AVZ Discussion 2022


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Anybody recognise these two? I'm looking at you @Dave Evans :unsure:


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CKK's grandmother, mother, mother in law, wife, sister, sister in law, daughter, niece, brother, brother in law, friend, girlfriend, secret lover, or the coffee lady who serves drinks during company gatherings? They like it to keep things in the family.

They are wearing a name tag from Ivanhoe mining (I think they are in cahoots with Zijin)
Kamoa-Kakula copper, 39.6% Ivanhoe, 39.6% Zijin, .8% CRG, 20% DRC Government.
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CKK's grandmother, mother, mother in law, wife, sister, sister in law, daughter, niece, brother, brother in law, friend, girlfriend, secret lover, or the coffee lady who serves drinks during company gatherings? They like it to keep things in the family.

They are wearing a name tag from Ivanhoe mining (I think they are in cahoots with Zijin)
Kamoa-Kakula copper, 39.6% Ivanhoe, 39.6% Zijin, .8% CRG, 20% DRC Government.
Ivanhoe could also be a "lanyard sponsor" for the event. Lots of images on "X" where everyone is wearing them. We do that regularly in our field..
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Deleted member 2378

The Sumrains against the state of kuweit. Perfect overview for some steps. It have both scenarios: suspension because of the try to kick out one arbitrator and suspension because of a agreement.


I believe the suspension is more likely because of the try to disqualify a arbitrator and to delay the proceedings. Because in the case of suspension of negotiations the tribunal issued a procedural order to show they take note of the agreement. We didn’t have that yet.

It took close to 3 months for the tribunal to dismiss the try to disqualify. That would match to the Chinese play book to delay and delay, like zijin does in the ICC against us. Remember fasken (zijin lawyer) is part of the icsid drc team. In 3 months they would see if locke will pay us the 20 million. They could see if we have enough money to continue with the proceedings over the next years if necessary. And we face a potential delisting in the near future, without locke and delisted there is the potential that we don’t have access to new money. Only if we relist, but under current circumstances it would be a disaster without a ML and have the potential of a hostile takeover.

The interim orders are still active in suspension. But if the response time really exist for a final order, then this could be on ice until a decision is made because it’s necessary to clarify if a arbitrator is suitable for the proceedings first. There could be a other reason for a suspension, for me in relation to the bigger picture of the evil Chinese plan it could match.
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The Sumrains against the state of kuweit. Perfect overview for some steps. It have both scenarios: suspension because of the try to kick out one arbitrator and suspension because of a agreement.


I believe the suspension is more likely because of the try to disqualify a arbitrator and to delay the proceedings. Because in the case of suspension of negotiations the tribunal issued a procedural order to show they take note of the agreement. We didn’t have that yet.

It took close to 3 months for the tribunal to dismiss the try to disqualify. That would match to the Chinese play book to delay and delay, like zijin does in the ICC against us. Remember fasken (zijin lawyer) is part of the icsid drc team. In 3 months they would see if locke will pay us the 20 million. They could see if we have enough money to continue with the proceedings over the next years if necessary. And we face a potential delisting in the near future, without locke and delisted there is the potential that we don’t have access to new money. Only if we relist, but under current circumstances it would be a disaster without a ML and have the potential of a hostile takeover.

The interim orders are still active in suspension. But if the response time really exist for a final order, then this could be on ice until a decision is made because it’s necessary to clarify if a arbitrator is suitable for the proceedings first. There could be a other reason for a suspension, for me in relation to the bigger picture of the evil Chinese plan it could match.
You're not doing well defending your "I'm not a troll and cocksucka" case with this post :ROFLMAO:

Just kidding, I'm sure you're a great guy when people get to know you.
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Deleted member 2378

You're not doing well defending your "I'm not a troll and cocksucka" case with this post :ROFLMAO:

Just kidding, I'm sure you're a great guy when people get to know you.
Every opinion that is not based on everything is going well and the hope we will get everything back, is a enemy here. The most forget that the Chinese try everything to fuck us and the drc government did nothing in all the years to support us. They have limited options what will happen. Accept icsid or ignore it, make a deal with us and give the Chinese the north, follow their laws but they didn’t done it in the past, or try to bleed us out if they don’t want to give us anything. If I would be them and a stupid asshole I would try to bleed the other one out, if it doesn’t work I would continue with the next step.

