AVZ Discussion 2022


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Happy new year team and here's to another year of relentless pursuit of our investment.

Hoping Felix with majority holding within the senate will help him enact some of his anti-corruption strategies but who knows.
Felix has won the election in a land slide.........his mandate of extinguishing corruption has no barriers , time for talk is over, time for action is NOW !

If Felix is for real, then that MOU for Manono should be expedited ASAP to kick start his second term in office which will achieve many postive milestones with a stroke of a pen

a) avoid further arbitration and international condemnation / embarrassment

b) To finally enact the " Battery hub " vision, which will create thousands of jobs, taxes / royalties and improve the DRC locals way of life over the next few years and beyond.

Its that simple.

If Manono is still a " abandoned baby " 3 - 4 months down the track, with no eventuality in sight, then we can conclude once and for all that FT is a puppet to the chinese cause.

What will be the reality ?

I am hoping its the former which will mean 2024 will be a much better year than 2023, which has been horrible.

Happy new year folks !

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You obviously don’t have any idea of what’s going on in the DRC. You can’t even get the basic facts right of when Tshisekedi became President.

That’s the trouble when people like you give opinions. I’ve read your posts, there all bullshit, not one bit of information amongst any of them.

You can’t get simple facts right and you think others here want to waste time having a cogent argument with you.

My guess is you and Splinter decided it was time to troll your way back onto the forum. Trolls usually work in pairs
Wow. First of all, thanks, FUCKSTICK.

Dave Evans. Know all. Tell us all what's happening. Go on, please?
You got an inside line?......

What exactly have you bought to the table? What's that?
That's right, nothing.

If a public forum us not for airing opinions, what is it? I felt I relayed my feelings with respect, and with due empathy to Carlos.

Maybe it's Dave's page?

Mate, get off your high horse.
You know nothing more than me and certainly haven't said anything nor detailed anything of substance.

I must say I've been away for a few days, haven't given TSE any time at all. I see why now.

You took my post and somehow construed it as troll oriented.

Fark me!!!!! WTF?

You're a no body mate. You have a very high opinion of yourself and feel, I'm sure, you're the umpire.

Well, guess what, you're not. You're just another anonymous clown with an over-inflated opinion of himself.

Why not tell us all when we'll be trading? Oh that's right, you can't.

So back behind your desk (the one you kept from primary school), and continue playing with your 2 inch weeny. I picture it now, 6 large screens, porn, adjusting your fogged up dark- rimmed glasses, all 4 foot 8 inches of ya.

Don't bother replying.

You will though.... won't ya? Yep.

Go fuck yourself......
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Master of Quan
Pop Corn GIF by WWE
It Begins Here We Go GIF by hero0fwar
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Dave Evans

Wow. First of all, thanks, FUCKSTICK.

Dave Evans. Know all. Tell us all what's happening. Go on, please?
You got an inside line?......

What exactly have you bought to the table? What's that?
That's right, nothing.

If a public forum us not for airing opinions, what is it? I felt I relayed my feelings with respect, and with due empathy to Carlos.

Maybe it's Dave's page?

Mate, get off your high horse.
You know nothing more than me and certainly haven't said anything nor detailed anything of substance.

I must say I've been away for a few days, haven't given TSE any time at all. I see why now.

You took my post and somehow construed it as troll oriented.

Fark me!!!!! WTF?

You're a no body mate. You have a very high opinion of yourself and feel, I'm sure, you're the umpire.

Well, guess what, you're not. You're just another anonymous clown with an over-inflated opinion of himself.

Why not tell us all when we'll be trading? Oh that's right, you can't.

So back behind your desk (the one you kept from primary school), and continue playing with your 2 inch weeny. I picture it now, 6 large screens, porn, adjusting your fogged up dark- rimmed glasses, all 4 foot 8 inches of ya.

Don't bother replying.

You will though.... won't ya? Yep.

Go fuck yourself......

