AVZ Discussion 2022


Hey mate absolutely respect your pissed off like most…… but saying Tommy was correct is kinda fucked up.

Actually really fucked up..

That little Tbag Piece of work isn’t correct bro even you should know that deep down.

Cockroaches don’t like the light mate so when it shines in then they scramble.

Tommy and he’s little mates are so far twisted trying to be journalists 😂

I watched a 9 news late or something last night with old mate from
Motley Fool.

He was just taking shit then started or something and came back to absolutely nothing.. I actually was like wtf is that cunt on about…

That makes about as much sense as these journalists 😂 I should almost be one hey..

See my point.

Tommy isn’t right he’s a puppet for Boatman and the rest of those clowns that apparently pay him for some silly reason 😆

Not sure what wtf the AFR see in him but they are owned by Ch9 also so see the correlation to Motley Fool 🧐

Avoid Ch9 if I was anyone👌

Let’s hope Nige sorts this out and we end up with a fair just outcome huh.


Tbag 🤡🖕

Annnnd this just in:

Screenshot 2023-11-17 184927.jpg
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That’s how we do it over here. Mention anything outside of our narrative and the dicks and mud slinging comes out. Doesn’t agree that we’ll get $12 for the shares he’s a troll. Doesn’t like Nigel he must have a tiny cock. Not that this isn’t some fine work brick. Some of your finest. I’ve just reread Tommy’s articles. Clearly the man has us in his sights. But when an animal is lame. You put it in the cross hairs. That’s hunting that’s business. I pray for our resurrection and look forward to the cabnet being established and some reason returning to this scenario. When boatman wrote to ASIC to indicate fraudulent activity on behalf of our management. It was all obviously part of the plot. But the reason we have a board and an executive branch is to deal with these shenanigans. And deal with them they have not. Do their jobs. They have not. Get paid. They certainly have. Perhaps this dreadlock of cocks belongs on the head of our Tasmanian CEO and not the man who called bullshit on his bullshit.
I’ll save you all the trouble.
I’m a Chinese troll working for the afr getting three way penetrated by MMGA staff.

Side note it is an exceptional use of photoshop.
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That’s how we do it over here. Mention anything outside of our narrative and the dicks and mud slinging comes out. Doesn’t agree that we’ll get $12 for the shares he’s a troll. Doesn’t like Nigel he must have a tiny cock. Not that this isn’t some fine work brick. Some of your finest. I’ve just reread Tommy’s articles. Clearly the man has us in his sights. But when an animal is lame. You put it in the cross hairs. That’s hunting that’s business. I pray for our resurrection and look forward to the cabnet being established and some reason returning to this scenario. When boatman wrote to ASIC to indicate fraudulent activity on behalf of our management. It was all obviously part of the plot. But the reason we have a board and an executive branch is to deal with these shenanigans. And deal with them they have not. Do their jobs. They have not. Get paid. They certainly have. Perhaps this dreadlock of cocks belongs on the head of our Tasmanian CEO and not the man who called bullshit on his bullshit.
I’ll save you all the trouble.
I’m a Chinese troll working for the afr getting three way penetrated by MMGA staff.

Side note it is an exceptional use of photoshop.
Say something constructive and supportive just for once! How can you blame the board for snake head and Zijins corruption? What exactly do you want them to do at this point? Come on champ tell us how to do it!
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Cumquat Cap

give us some constructive feedback or fuck off, there is no liquidity so what’s the point of constantly being negative?
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Say something constructive and supportive just for once! How can you blame the board for snake head and Zijins corruption? What exactly do you want them to do at this point? Come on champ tell us how to do it!
It's Nigel's call . If there have been no other options then he has made the right call . By options I refer to the protection and return of SH investment .

Sorry for chiming in .
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Nigel should have pushed for a deal.
Should have disclosed
Should not have trading halt.
Sorry for negativity loss of 1/4 mill has made me critical.
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Nigel should have pushed for a deal.
Should have disclosed
Should not have trading halt.
Sorry for negativity loss of 1/4 mill has made me critical.
You think they haven’t been pushing for a deal??
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Nigel should have pushed for a deal.
Should have disclosed
Should not have trading halt.
Sorry for negativity loss of 1/4 mill has made me critical.

Nigel has tried to negotiate from my understanding and got no where. Now he has been forced to negotiate via the ICC & ICSID to get the DRC to follow their own laws.

Not going into a trading halt, I would put out there would have helped the shorters at our expense. I fully support Nigel going into a trading halt.


SilentOne - do your own research
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"To not have a trading holt"

fuck off, just fuck off with that shit...

The reality is without a trading holt we would have lost the lot. Right now our funds are in limbo, a tough egg to swallow but fuck it.. better than the alternative..

You think you could compete with all the institutions, all the major holders, banks and all the other twats that malipulate the stock market for a living????

They'd have all their auctions lined up before open, they'd dump their shares off market all while holding your dick trying to sell at market looking at the value of your shares goto zero..

At this point I'm more over the whinging kunts that need to just get a grip on their fucking lives and just move on with it..

120k sitting there for me, which would be life changing... but fuck it, I span the wheel and by the looks of it. Lost.
I knew the risk, I made the choice to invest, I've moved on..

Qué será, será
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Qué será, será
What will be, will be
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"To not have a trading holt"

fuck off, just fuck off with that shit...

The reality is without a trading holt we would have lost the lot. Right now our funds are in limbo, a tough egg to swallow but fuck it.. better than the alternative..

You think you could compete with all the institutions, all the major holders, banks and all the other twats that malipulate the stock market for a living????

