AVZ Discussion 2022

Amusing match report in Pidgin English from BBC News:

Why didn't you post this idea here brah?

Care to elaborate on what you meant by the 'spirit of the deal'?

Does it mean Cong won't win at the ICC but will embarrassingly claim a 'moral victory' instead?


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That was a hilarious diatribe going on over there, mostly skewed to be against management and pro Simon Cong/Dathomir.

But hey, if the evil and plunderous Chinese billionaire wants a moral victory (spirit on the deal lol) he can fucking have it, he's getting smashed in court
how do you know "he's getting smashed in court"? arent we still waiting for a decision on the dathomir cases?
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how do you know "he's getting smashed in court"? arent we still waiting for a decision on the dathomir cases?
Dathomir have lost every question before the ICC so far

And will continue to lose

The tell, apart from all of the facts, is in which party wanted the proceedings made public, that the court agreed with, and which party didn't imo










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how do you know "he's getting smashed in court"? arent we still waiting for a decision on the dathomir cases?
Dathomir have lost every question before the ICC so far

And will continue to lose

The tell, apart from all of the facts, is in which party wanted the decision made public, that the court agreed with, and which party didn't imo

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Rich businessman Aliko Dangote wants to invest in the DRC

The richest man in Africa, according to Forbes magazine, the Nigerian Aliko Dangote indicated, Thursday February 8, his intention to invest in the DRC precisely in the mining and agricultural sectors.



dog with a bone !.jpg
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So are we now certain that the DRC government is in contravention of the interim ICSID orders? Just checked the CAMI status and nothing has changed, I'll bet my left nut Zijin is still drilling the north, working on the power station and generally not giving a rats arse about the interim orders. Hope I am wrong, it would be nice to know what is going on. 9card, AVZ, Beuler....... Anyone??
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So are we now certain that the DRC government is in contravention of the interim ICSID orders? Just checked the CAMI status and nothing has changed, I'll bet my left nut Zijin is still drilling the north, working on the power station and generally not giving a rats arse about the interim orders. Hope I am wrong, it would be nice to know what is going on. 9card, AVZ, Beuler....... Anyone??

It's possible that Zijin is drilling CDL with Dathcom's 'approval' in order to get a better measure of the resource before potentially eyeballing Nigel and team across the negotiating table. I guess the key is whether Zijin is doing step-out drilling, or drilling closer to the boundaries in order to better understand the dimensions of the ore body. As much as we distrust these thieving Chinese rodents, I suspect that at some stage AVZ and Dathcom may need to negotiate with them (I cannot see a western cavalry riding in to save the day).

If Nigel's negotiating team wants to get the best price for its asset, what better way than get that pack of slimy pricks to drill it for free. It's their sunk cost, not ours.

Perhaps this is also why there is radio silence on the matter.

Just thinking out aloud.
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It's possible that Zijin is drilling CDL with Dathcom's 'approval' in order to get a better measure of the resource before potentially eyeballing Nigel and team across the negotiating table. I guess the key is whether Zijin is doing step-out drilling, or drilling closer to the boundaries in order to better understand the dimensions of the ore body. As much as we distrust these thieving Chinese rodents, I suspect that at some stage AVZ and Dathcom may need to negotiate with them (I cannot see a western cavalry riding in to save the day).

If Nigel's negotiating team wants to get the best price for its asset, what better way than get that pack of slimy pricks to drill it for free. It's their sunk cost, not ours.

Perhaps this is why there is radio silence on the matter.

Just thinking out aloud.
How would this work (hypothetically)? What arrangement could possibly protect AVZ from being in competition with a hostile world mining giant with zero morals.
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I could seriously do with some positive news. I know a useless post.
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I could seriously do with some positive news. I know a useless post.
Not a useless point - I would imagine a lot of members desperate for a glimmer of hope. They say the darkest hour is just before the dawn!
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I could seriously do with some positive news. I know a useless post.
We're all feeling the same. Doesn't hurt to have someone vocalize it every now and then :)
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Mining Indaba 2024: the DRC benefits from a deposit of 450 million USD for the construction of 180,000 km of roads!

After his fruitful stay in Cape Town, South Africa, where he went to represent the Head of State, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, at the 30th edition of Mining Indaba, the Prime Minister, Jean-Michel Sama has not returned to the country empty-handed.

In sans game, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde returns with an agreement of 450 million USD, signed on behalf of the Congolese Government, with the South African development bank and the company Guma Africa Group.

This envelope must be used, according to the clauses of the said contract, for the construction of 180,000 km of roads, over the next three years, across the 26 provinces, and, in particular, the 145 territories of the DRC -Democratic Republic of Congo- .

