A very professional announcement and nothing like the amateurish misleading bullshit from Zijin, Cong and the MMGA stooges
There was a time some shareholders (like der geist) complained about not getting announcements. We have been getting announcements on everything since AVZ decided that being polite and respectful to the DRC wasn’t getting us anywhere and our best course of action was through ICC and ICSID arbitration.
I wonder if the latest farcical attempt at stalling by the stooges leaves a money trail back to Zijin and the CCP or Cong and Jerkoff, but whoever it leads back to will be footing the bill for this latest Supreme Court action. Blind Freddy can see all the misleading and deceptive statements these MMGA stooges made in the lead up to the AGM.
And @Carlos, you’re legal attributes are greatly appreciated and provide a good balance to this forum