They'd have all their auctions lined up before open, they'd dump their shares off market all while holding your dick trying to sell at market looking at the value of your shares goto zero..

At this point I'm more over the whinging kunts that need to just get a grip on their fucking lives and just move on with it..

120k sitting there for me, which would be life changing... but fuck it, I span the wheel and by the looks of it. Lost.
I knew the risk, I made the choice to invest, I've moved on..

Qué será, será
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Qué será, será
What will be, will be
Just put the fukwit on ignore, I did it a while back, it is refreshing.
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"To not have a trading holt"

fuck off, just fuck off with that shit...

The reality is without a trading holt we would have lost the lot. Right now our funds are in limbo, a tough egg to swallow but fuck it.. better than the alternative..

You think you could compete with all the institutions, all the major holders, banks and all the other twats that malipulate the stock market for a living????

They'd have all their auctions lined up before open, they'd dump their shares off market all while holding your dick trying to sell at market looking at the value of your shares goto zero..

At this point I'm more over the whinging kunts that need to just get a grip on their fucking lives and just move on with it..

120k sitting there for me, which would be life changing... but fuck it, I span the wheel and by the looks of it. Lost.
I knew the risk, I made the choice to invest, I've moved on..

Qué será, será
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Qué será, será
What will be, will b
If you’re not into people offering opposing views I suggest you avoid stock forums. I was asked what I would have done different. I doubt Nigel’s ego and potential gains and value would have allowed him to negotiate a deal. But I think silent one has the real point here And I am wrong. He is negotiating through the courts. I think scepticism of our geo heavy BOD is a reasonable disposition.
In addition to my previous points were I in charge I would also.
Hire a local security crew to secure the site with force
Left our logo on the accom
Ensured our executive branch was stacked with lawyers
Fired half the execs
Taken an 80% pay cut
Communicated with share holders via video more frequently.
Stayed in DRC as much as possible.
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If you’re not into people offering opposing views I suggest you avoid stock forums. I was asked what I would have done different. I doubt Nigel’s ego and potential gains and value would have allowed him to negotiate a deal. But I think silent one has the real point here And I am wrong. He is negotiating through the courts. I think scepticism of our geo heavy BOD is a reasonable disposition.
In addition to my previous points were I in charge I would also.
Hire a local security crew to secure the site with force
Left our logo on the accom
Ensured our executive branch was stacked with lawyers
Fired half the execs
Taken an 80% pay cut
Communicated with share holders via video more frequently.
Stayed in DRC as much as possible.

Sounds good. Put your hand up for a board seat at next AGM.

I'd gladly vote for you to earn 100K p.a to go live in the DRC for the next 2 years and reapply the logo to the camp and stand outside the sample library with an AK as you answer questions from us here over zoom every week.
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Can't we all return to the unity and solidarity we had coming into the AGM?
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When Nigel did that interview after the decree was awarded and said ML was imminent, he said and if it's not awarded within x amount of days it'll be granted through the courts, did they have a feeling a shafting was coming?
Thing that pisses me off is this is one of the most corrupt fucking places on the planet how were we not more prepared!? They have loads of African experience between them all by all accounts . I've lost out on life changing money and some life ideas and options will be taken off the table, like a lot of others, if this goes tities up. I support them but fuck me it's blindingly obvious and embarrassing how much amatuer corruption there's been, if we don't destroy them in all cases I'll be fuming. Apologies for the rant

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Can't we all return to the unity and solidarity we had coming into the AGM?
I bet Hoots has a hard on from all this.

Dont ya, you dirty ol fucker lurking around Mr Hooter.
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Can't we all return to the unity and solidarity we had coming into the AGM?
That solidarity was based on the MOU that they put in announcements to get your votes. They would've known the DRC was just giving them lip service and kept the secrecy as an excuse not to provide any detail. Surprised the anger at BOD didnt come straight after they were re elected.
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Master of Quan
When Nigel did that interview after the decree was awarded and said ML was imminent, he said and if it's not awarded within x amount of days it'll be granted through the courts, did they have a feeling a shafting was coming?
Thing that pisses me off is this is one of the most corrupt fucking places on the planet how were we not more prepared!? They have loads of African experience between them all by all accounts . I've lost out on life changing money and some life ideas and options will be taken off the table, like a lot of others, if this goes tities up. I support them but fuck me it's blindingly obvious and embarrassing how much amatuer corruption there's been, if we don't destroy them in all cases I'll be fuming. Apologies for the rant

He did clarify in a later interview that that was not what he meant ( but it sure as hell sounded like thats what he meant ).

I still cling top hope that zijin shitfuckery in the North is to gauge whats really in the ground so when they are forced into a corner to negotiate they know what they are buying. Probably wishful thinking but its that or constant negative thoughts.
Lets hope for some positive updates soon.
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That solidarity was based on the MOU that they put in announcements to get your votes. They would've known the DRC was just giving them lip service and kept the secrecy as an excuse not to provide any detail. Surprised the anger at BOD didnt come straight after they were re elected.

You wouldn't know and you are speculating I suspect.

Rather than speculate lets wait for the ICC & ICSID rulings.


SilentOne - Do your own research
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Mood on here has turned a bit sour of late. For sure certain posters trying to encourage that.

I'm encouraged that this sort of shit-stirring often seems to be an attempt to counteract/distract from actual progress.
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Happy to be proven wrong if the company provides details of this MOU and who they are working with. They admitted themselves in the last announcement that talks were restricted until the new government forms.
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