A real boost for the PDL-145 T -Local development program for the 145 territories-.

For, the focus will be on construction equipment, road rehabilitation and maintenance, which will be carried out by the ITPR Ministry.

This partnership also involves improving the capacities of the OVD and the Roads Office, training and strengthening the capacity of the workforce, including operators and technicians.

It is appropriate to emphasize that this agreement for the benefit of the DRC, its government and its people, is the fruit of the managerial dexterity of the Prime Minister, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde, who knew how to sell the image of his country, not without presenting the assets and potential that it abounds, to attract foreign investors and big capital. :rolleyes: :sick: :ROFLMAO:

Bearer of the message on the vision of the President of the Republic and of the entire country concerning the mining sector, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde was able to identify the opportunities offered by the context of climate change and the need for the energy transition, the potential of the Democratic Republic of Congo, which brings to the world the strategic minerals essential to this transition, as well as this need, for the DRC, to see the exploitation of its resources create jobs for the benefit firstly of local communities, especially young people, thanks to the development of local value added chains in the DRC, with the responsible investments expected, particularly in the clean energy and connectivity infrastructure sectors. :rolleyes: :sick: :ROFLMAO:

He brandished the dynamic of cleaning up the business climate initiated by the country, with courageous reforms, with a view to upgrading itself in relation to global competition, to facilitate the activity of investors.

The DRC, he said, "has embarked on digitalization reforms, but also the fight against corruption so that every day it can capture more resources for the benefit of its populations." :sick: (n) :ROFLMAO:

It was on February 7, 2024, that the DR Congolese Prime Minister summarized what constituted his agenda in Mandela's country.


*Sama Lukonde just another Snake in the grass who speaks with a Forked Tongue 🐍


The phrase "speaks with a forked tongue" means to deliberately say one thing and mean another or, to be hypocritical, or act in a duplicitous manner.
Just at minor point, the circumference at the equator is about 40,000 km, where do these fucking idiots intend to drive to?
Does Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde really understand what he is talking about?
Why am I not surprised that the DRC was standing still under the leadership of this absolute idiot.
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Care to elaborate on what you meant by the 'spirit of the deal'?
Spirit of the deal in hindsight is probably a misnomer. More accurately I'm referring to the fairness component required to ensure a successful contract in which both parties walk away happy.

It's not good enough to circle the wagons at the first sign of dissatisfaction claiming, 'Tough luck, we've got a contract...nah, nah, nah...see you in court'.

And where has that hairy-chested attitude got us three years later...nowhere with lost opportunity and much pain for holders with no end in sight.

Blind Freddy could see the deal was lopsided and an absolute bargain for AVZ. Thus there was enough meat on the bone for us to give ground and still emerge with a good deal. It's called pragmatism.
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Spirit of the deal in hindsight is probably a misnomer. More accurately I'm referring to the fairness component required to ensure a successful contract in which both parties walk away happy.

It's not good enough to circle the wagons at the first sign of dissatisfaction claiming, 'Tough luck, we've got a contract...nah, nah, nah...see you in court'.

And where has that hairy-chested attitude got us three years later...nowhere with lost opportunity and much pain for holders with no end in sight.

Blind Freddy could see the deal was lopsided and an absolute bargain for AVZ. Thus there was enough meat on the bone for us to give ground and still emerge with a good deal. It's called pragmatism.
Cong was fully informed when the deal was made
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Cong, Zijin and Cominiere can all go and get royally fucked

Simply criminals ignoring the law and legally binding agreements

Everything they do is in breach of rulings through appropriate courts and jurisdictions

Corrupt fucking cunts the lot of them

Sellers remorse from fucking Cong, corrupt lining of pockets from fucking Celestin/Cominiere and flagrant disregard for anything but benefit to China from fucking Zijin

There's your fucking reasons we are in this never ending fucking nightmare

Hope they all burn in hell
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I'll get back on my meds now....
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You must be new to contracts

And notary deeds

I have been very critical of some of management's decisions eg the north waiver

But do I think that the guy who dumped, checks notes, 240 million fucking free AVZ shares while inking agreements eyes wide open to sell his holdings in Dathcom when the lithium price crashed got a raw deal just because it went back up again?

Absolutely fucking not

I think management are being extremely courteous by offering to negotiate an outcome with Cong but he clearly has other motives for his actions than just money for himself

If I was in Nigel's hot seat I would entertain a whole range of different deals with China to move the project forward. But I would burn this whole fucking shit show to the ground before I gave Cong another cent of our money.

The one thing that you do not want is a Chinese company as part of the JV/Dathcom.


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Cumquat Cap

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The one thing that you do not want is a Chinese company as part of the JV/Dathcom.


Tell that to CATH
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