AVZ Discussion 2022


Must be due for an update on the court cases....

The 7 day reply period must be over by now
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Cumquat Cap

Must be due for some news for gods sake, Mining Indaba this week and Manono still stranded, embarrassment doesn't exist in the DRC
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embarrassment doesn't exist in the DRC
People seldom see themselves as the villain
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Fyi, I see where,

The IGF requests the suspension of the general director of the mining fund

The General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) has requested the suspension of the general director and an administrator of the mining fund for future generations of the Ministry of Mines (FOMIN) of the Democratic Republic of Congo, we learned on Monday 5 February 2024 from administrative source.

I request from your authority (the Minister of Mines), the removal of the current general director of FOMIN and Mr. Léon Mondole Esso-Libanza, administrator who served as chairman of the board of "administration", wrote Jules Alingete, principal inspector of the IGF in a letter addressed to the Minister of Mines, Antoinette N'samba.

According to the source, this measure aims to reduce acts of mismanagement within this structure dependent on the Ministry of Mines.

“Only this safeguard measure seems to me, today, likely to stop the mismanagement that is trying to take up residence within this public establishment,” maintained the Inspector General of Finance.

Beyond this request, the IGF also prohibited any movement of funds out of FOMIN bank accounts.

“It turns out that this ban on the outflow of funds no longer constitutes a sufficiently dissuasive precautionary measure to discourage initiatives and acts of bad governance in which the leaders of FOMIN are determined to shine, so that it becomes imperative, in order not to indefinitely hinder the proper functioning of this public establishment, to consider putting out of harm's way its current facilitators who refuse to be part of the good governance desired by the upper hierarchy", underlined the IGF.

As a result, the IGF noted that these measures, once put in place, will make it possible to consider lifting, as quickly as possible, the measure banning the outflow of funds which has just been implemented by the IGF.

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Cumquat Cap

Fucking crooks everywhere. Wonder why they don’t shut cominiere down as they know how corrupt they are
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Fucking crooks everywhere. Wonder why they don’t shut cominiere down as they know how corrupt they are
Certainly seems like they are a protected species. I don't buy the argument that Lisette's appointment and that of Célestin were aimed at isolating them as fall-guys to deflect blame away from the establishment should the Cominiere-Manono case spectacularly implode. To me it appears more as though they are simply benefiting from their close connections to the highest levels of the Congolese political elite.

Could well be proven wrong though, so I'll continue to live in hope!

And it could be that shutting down Cominiere would stir things up and result in significant risk to those who have previously supported or benefited from it, or draw undesirable attention to the corruption environment more generally, so its easier to simply keep quiet on it. Or even to continue backing it from a mostly hands-off perspective.
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Cumquat Cap

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Must be due for some news for gods sake, Mining Indaba this week and Manono still stranded, embarrassment doesn't exist in the DRC
Did you see where,

30th edition of Mining Indaba 2024: Prime Minister defends and popularises the vision of the President of the Republic in the mining sector

The leader of the Congolese Government, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde, during his speech on Monday, February 5, 2024, at the official opening ceremony of the 30th edition of Mining Indaba 2024, held in South Africa, chose to defend and popularize, among investors, the vision of the Head of State in the strategic sector of the Mines, in which the entire global energy transition is engaged.

These meetings focus on "Landing boldly leaping away from the positive disruptions to a brighter future of the African mining industry". :unsure:

A theme, which enabled the Prime Minister to inform the assistance that the Democratic Republic of Congo "courageously pursues the establishment and development of the value chain of minerals", with particular emphasis on the local processing of commercial mining products in order to better respond to the problems of the "green economy". :unsure: :ROFLMAO: :rolleyes:

For the Prime Minister, it is undeniable that the export-export model is moving towards a model that allows mineral-producing countries to derive comparative advantages.

This dynamic, according to Sama Lukonde, is likely to boost the green and circular economy on the African continent.

It therefore proposes to potential investors that the DRC should be involved in a strategy for the recovery of mineral substances, including the discharges of the various stages of their treatment and/or processing chain through recycling.

This will, he believes, "lighten the growing demand for critical minerals", which are, moreover, non-renewable resources.

"The Democratic Republic of Congo is open to any partnership that can (in the framework of bilateral or multilateral cooperation) support it in the research, exploitation and transformation at local level of minerals in the energy transition. :unsure: :ROFLMAO: :rolleyes:

We cannot say enough, our country offers itself to all humanity as a 'country solution' to the challenge of global warming and the best destination for investment in the manufacture of batteries and electric vehicles,' he said to the mining operators. :unsure: :sick: :ROFLMAO:

Recalling the data from Blomberg NEF’s study on investment opportunities in the DRC in the mining sector, the Prime Minister noted, for example, that the installation of a plant of 10,000 tons of chemical precursors of Manganese – Nickel – Cobalt batteries costs USD 117 million in the US, USD 112 million in China and USD 65 million in Poland, while it costs only USD 39 million in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Democratic Republic of Congo "courageously pursues the establishment and development of the value chain of minerals",

"The Democratic Republic of Congo is open to any partnership that can (in the framework of bilateral or multilateral cooperation) support it in the research, exploitation and transformation at local level of minerals in the energy transition.

