AVZ Discussion 2022


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Hey is anyone brave enough to post to Cominierie on twitter, "How does it feel to get fucked in the ass by the ISCID on the world stage?"

Cracking Up Lol GIF by HULU
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Don't know what's better - watching cominiere roast in the coming days or Hazelwood at Adelaide Oval! 4 wickets, 2 runs, 5 overs.....
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Hey is anyone brave enough to post to Cominierie on twitter, "How does it feel to get fucked in the ass by the ISCID on the world stage?"

Cracking Up Lol GIF by HULU
Have done that - await a response..
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Old, pale and stale generation? - that's what I call my old man
Your grounded Sunday
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Biding my Time 1971
Yeah i think that the reason why 15775 has not been returned was merely a technical issue ie The third party ( Manono Lithium SA aka Zijin ) was not part of the Interim measure scope. The fact that 13359 has been returned to us automatically makes the creation and transfer of 15775 to Manono lithium SA illegal and will be delt with under our origial ICSID pending cases.
The interim measures are effective immediately and remain until the outcome of the original pending ICSID case
Dead right, and they're royally fucked in the fullness of time
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So Cominiere sells part of 15775 to Zijin (and becomes Manono lithium), ICSID says AVZ owns the lot so this becomes a dispute between Cominiere and Zijin! Nothing to do with AVZ and beyond the scope of the current proceedings. Am I reading this correctly?
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So Cominiere sells part of 15775 to Zijin (and becomes Manono lithium), ICSID says AVZ owns the lot so this becomes a dispute between Cominiere and Zijin! Nothing to do with AVZ and beyond the scope of the current proceedings. Am I reading this correctly?
So how long before we come out of this mess
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So Cominiere sells part of 15775 to Zijin (and becomes Manono lithium), ICSID says AVZ owns the lot so this becomes a dispute between Cominiere and Zijin! Nothing to do with AVZ and beyond the scope of the current proceedings. Am I reading this correctly?
Yes mate exactly right. Cominiere have once again sold of what they dont own and this goes back to the FROR we had on the 15 % of Dathcom and will be dealt with in the pending ICSID cases. Basically they are fucken snookered.
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I'm 64 , I asked my 28 year old what generation I am , answer , :giggle::giggle::giggle: cranky old bastard generation
Follow your wife's advice and have that drink :ROFLMAO:
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Gen-X and older will get the reference... Old Australian saying/terminology for getting bashed/beaten up..

I always thought it was 'fucked 6 ways from Sunday'?

Oh and GG AVZ at the ICSID too
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Bloody great announcement 💪💪 no let up now keep the pressure on at all costs, no favor or waiting games or promises

Best of luck to us all!
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I'm 64 , I asked my 28 year old what generation I am , answer , :giggle::giggle::giggle: cranky old bastard generation
Is that a 28 year old wife!?!? 👀
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Would be interesting to know what the implications are for
Legal Fees incurred by AVZ to date.
Penalties accumulated up to the date of the decision and to which parties are burdened.
Costs of the ICSID hearings if it goes back to the guilty parties, and the impact on our contingent legal funding facility

It will be a huge negotiating point, as I expect all Zijin transactions will unfold, and they will fuck Cominierie as well.

They probably have someone knocking on our special non friends front door from Cominierie, requesting all snacks be repaid

They probably have Chinese intelligence agents outside to make sure he doesn't skip town. He deserves what is coming.
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Somebody is not handling the news well

Screenshot 2024-01-18 191335.png
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Cumquat Cap

Cominiere supersedes the National government now lol
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Master of Quan
I hope 9card comes out of hibernation now. Always has good input when things are happening
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