled the sale, when all legal conditions had already been met.

So can you explain how this was also a lie?

Otherwise would you care to retract your slanderous accusations toward the BoD?

I have RHyNO on ignore @Azzler so I don’t read his posts, but we can see shane (der goose) eastwood is still here every day reading his comments.


As a reminder, eastwood made massive profits trading AVZ. He sold out and then bought back in, and because of the corruption AVZ has been fighting he got caught with his pants down.

After making huge profits, I don’t know if he bought back in or borrowed shares to short AVZ and got caught by the suspension, but a couple of things are evident.

He couldn’t pay his taxes on all the profits he made and he has collaborated with simon cong, tommy the turd and dudbrook.

He is bent on disrupting our legal challenges (all of which we have won to date), supporting dudbrook (which means supporting kibeya, cominiere and zijin) and even going as far as acquiring the shareholder register from Automic with the intention of illegally providing shareholders email addresses and colluding to use those addresses to make illegal unsolicited offers of $0.001 a share.

These actions have also helped those short sellers who borrowed shares to short AVZ. I’m constantly surprised by shareholders who post negative comments in a way that just provides ammunition to people like der goose, dudbrook, kibeya etc.

I can only imagine that those shareholders want to totally destroy the value of our shares to the level of the offers made by jamie mitchell (of $0.001) before the ICC and ICSID get the chance to award us the damages we seek in the billions of dollars.


I view shane (der goose) eastwood’s actions as nothing more than a distraction ahead of the 2024 DRC MINING WEEK event running next week.

For my part, I’m going to continue to provide information on the corruption to potential investors at this event who might end up finding themselves in a similar situation to us if the DRC continues to violate its own Mining Code along with the International Arbitration orders of the ICC and ICSID.

Anyone wanting to use the information in the thread linked below to inform these potential investors on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn feel free to copy and paste my notes from the DRC MINING WEEK thread 👇

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AJN is coming up now as a distraction. Don’t get dragged into a shit and useless argument that detracts from AVZ and the main issue of Zijin and complicit corruption from DRC individuals in power who have blocked Manono for more than 2 years!!!!!
I guess AJN will be dealing with the same corrupt MoM officials - good luck to them
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Have a Cigar 1975
A shout-out to the voyeurs who selectively repost matters that suit their agenda and those encouraging people to spill beans on a public forum

👋👋 to the owl, the goose, Ty me Kangaroo, and fuckface
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Remember when Boatman was quoting Tommy and Tommy was quoting Boatman?

Just another game of the con artist, like Geist quoting Rhyno as if it's some credible source!
What a joke.
I've even seen Geist quoting Geist in the past, from one account to the next.
Or making a post on HC, then refering to said post on his other account, as "Published material" LOL.

Keep pissing into the wind Shane, it's hilarious.
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