We cannot say enough, our country offers itself to all humanity as a 'country solution' to the challenge of global warming and the best destination for investment in the manufacture of batteries and electric vehicles,' he said to the mining operators.

Recalling the data from Blomberg NEF’s study on investment opportunities in the DRC in the mining sector, the Prime Minister noted, for example,

* Yet No mention of Lithium or the Monster of Manono, just more Blah Blah Blah Bullshit & Lies from Lukonde :rolleyes:

* Who the Hell in their right mind would want to Invest in the DRC after the way AVZ has been treated :unsure:

* What a Joke :rolleyes:

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Did you see where,

30th edition of Mining Indaba 2024: Prime Minister defends and popularises the vision of the President of the Republic in the mining sector

The leader of the Congolese Government, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde, during his speech on Monday, February 5, 2024, at the official opening ceremony of the 30th edition of Mining Indaba 2024, held in South Africa, chose to defend and popularize, among investors, the vision of the Head of State in the strategic sector of the Mines, in which the entire global energy transition is engaged.

These meetings focus on "Landing boldly leaping away from the positive disruptions to a brighter future of the African mining industry". :unsure:

A theme, which enabled the Prime Minister to inform the assistance that the Democratic Republic of Congo "courageously pursues the establishment and development of the value chain of minerals", with particular emphasis on the local processing of commercial mining products in order to better respond to the problems of the "green economy". :unsure: :ROFLMAO: :rolleyes:

For the Prime Minister, it is undeniable that the export-export model is moving towards a model that allows mineral-producing countries to derive comparative advantages.

This dynamic, according to Sama Lukonde, is likely to boost the green and circular economy on the African continent.

It therefore proposes to potential investors that the DRC should be involved in a strategy for the recovery of mineral substances, including the discharges of the various stages of their treatment and/or processing chain through recycling.

This will, he believes, "lighten the growing demand for critical minerals", which are, moreover, non-renewable resources.

"The Democratic Republic of Congo is open to any partnership that can (in the framework of bilateral or multilateral cooperation) support it in the research, exploitation and transformation at local level of minerals in the energy transition. :unsure: :ROFLMAO: :rolleyes:

We cannot say enough, our country offers itself to all humanity as a 'country solution' to the challenge of global warming and the best destination for investment in the manufacture of batteries and electric vehicles,' he said to the mining operators. :unsure: :sick: :ROFLMAO:

Recalling the data from Blomberg NEF’s study on investment opportunities in the DRC in the mining sector, the Prime Minister noted, for example, that the installation of a plant of 10,000 tons of chemical precursors of Manganese – Nickel – Cobalt batteries costs USD 117 million in the US, USD 112 million in China and USD 65 million in Poland, while it costs only USD 39 million in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Democratic Republic of Congo "courageously pursues the establishment and development of the value chain of minerals",

"The Democratic Republic of Congo is open to any partnership that can (in the framework of bilateral or multilateral cooperation) support it in the research, exploitation and transformation at local level of minerals in the energy transition.

We cannot say enough, our country offers itself to all humanity as a 'country solution' to the challenge of global warming and the best destination for investment in the manufacture of batteries and electric vehicles,' he said to the mining operators.

Recalling the data from Blomberg NEF’s study on investment opportunities in the DRC in the mining sector, the Prime Minister noted, for example,

* Yet No mention of Lithium or the Monster of Manono, just more Blah Blah Blah Bullshit & Lies from Lukonde :rolleyes:

* Who the Hell in their right mind would want to Invest in the DRC after the way AVZ has been treated :unsure:

* What a Joke :rolleyes:

View attachment 56026
What an absolutely clueless dipshit of a leader. He has got NO IDEA what his Country is doing.........

"THIS" is the problem we face - the negative forces obviously feed off his lack of ability.....

Nigel - get over there and lance this boil of a useless Politician. Gloves off mate, diplomacy is dead when it's only one-sided..


PS - welcome back @Frank
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What an absolutely clueless dipshit of a leader. He has got NO IDEA what his Country is doing.........

"THIS" is the problem we face - the negative forces obviously feed off his lack of ability.....