Only idiots and trolls will be posting negative comments about Tshisekedi at this time. Whether you are a troll or not, only you know, but one thing is for sure, you are a fucken idiot
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Wow. First of all, thanks, FUCKSTICK.

Dave Evans. Know all. Tell us all what's happening. Go on, please?
You got an inside line?......

What exactly have you bought to the table? What's that?
That's right, nothing.

If a public forum us not for airing opinions, what is it? I felt I relayed my feelings with respect, and with due empathy to Carlos.

Maybe it's Dave's page?

Mate, get off your high horse.
You know nothing more than me and certainly haven't said anything nor detailed anything of substance.

I must say I've been away for a few days, haven't given TSE any time at all. I see why now.

You took my post and somehow construed it as troll oriented.

Fark me!!!!! WTF?

You're a no body mate. You have a very high opinion of yourself and feel, I'm sure, you're the umpire.

Well, guess what, you're not. You're just another anonymous clown with an over-inflated opinion of himself.

Why not tell us all when we'll be trading? Oh that's right, you can't.

So back behind your desk (the one you kept from primary school), and continue playing with your 2 inch weeny. I picture it now, 6 large screens, porn, adjusting your fogged up dark- rimmed glasses, all 4 foot 8 inches of ya.

Don't bother replying.

You will though.... won't ya? Yep.

Go fuck yourself......
Happy New Year FuckStick.

365 days to go until next year, ffs.
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"how good is today...not even midday"
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Looks like a little “blowing off steam “Doc …We dont call him BAGS for nothing 😛how was the cruise 🍺🍺
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Carlos , you can’t release a maiden voyage tonnage for a tenement through the asx which doesn’t show you or your JV as the owner on the national registery (Cami) ; That’s an absolute fact and so the CDL announcement wouldn’t have been a same day 6am release 9am announcement . It would have been through the legals for at least a couple of weeks ; it also a reason no doubt as to the number of disclaimers within that announcement.

There’s 2 measures - upgrade for RD ( why didn’t they just issue that one ? ) ( we know that work was already done in RDL no denying that ; as there’s a bucket load of bores and measurements were issued by CSA Global ) and then the other CDL maiden ( why have they gone to the effort in issuing this one - there’s a number of bores , maiden voyage calculated by TSE and HC minions which Cominiere and co actually doesn’t believe, as cominiere apparently claim - if it was true , then why didn’t CSA Global or equivalent issue any Jorc numbers if they had the bores … TSE , HC guesstimates don’t count ) .

Cominiere are claiming no work in the north ; they also claim AVZ haven’t spent anywhere near what they claim and have lied a bout funds and lied about how it was distributed which is in violation of the JV .

No doubt your response will be a fist slam on coffee table ‘WRONG!’ Followed by a LMAO , but if you pick up the phone instead of screen shots and yellow highlighting , I think you’ll get a response that the CDL release has ICSID implications and they needed to be firmly placed on the table both to nullify cominieres claims within arbitration and back up along DRC government channels.

Arbitration as we know can also be finalised on a settlement / agreement between the parties involved ; so there’s a couple of reasons other than your broader welded to the desk view and getting that north south line dragged back to where it originally came into play is one of them ; it’s a very important line in the sand which needs to be repositioned from its current location and to be a point where we negotiate from if that’s the turn arbitration looks to be taking for the purposes of returning outcome within a more palatable timeframe for all parties
The CDL resource estimate announcement clearly states that all drilling results have been reported previously. I showed you where they were released to the market in official announcements. Like I told you when you were banging on about photoshop a few months ago the truth is often what we make of it.
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This year we have even 366 days to go XD
Hi smarty papst, did it occur to you that I posted at about 11 pm 1/1/24 when I said 365 days to go?

Better stop playing with your cock, before it falls off. 🤣
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Wow. TSEx has become the Crapper with swearing. Awesome! :(
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Cumquat Cap

I guess we're not expecting any government directives out of Felix for the next few weeks whilst he gets his balls licked in St Tropez to celebrate.

