Well we are moving in the right direction, and it's nice to feel we have gained ground for once.
But I don't think we got everything we wanted and it's puzzling as to why we didn't.
"The Company considers the unlawfulness of the transfer of PR 13359 from Dathcom to Cominiere,
which has been reversed under the Interim Orders, renders Cominiere’s relinquishment of the
northern portion of PR 13359 and the subsequent grant of PR 15775 to Manono Lithium SA to be
equally unlawful."
Here AVZ are saying they believe the 15775 was unlawful, but the tribunal didn't make any orders reversing that.
Which is of course the puzzling part if 13359 is owned by Dathcom (Tribunal interim enforced), how could some other cunts sell off part of something that's ours? You'd think this would follow naturally.
It looks like we gained strength but were left hanging.
There's always other sides and hidden sides to proceedings, in the interest of moving forward, perhaps this was the best outcome, maybe our BoD silently conceded to this, so they could still appear defiant to shareholders. These are just my musings of course.
IF the DRC actually abide and call 13359 belonging to Dathcom, and
IF the DRC grant Dathcom it's mining licence to only that southern portion...
Then hoo fucking raa! We hold an extremerly massively valuable asset still, and we'll be trading again and that's a win.