AVZ Discussion 2022


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After our recent ICSID victory I'd like to start seeing photos of the AVZ team on sight at Roche Dure and at the Power Station . Maybe Nigel in a hard hat and a shovel in his hands (or a riffle ).
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After cominiere laughed about the provisional measures I don’t think it’s likely that AVZ would agree to a suspension of the proceedings. Our management knows the DRC is not trustworthy and the proceedings can only be stopped if the DRC follows their laws and give us a ML. A suspension with delay of the proceeding dates would be a shot in the own knee, because the proceedings could easily continue until the DRC really follow the rules and laws or a deal is done. Personally I think the DRC lawyers found a way against the measures or a way to delay the proceedings.
Cominiere were laughing because they were saying they weren't a party to the ICSID arbitration. But they are ruled by the MoP and the government. If the government have formalised something to discuss with AVZ to avoid proceedings going any further then maybe (just MAYBE) management is willing to see what can be done.
Caveat being we all know how untrustworthy everyone involved has been so far.
Guess we'll find out sooner or later...
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Not neccessarily public criticism but I fully endorse full engagement and your 3rd and 4th points make a lot of sense

  • Now would be a perfect opportunity for our federal government to build a relationship with the DRC and introduce an ambassador directly to the DRC
  • Would be a perfect opportunity for Serge, Dr Casta, Ambassador Salmone & Balthazar to go over and do long form interviews or podcasts with someone like Kiki as well as another one of those small video documentaries of them at site and with the locals

Get jonnno @jonnnono in there as well

He is truly a champion for the good of the DRC

View attachment 56055
Get jonnno @jonnnono in there as well

He is truly a champion for the good of the DRC (y)



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I think it’s a delay tactic from the DRC.
c) a modified procedural calendar to take effect on resumption of the proceeding, if necessary.
That would also mean, if a final order really exist for measures, it’s suspended now.

After trading suspension the chance against the trading suspension is suspended. Ironically.

Wouldn't AVZ have had to agree to the suspension though? I can't see Nigel taking the Nuclear option down ICSID and DRC going "Ok ok we are ready to talk" and Nigel just saying "Oh ok".

Surely, to suspend proceedings (that were going in our favour) he would have had agreed to suspend under certain minimum conditions?
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Cumquat Cap

I think it’s a delay tactic from the DRC.
c) a modified procedural calendar to take effect on resumption of the proceeding, if necessary.
That would also mean, if a final order really exist for measures, it’s suspended now.

After trading suspension the chance against the trading suspension is suspended. Ironically.
Yeah i'll probably avoid taking anything on board from you, i'm sure you think all could be sorted if Management resigned, you are a troll and cocksucka
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Cumquat Cap

100% avz would have had to agree to suspension - arbitration courts don't work to serve the entity who is being shown to be corrupt - unless they have proven an arbitrator is biased it would have had to been accepted by avz
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My pleb understanding of the situation was that the ICSID proceedings would only agree to be suspended if the DRC signed an MoU with a specific date period assigned to it - i.e 30 or 60 days to do all of the below stated otherwise the ICSID proceeding continues to roll on.

Either way, that ICSID suspension is on the 2nd of Feb, it is now the 7th of Feb. Does it take 5 days for a pigeon to get from ICSID to AVZ and then from AVZ to the ASX? Wtf is going on.
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Wouldn't AVZ have had to agree to the suspension though? I can't see Nigel taking the Nuclear option down ICSID and DRC going "Ok ok we are ready to talk" and Nigel just saying "Oh ok".

Surely, to suspend proceedings (that were going in our favour) he would have had agreed to suspend under certain minimum conditions?
100% avz would have had to agree to suspension - arbitration courts don't work to serve the entity who is being shown to be corrupt - unless they have proven an arbitrator is biased it would have had to been accepted by avz
This requires an official announcement from AVZ to explain the exact reason for and duration of the suspension. Right after Nigel works out how much cash bonus he receives for doing his fucking job obvs

Rule 54: Suspension of the Proceeding

(1) The Tribunal shall suspend the proceeding by agreement of the parties.

(2) The Tribunal may suspend the proceeding upon the request of either party or on its own initiative, except as otherwise provided in the ICSID Administrative and Financial Regulations or these Rules.

(3) The Tribunal shall give the parties the opportunity to make observations before ordering a suspension pursuant to paragraph (2).

(4) In its order suspending the proceeding, the Tribunal shall specify:

(a) the period of the suspension;

(b) any relevant terms; and

(c) a modified procedural calendar to take effect on resumption of the proceeding, if necessary.

