AVZ Discussion 2022


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His right, or wong ball?
I would say in a couple of weeks we will see which ball will roll, will it be dollars or yuan?

I even rather wait before making handstands regarding the DRC new Government.
Too much fake news. People highly likely think if you say it early and often, it becomes gospel.

I would find it rather odd that Felix would tolerate his nephew to be the next PM.
Could be a case of wishful thinking.

As we don't have any involvement in the decision making process, I rather wait.
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Cumquat Cap

Felix mentions creating the battery hub with Zambia and the USA, quite below:

Thus, it promises cooperations that promote win-win partnerships, in strict compliance with national laws.

Félix Tshisekedi also estimated that the agreements will revolve around the six commitments presented during his inauguration speech on January 20. For him, the DRC will remain a space of cooperation open to all.
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Sorry for the off topic,
Anyone here who is good with landscaping and pool installation, Brisbane southside, if you need some business/work. You can reach me, I will be paying someone for the work anyways, but if it can help one of us financially while we wait for this, I would feel happy, need to set the place for Jag and his girls.
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Looks like it will be cassava.

Ok to what tune does Xi has Felix's balls in a twist, what this doesn't explain is how much money China owes to the DRC.

We better understand that China doesn't come completely empty handed to the negotiating table.

Developing Countries Receiving the Most Loans from China​


2 months ago on December 11, 2023
By Marcus Lu




Which Developed Countries Receive the Most Loans from China?​

According to the IMF, the most indebted poor countries in the world all have taken big loans from China.

Critics refer to this as “debt-trap diplomacy,” in which China deliberately provides loans to countries it knows are unable to pay, with the hope of gaining political leverage.

In this infographic we use data from the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission to list heavily indebted countries by their total loans from China.

China’s Massive Belt and Road Initiative​

Much of China’s loans are part of the country’s wider investments in global infrastructure: the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Launched in 2013 and also referred to as the New Silk Road, the BRI stands as one of the most ambitious infrastructure projects ever conceived. Its goal is to create a vast network of railways, energy pipelines, highways, and streamlined border crossings.

In the process, Chinese state-owned creditors rapidly scaled up the provision of foreign currency-denominated loans to resource-rich countries, specially in Africa.

CountryLoans from ChinaRegion
🇬🇭 Ghana$31.1B🌍 Sub-Saharan Africa
🇬🇳 Guinea$21.9B🌍 Sub-Saharan Africa
🇪🇹 Ethiopia$14.8B🌍 Sub-Saharan Africa
🇹🇿 Tanzania$12.6B🌍 Sub-Saharan Africa
🇨🇩 Democratic Republic of the Congo$12.1B🌍 Sub-Saharan Africa
🇨🇬 Republic of the Congo$11.4B🌍 Sub-Saharan Africa
🇲🇿 Mozambique$7.9B🌍 Sub-Saharan Africa
🇸🇩 Sudan$6.7B🌍 Sub-Saharan Africa
🇿🇲 Zambia$4.6B🌍 Sub-Saharan Africa
🇧🇴 Bolivia$4.1B🌎Latin America and the Caribbean
🇹🇩 Chad$3.2B🌍 Sub-Saharan Africa
🇸🇳 Senegal$3.1B🌍 Sub-Saharan Africa
🇳🇪 Niger$2.7B🌍 Sub-Saharan Africa
🇲🇱 Mali$2.6B🌍 Sub-Saharan Africa
🇨🇲 Cameroon$1.8B🌍 Sub-Saharan Africa

Among the heavily indebted countries, 14 of 15 are African nations, many of the poorest in the world, like Sudan, Niger, Mozambique, Chad, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The sole non-African country on the list, Bolivia, is also one of the poorest nations in South America.

According to the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, 60% of China’s debtor nations were in financial distress in 2022, up from 5% in 2010.

In addition to gaining preferential infrastructure accesses, China is gaining political allies. Many countries on this list, like the Republic of the Congo, have publicly supported China’s positions in Hong Kong and in the South China Sea.
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Sorry for the off topic,
Anyone here who is good with landscaping and pool installation, Brisbane southside, if you need some business/work. You can reach me, I will be paying someone for the work anyways, but if it can help one of us financially while we wait for this, I would feel happy, need to set the place for Jag and his girls.

Damn, for a second there I thought you were going to pay for someone's landscaping/pool work. Shame cause I'm poor AF and pool area needs some tidying up 🤣
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Sorry for the off topic,
Anyone here who is good with landscaping and pool installation, Brisbane southside, if you need some business/work. You can reach me, I will be paying someone for the work anyways, but if it can help one of us financially while we wait for this, I would feel happy, need to set the place for Jag and his girls.
$3 Takeover Party at your house then mate 👍

I’ll just fill up my bath in the mean time 😂

Na all seriously that’s great of you to offer it up to anyone in here that’s in that line of work 👍


$8 I’ll supply the gals 😘

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I remember the last time that Felix changed his cabinet. We saw a lot of documents with names and positions and it turned out to be false. The docs even showed the MoP gone but she was still there after the reshuffle.
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In my opinion the shuffle wont change anything. The direction of Felix is still the same. Only the court decision(s) are important to force him/the lawyers to decide in our favour.
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In my opinion the shuffle wont change anything. The direction of Felix is still the same. Only the court decision(s) are important to force him/the lawyers to decide in our favour.
We don’t need favours, we just need them to follow their own fucking mining code & laws. The longer this continues it’s obvious the head of the snake is where the corruption emanates.
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lots of references about "creepy joe " with no basis or foundation
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$3 Takeover Party at your house then mate 👍

I’ll just fill up my bath in the mean time 😂

Na all seriously that’s great of you to offer it up to anyone in here that’s in that line of work 👍


$8 I’ll supply the gals 😘

Done deal, you are all invited when we go more than my buying average ($1ish ) 🙈,
I am sure Jag will take care of our entertainment activities and Bags will be the star attraction 😇
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It's just a bloody nightmare
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