Hoping to here an ICSID determination when they re-open for the year tomorrow which will turn the heat up and stagnate the development of Manono.
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obe wan

hey Carlos , ring the company and ask if the released of the inferred resource numbers ( which weren’t released before ) have any legal relevance to the arbitration cases / batting back Cominieres claims , if you hold shares and provide your details , they’re pretty open to discussing what they can .

This particular discussion came about with this line -

“ICSID won't give a single fuck about the CDL resource estimate”

Fwiw , go and use the advanced search on HC or if there is one here for my posts and use the word ‘collar’ , there’s post there where I mention works in the CDL well over a year ago . I’m quite aware that bores had taken place in the CDL zone ; to the extend I had forgotten , as those resuits as per your posts were back in Feb 2019

I was surprised by the inferred numbers , but fully aware that we had undertaken works up there as part of the sterilisation zone boring back before the camp location was decided upon and as said before, Cominiere are claiming we did fuck all up there and if we had why hadn’t any measured numbers been released ( you can kinda see their attempted angle, why have bores from 2019 not had made it into any measured category , ye ye bore released but no measured category , there’s a difference ). The release of inferred measure puts a bullet in that argument.

Its a pretty weak arguement by cominiere but they’re trying to force an angle that we’re full of shit , haven’t done what we are saying and have been spending JV cash on other things apart from the JV project I.e, works to the north are bullshite and we’d basically swindled money from the JV / violated terms ( whilst also using that as a double barrel, to leverage potential negotiations with the DRC on North and south and what’s actually included in the south I.e - limiting our area to the carries to which we’ve actually carrie out works in because they have been saying the bores in the north were just a furphy .

I’m fully aware work was done up there.

“CDL resource estimate announcement clearly states that all drilling results have been reported previously.”

Ye it did ; but there was never a resource estimate released before ; only bore results; that’s the difference 😉
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obe wan

The CDL resource estimate announcement clearly states that all drilling results have been reported previously. I showed you where they were released to the market in official announcements. Like I told you when you were banging on about photoshop a few months ago the truth is often what we make of it.
View attachment 53179
Carlos ; just one for the road re- Photoshop ; when you are calling the company ; ask them if there were any DRC docs which had appeared on TSE which proved to be fakes .

The company always gets forwarded on these docs when ever they pop up on TSE or other elsewhere ; if the company hasn’t seen them before , they are passed on to our legals straight away to get verified ; a number of them have proved to be fake ; just saying
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I guess we're not expecting any government directives out of Felix for the next few weeks whilst he gets his balls licked in St Tropez to celebrate.

Hoping to here an ICSID determination when they re-open for the year tomorrow which will turn the heat up and stagnate the development of Manono.
What were the odds that this delay was going to happen hey... Seemed like they would have wrapped it up prior to christmas but now that they closed, it's given Zijin and co another week or two of delays up their sleeve. We have been unfortunate at almost every corner of this whole ordeal. Mega frustrating. Would be nice to get the provisional hearing results released by the end of this week with some comments in that announcement stating that negotiation talk has been taking place.
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Not sure if this has been said before. But next WA supreme court hearing is 21/2/24.
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Cumquat Cap

Well evidently not
All of their requests were thrown out namely, request to expedite proceedings and request to see the scripted answers for the AGM. All requests thrown out but it will proceed in its usual course until either pulled or a decision reached. Their lawyers stormed out in a huff
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Biding my Time 1971
All of their requests were thrown out namely, request to expedite proceedings and request to see the scripted answers for the AGM. All requests thrown out but it will proceed in its usual course until either pulled or a decision reached. Their lawyers stormed out in a huff
Remind me (us) exactly what the case is about? Is this the defamation case?

The last date was for Directions. The next date is also Directions.

I'll give them directions - there's the door arseholes
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