AVZ Discussion 2022


Biding my Time 1971
And when will the foreign backers of these absolute flogs be fully exposed along with their vile and illegal attempts to steal the Manono project from honest AVZ shareholders and the good people of the DRC?
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PS Would not be surprised one bit if der geist was providing information to the stooges and tommy t comes out with a follow up. Scumbags stick together like flies on shit.

The stooges last effort was an embarrassment, this latest stall tactic shows how desperate they are. I’m eagerly awaiting the ICSID outcome
I for one think it is not such a good option to take this to an Australian court as now they will get more exposure to what they are up to , let the general media press them on their back door activities , let the many people of Australia know what type of so called business man lives next to to them , get their name in every investors heads for when they next research a company , greed is the factor but I am sure we will come out on top even if the best way is for the BOD to nego a settlement price sooner rather than later , I dont have time in my life to wait 2 or 3 years down the track to get the same result now .
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The good thing is that the ASX does not operate like a chat forum and cant. How can you negotiate anything in a country where the "Rule of Law" doesnt exist. The Board I believe have bent over backwards with the relevant DRC parties in good faith and I suspect have been continually lied to. You cant even negotiate a position because some parties wont keep their word and are inherently dishonest.

Why would the Board release announcements on actions that they thought had no legs even though they may have subsequently played out to the surprise of everyone. If the Board announced every claim then the ASX would read like a chat forum for AVZ.

I have absolute confidence in the Board and they have significant legal assistance to win this in my opinion.

Lets see both the ICC and ICSID play out.

Go Nigel and the Team.

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This case by MMGA is a negotiation tactic from DRC / Zijin imo

It's beyond time for AVZ management to provide detailed clarity to shareholders on the waiver for the north. I've been able to get my grubby mitts on pretty much every document in this shit show except the alleged supporting paperwork saying we haven't given it away in accordance with the mining code. Nigel loves to harp on about the law in every other matter except this one. Mupande tricked us isn't going to cut it. It's put up or shut up time.

“If he [Tshisekedi] feels like he needs to go ahead with some sort of a deal on the north with Zijin, then we’ll sit down and talk about it”
- Nigel


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This case by MMGA is a negotiation tactic from DRC / Zijin imo

It's beyond time for AVZ management to provide detailed clarity to shareholders on the waiver for the north. I've been able to get my grubby mitts on pretty much every document in this shit show except the alleged supporting paperwork saying we haven't given it away in accordance with the mining code. Nigel loves to harp on about the law in every other matter except this one. Mupande tricked us isn't going to cut it. It's put up or shut up time.

“If he [Tshisekedi] feels like he needs to go ahead with some sort of a deal on the north with Zijin, then we’ll sit down and talk about it”
- Nigel

View attachment 52187
View attachment 52188
I thought that there was an agreement to split - South gets the License and the North remains in "Exploration" mode both remaining with Dathcom - I was not aware of any agreement with the North being given away or returned to the DRC.

Just my recollection - SilentOne
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I thought that there was an agreement to split - South gets the License and the North remains in "Exploration" mode both remaining with Dathcom - I was not aware of any agreement with the North being given away or returned to the DRC.

Just my recollection - SilentOne
We relinquished the north, returned it to the DRC, as the documents posted by Carlos above indicate. NF said that this was the result of trickery by JFMK at CAMI (as you say, namely regarding the deal for us to retain the northern zone under an exploration permit and get a ML for the south) but we nonetheless did relinquish the territory. Obviously that deal never eventuated. It was later claimed we had some documentation that the handing back of ground was retracted, as that process didn't fall within the Mining Code or some such reason, and that we had proof also detailing the trickery that led to the offical relinquishment, but I haven't heard of any of this evidence surfacing. Cominiere and Zijin have used this release of territory from 13359 to undermine us in various ways. It's an opaque situation that AVZ management have never satisfactorily explained.
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FFS if BOD was engaging in oppressive and misleading conduct against shareholder then I wonder who just voted the very same BOD back in ? It was the share holders, the owners of AVZ voted them back in. Fuck off fat tail we will not allow you to go against the results of a legal vote and I doubt a court will accommodate you agaisnt the wishes of the shareholders.

That fickwit de giest waffles on about having some dirt that’s yet to come out, I call bullshit as it would have been used long ago against AVZ.
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Dave Evans

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Any thoughts on Balthazar’s and Christian Lukusa’s oversight on this Carlos?
I'm still willing to give AVZ management the benefit of the doubt that they have the goods about retaining the north or at least have a legally solid guarantee about being in a JV with the DRC government for a PR

But the mining code is pretty clear that once a waiver is submitted the area given up goes back to the state for the tender process so whatever they potentially have needs to be iron clad

The case by MMGA should bring all facts out in the open for this matter or lead to a deal for the north. Either of those outcomes would be positive for shareholders.
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Biding my Time 1971
So, MoM then reinstated 13359 in full, no split


How does the MMGA case ever lead to a deal for the North? They want 2 scalps, thats it
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DRC Elections are 20th December and I think there is a good chance Felix will loose. He didn't get the votes in 2018 and was only able to secure the presidency by doing a deal with Joseph Kabila. I dont think he will manage to do the same deal again so i dont see him winning. Knowing how corrupt the DRC is im sure he will try something shady to secure re-election so who knows.

But If he does loose i think Martin Fayulu has a good chance. The reading ive done so far suggests Martin is anti CCP and pro western nations so is a good opportunity to wipe the chess board clean and start fresh with a newly elected DRC Government. This would also nullify any under table dealings CCP has with Felix. Im thinking this is the better path for DRC as well as AVZ.
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Cumquat Cap

Yeah I know it probably won't help our case but i'd love to see Felix the corrupt cocksucker getting smashed at the polls.

He is actively against avz and would love to fuck us over if he could
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I'm still willing to give AVZ management the benefit of the doubt that they have the goods about retaining the north or at least have a legally solid guarantee about being in a JV with the DRC government for a PR

But the mining code is pretty clear that once a waiver is submitted the area given up goes back to the state for the tender process so whatever they potentially have needs to be iron clad

The case by MMGA should bring all facts out in the open for this matter or lead to a deal for the north. Either of those outcomes would be positive for shareholders.
MoM then reinstated 13359 in full, no split.
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New AVZ announcement with CDE maiden mineral resources estmate
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CDE MRE out :unsure:
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