(5) The Tribunal shall extend the period of a suspension prior to its expiry by agreement of the parties.

(6) The Tribunal may extend the period of a suspension prior to its expiry, on its own initiative or upon a party’s request, after giving the parties an opportunity to make observations.

(7) The Secretary-General shall suspend the proceeding pursuant to paragraph (1) or extend the suspension pursuant to paragraph (5) if the Tribunal has not yet been constituted or if there is a vacancy on the Tribunal. The parties shall inform the Secretary-General of the period of the suspension and any terms agreed to by the parties.
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Dave Evans

Yeah i'll probably avoid taking anything on board from you, i'm sure you think all could be sorted if Management resigned, you are a troll and cocksucka

Exactly mate, look at the panic set up by that german histrionic der geist clone. It’s one of the reasons I gave up putting information on the main thread.
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Hey Dave for those here not on X I see you posted Zijin now have 16 drill rigs operating on the area illegally seized from Dathcom.

That sounds like an unprecedented large number of drill rigs on site as the DRC authorities continue to look the other way.
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Beginning to wonder if this shitfuckery would’ve been over by now if MMGA muppets had been voted in.

I’ll see myself out
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Beginning to wonder if this shitfuckery would’ve been over by now if MMGA muppets had been voted in.

I’ll see myself out
Yeah it would have and so would your money.
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Cumquat Cap

yeah it would be at about 15 cents a share
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Surely the suspension means negotiations are taking place. Not sure why we have not had an update if suspension was imposed on the 5th - announcement surely incoming.
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Surely the suspension means negotiations are taking place. Not sure why we have not had an update if suspension was imposed on the 5th - announcement surely incoming.
2nd of Feb not 5th* Pigeons do take a while though.

pigeon looking GIF by Stephanie Z. Delazeri
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Dave Evans

Hey Dave for those here not on X I see you posted Zijin now have 16 drill rigs operating on the area illegally seized from Dathcom.

That sounds like an unprecedented large number of drill rigs on site as the DRC authorities continue to look the other way.

Yeh I probably should have kept that private, now the trolls will be wondering if they can use it to feed panic.

I only used it to remind the ICC, ICSID and World Bank. My personal view is the DRC aren’t looking the other way, they’ve been embarrassed by this debacle and trying to negotiate their way out of the mess they created. On top of that I don’t think the new ministry has been sworn in yet.

You know what gets me, for the last two years winger’s and whiner’s were complaining about not getting announcements. We have had multiple announcements, many of which a lot of fuckers couldn’t even wrap their heads around, and it looks like it’s on again

That’s the last post here from me mate 👍
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Yeh I probably should have kept that private, now the trolls will be wondering if they can use it to feed panic.

I only used it to remind the ICC, ICSID and World Bank. My personal view is the DRC aren’t looking the other way, they’re embarrassed and trying to negotiate their way out of the mess they created.
With the IGF report now being like 13 months old though and Felix well aware of the case by now with Nigel mentioning at the AGM that he has sat down with Felix (but that he also took a meeting with Pei from memory without us), if Felix was embarrassed wouldn't he just drop the axe and destroy Celestine, Comineire, the Green mamba?? He's wont majority government now, how hard is it really for him to issue a presidential decree and throw a heap of people under the bus but send a strong signal to the DRC and the rest of the world that they actually do mean business?

The negotiation should consist of: "We the DRC have utterly fucked up here and that has been proven by every court case decision so far supporting AVZ, lets issue the ML for the entirety of 13359 no splitting involved".

China still end up with 24% ownership if CATH pay us for it, the only one that gets fucked by that scenario are the people who have done wrong and Zijin (and fuck them they are the worst company in the world).

How hard is it really?
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Surely the suspension means negotiations are taking place. Not sure why we have not had an update if suspension was imposed on the 5th - announcement surely incoming.
2nd of Feb not 5th* Pigeons do take a while though.

pigeon looking GIF by Stephanie Z. Delazeri
Interim orders were released by the ICSID on Jan 16th (Tuesday) and the official announcement by AVZ was at 3.44pm on Jan 18th (Thursday). With time difference from the court and the need to run things through lawyers it's understandable that it would take a couple of business days for news to drop. With the suspension happening on Feb 2nd (Friday) it was already weekend Australia time so it should be imminent. Unless it's bad news then management may have deemed it spurious and we won't hear shit from them.
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