Nigel - get over there and lance this boil of a useless Politician. Gloves off mate, diplomacy is dead when it's only one-sided..


PS - welcome back @Frank
Put aside the fact that this dude is full of shite - how can the elite of African mining sit in a room listening to this dribble and not raise the question of the recently upgraded largest and purist lithium deposit on the planet? Hello - is anyone there? Has anyone heard of Manono? AVZ? ICSID? ICC? It's like Fawlty Towers only 100 times more rediculous.
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Put aside the fact that this dude is full of shite - how can the elite of African mining sit in a room listening to this dribble and not raise the question of the recently upgraded largest and purist lithium deposit on the planet? Hello - is anyone there? Has anyone heard of Manono? AVZ? ICSID? ICC? It's like Fawlty Towers only 100 times more rediculous.
That's because most in that room are as corrupt as each other . China is f--king them all up the freckle and they love it .
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What an absolutely clueless dipshit of a leader. He has got NO IDEA what his Country is doing.........

"THIS" is the problem we face - the negative forces obviously feed off his lack of ability.....

Nigel - get over there and lance this boil of a useless Politician. Gloves off mate, diplomacy is dead when it's only one-sided..


PS - welcome back @Frank
It is a lackluster performance by everyone:
  • Airbus Albo will fly to the US to do a photo shoot with Biden about critical minerals but won't bother to take a trip to go see Felix
  • Not one mention from Madeleine King or Penny Wong about this or flying over for support???
  • Now would be a perfect opportunity for our federal government to build a relationship with the DRC and introduce an ambassador directly to the DRC
  • Would be a perfect opportunity for Serge, Dr Casta, Ambassador Salmone & Balthazar to go over and do long form interviews or podcasts with someone like Kiki as well as another one of those small video documentaries of them at site and with the locals
What exactly are we achieving by being quietly diplomatic? The relationship is well and truly weathered moving forward if by some miracle this does get to mine. Nothing has worked yet so why don't we try the public critism route of the government.
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It is a lackluster performance by everyone:
  • Airbus Albo will fly to the US to do a photo shoot with Biden about critical minerals but won't bother to take a trip to go see Felix
  • Not one mention from Madeleine King or Penny Wong about this or flying over for support???
  • Now would be a perfect opportunity for our federal government to build a relationship with the DRC and introduce an ambassador directly to the DRC
  • Would be a perfect opportunity for Serge, Dr Casta, Ambassador Salmone & Balthazar to go over and do long form interviews or podcasts with someone like Kiki as well as another one of those small video documentaries of them at site and with the locals
What exactly are we achieving by being quietly diplomatic? The relationship is well and truly weathered moving forward if by some miracle this does get to mine. Nothing has worked yet so why don't we try the public critism route of the government.

Not neccessarily public criticism but I fully endorse full engagement and your 3rd and 4th points make a lot of sense

  • Now would be a perfect opportunity for our federal government to build a relationship with the DRC and introduce an ambassador directly to the DRC
  • Would be a perfect opportunity for Serge, Dr Casta, Ambassador Salmone & Balthazar to go over and do long form interviews or podcasts with someone like Kiki as well as another one of those small video documentaries of them at site and with the locals

Get jonnno @jonnnono in there as well

He is truly a champion for the good of the DRC

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Certainly seems like they are a protected species. I don't buy the argument that Lisette's appointment and that of Célestin were aimed at isolating them as fall-guys to deflect blame away from the establishment should the Cominiere-Manono case spectacularly implode. To me it appears more as though they are simply benefiting from their close connections to the highest levels of the Congolese political elite.

Could well be proven wrong though, so I'll continue to live in hope!

And it could be that shutting down Cominiere would stir things up and result in significant risk to those who have previously supported or benefited from it, or draw undesirable attention to the corruption environment more generally, so its easier to simply keep quiet on it. Or even to continue backing it from a mostly hands-off perspective.
Agree . Felix hiding behind Comminere . Letting them do his dirty work while he distances himself from the situation . My fear is they will leave Roche Dure sit there while China gets the North into production and they (DRC) let the ICSID procedure run its's course over the next 3 years . We are yet to be convinced they give a rats arse about ICSID . CAMI Portal case in point .
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So are we expecting news soon given the supposed reply periods of the court?

Could it be they asked for another delay?
So are we expecting news soon given the supposed reply periods of the court?

Could it be they asked for another delay?
According to the official announcement the Interim Orders are binding on all parties and took effect immediately on January 16th

The DRC don't care. The DRC don't give a fuck.

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Quick check in after a bit of time away.....

hope everyone is travelling well...

drc still fucked it appears...

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Quick check in after a bit of time away.....

hope everyone is travelling well...

drc still fucked it appears...


Nice to see you back chief
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