I wish everyone here the best and you can’t imagine how much I wish we would be successfully, that this nightmare finally ends. I hate to think about that shithole country and how dumb they are in relation to their own population for a few bucks. And how a few stupid people had bring me and others here in a shit situation. I would not be so pessimistic if the drc had made one sign in our favor.
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Every opinion that is not based on everything is going well and the hope we will get everything back, is a enemy here. The most forget that the Chinese try everything to fuck us and the drc government did nothing in all the years to support us. They have limited options what will happen. Accept icsid or ignore it, make a deal with us and give the Chinese the north, follow their laws but they didn’t done it in the past, or try to bleed us out if they don’t want to give us anything. If I would be them and a stupid asshole I would try to bleed the other one out, if it doesn’t work I would continue with the next step.

I wish everyone here the best and you can’t imagine how much I wish we would be successfully, that this nightmare finally ends. I hate to think about that shithole country and how dumb they are in relation to their own population for a few bucks. And how a few stupid people had bring me and others here in a shit situation. I would not be so pessimistic if the drc had made one sign in our favor.
It's just such a shame because I and I'm sure many others on here was actually enthusiastic to invest in something that would genuinely help improve the lives of people in the DRC.
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The Sumrains against the state of kuweit. Perfect overview for some steps. It have both scenarios: suspension because of the try to kick out one arbitrator and suspension because of a agreement.


I believe the suspension is more likely because of the try to disqualify a arbitrator and to delay the proceedings. Because in the case of suspension of negotiations the tribunal issued a procedural order to show they take note of the agreement. We didn’t have that yet.

It took close to 3 months for the tribunal to dismiss the try to disqualify. That would match to the Chinese play book to delay and delay, like zijin does in the ICC against us. Remember fasken (zijin lawyer) is part of the icsid drc team. In 3 months they would see if locke will pay us the 20 million. They could see if we have enough money to continue with the proceedings over the next years if necessary. And we face a potential delisting in the near future, without locke and delisted there is the potential that we don’t have access to new money. Only if we relist, but under current circumstances it would be a disaster without a ML and have the potential of a hostile takeover.

The interim orders are still active in suspension. But if the response time really exist for a final order, then this could be on ice until a decision is made because it’s necessary to clarify if a arbitrator is suitable for the proceedings first. There could be a other reason for a suspension, for me in relation to the bigger picture of the evil Chinese plan it could match.
One would think, if all the defence can come up with is methods to delay the inevitable verdict, it is all they can do, they have no case and are playing games.

Courts are well aware of this behaviour as it boils down to the defence trying to exhausts the accuser's financial ability.
I hope the courts will take this in account in partitioning costs and penalties.

Fuck Zijin.
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The Sumrains against the state of kuweit. Perfect overview for some steps. It have both scenarios: suspension because of the try to kick out one arbitrator and suspension because of a agreement.


I believe the suspension is more likely because of the try to disqualify a arbitrator and to delay the proceedings. Because in the case of suspension of negotiations the tribunal issued a procedural order to show they take note of the agreement. We didn’t have that yet.

It took close to 3 months for the tribunal to dismiss the try to disqualify. That would match to the Chinese play book to delay and delay, like zijin does in the ICC against us. Remember fasken (zijin lawyer) is part of the icsid drc team. In 3 months they would see if locke will pay us the 20 million. They could see if we have enough money to continue with the proceedings over the next years if necessary. And we face a potential delisting in the near future, without locke and delisted there is the potential that we don’t have access to new money. Only if we relist, but under current circumstances it would be a disaster without a ML and have the potential of a hostile takeover.

The interim orders are still active in suspension. But if the response time really exist for a final order, then this could be on ice until a decision is made because it’s necessary to clarify if a arbitrator is suitable for the proceedings first. There could be a other reason for a suspension, for me in relation to the bigger picture of the evil Chinese plan it could match.
Well all I can say is that the world will not allow the proxies of the CCP steal such a valuable resource by trying to bleed out AVZ and by default control lithium and the spot market - I cant see it happening.

Lets watch for an outcome rather than speculate on possibilities.


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Anyone on X, get stuck into one of Shane’s identities..
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Two options for me:

Negotiated outcome


Seeing the case through to ICSID conclusion.

Only 1 of these options would lead to a suspension of the case.

Not going to drive myself insane by speculating anything beyond this.
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More cowardice from shaun..

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One suspension condition which may be relevant:

Parallel Proceedings: If related proceedings are taking place in other forums, such as domestic courts or other international arbitration tribunals, parties may seek suspension to avoid conflicting decisions or to coordinate proceedings more effectively.
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Deleted member 2378

One suspension condition which may be relevant:

Parallel Proceedings: If related proceedings are taking place in other forums, such as domestic courts or other international arbitration tribunals, parties may seek suspension to avoid conflicting decisions or to coordinate proceedings more effectively.
Good found, where do you get that information or what article of the icsid rules is it?
I can’t find that information.
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fuck me a gang bang...
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