AVZ Discussion 2022


I did some deep diving on the old lithium market last night. Does anyone find it a little too serendipitous that our sudden fall from favour coincided with Gina Reinharts Lithium interests? Seems odd that AFR interest and slander and Fat Tail have sprung to existence just as Gina has set up to buy into Azure? Am I crazy? AFR is majority owned by her and fat tail are a bunch of failed hacks from the sector that would be easily swayed by a phone call from her staff. All to undermine our position so Gina could be victorious. I don’t know of her connections with Zinjin but would not put it past her. Just a theory I am hatching. Happy to be wrong. Love to to be right and get her on treason. Money talks bullshit walks. Good luck Nigel.
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Chilax bruthas and muthas!

You're just seeing china's damage control panic spin doctoring.
Get their bullshit report on the case out first, inform all their scumbag allies like Tommy.

Hilarious that they phrase it like the ICC not having enough authority to rule on the case.

Wait for the announcement, there's gonna be good shit in it I hear.

Then lets give them all hell on twitter! 😝
Exactly. China will spin in their favor, wait till AVZ announcement. It must be due today if Chinese are writing things.
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Exactly. China will spin in their favor, wait till AVZ announcement. It must be due today if Chinese are writing things.
100% they will, Jin need to be on the front foot to deflect losing the first ICC they brought against AVZ. Not a good look for Jin to have it thrown out due to the jurisdiction technicality. Youd think their lawyers would have known this already? Time and money wasting perhaps? Maybe not so if they have to cover our legal expenses lol Looking forward to further details.
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3 Million Euros in costs for Zijin.
Now pay up cunts! 😘
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Hope so, cunts! 👌
"The ICC tribunal held that Jin Cheng’s recourse to arbitration was unjustified, and
ordered that Jin Cheng reimburse AVZI USD 75,000 in respect of its arbitration
costs and AUD 813,474 in respect of defence costs, and that it bear its legal costs
(in excess of €3 million)."
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Cumquat Cap

A Small win for the good guys, let’s see if this turns the pressure up on Felix and his rag tag ministers
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"The ICC tribunal held that Jin Cheng’s recourse to arbitration was unjustified, and
ordered that Jin Cheng reimburse AVZI USD 75,000 in respect of its arbitration
costs and AUD 813,474 in respect of defence costs, and that it bear its legal costs
(in excess of €3 million)."
Over $5 mill AUD!! Drop in the bucket to Zijin budget but they must be wondering why they listened to old snake head! I just wonder what Rolex boy thinks when he reads this, useless c#nt!
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3 Million Euros in costs for Zijin.
Now pay up cunts! 😘
Ok so aparrently the 3 Mil euros just refers to their own legal costs.
They would have been asking for AVZ to pay their costs, so in this announcement, AVZ is stating they lost that point and are showing how much they've spent on this.
We get just under 1 Mil AUD from Z in costs.

(Not verified info)

Still, hand over the cash you slimey pricks! :devilish:
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Will Celestin's wife be preceding over this one too?

The good thing is that arbitration rulings made by both the ICC and ICSID cannot be appealed in local courts. Good luck Jin Cheng parasites.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but this process was to stop Zijin claiming damages against AVZ???

As in Zijin cannot claim damages against AVZ at the ICC as they are not part of the JV..

If so, just another win for AVZ.
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So what's next?
It's easy to get lost in it all.

I believe we have an ICC session on the 24th in regards to Dathomir.
At this hearing, Dathomir is to confirm that it has withdrawn it's legal action in the DRC to wind up Dathcom. They said they would do this at the last hearing.

Does anyone know what ICC action we are taking against Cominierie and if court dates have been set for this?
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I did some deep diving on the old lithium market last night. Does anyone find it a little too serendipitous that our sudden fall from favour coincided with Gina Reinharts Lithium interests? Seems odd that AFR interest and slander and Fat Tail have sprung to existence just as Gina has set up to buy into Azure? Am I crazy? AFR is majority owned by her and fat tail are a bunch of failed hacks from the sector that would be easily swayed by a phone call from her staff. All to undermine our position so Gina could be victorious. I don’t know of her connections with Zinjin but would not put it past her. Just a theory I am hatching. Happy to be wrong. Love to to be right and get her on treason. Money talks bullshit walks. Good luck Nigel.
  • Haha
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This process was to stop Zijin's purported claim of being a shareholder in Dathcom that we should be forced to recognise

However Zijin's damages claim with Cominiere in the separate ICC proceedings ALSO RELIES ON THEIR NOW PROVEN WRONG CLAIM that they were purportedly a party of Dathcom. So that case is over now too imo

100% what I was getting at.

Thanks @Carlos Danger
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but this process was to stop Zijin claiming damages against AVZ???

As in Zijin cannot claim damages against AVZ at the ICC as they are not part of the JV..

If so, just another win for AVZ.
Jin Cheng not recognised as part of Dathcom, therefore the Dathcom Jv dispute ( cominiere / Jin cheng claimants ) will not be recognised either.

Double whammy win for AVZ.

Surely its time now for FT to say to Zijin........." Ok bud, you had your fun in the sun, you failed, tell your master Xi its now time i sit with AVZ and negotiate a outcome so i can get my " battery hub dream " started.

That would be common sense, but hey........this is the DRC :poop::poop::ninja:;)
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I rarely go to HC, but thought i would get a feel for the land this time around.......

Good post ........from the ghost.
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