AVZ Discussion 2022


Just went to the Zijin website:

Zijin Mining was invited to lead the exploration and development of the world-class lithium mine Manono Northeast Project
2023/10/24 6162


Manono Lithium Mine
This website news On October 23, Zijin Mining obtained the exploration rights for the northeastern Manono lithium project approved by the Ministry of Mines of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The mine is the world’s largest discovered mine. One of the largest open-pit exploitable lithium-rich LCT (lithium, cesium, tantalum) pegmatite deposits.
Zijin Mining stated that although the Manono Lithium Mine is a "greenfield" project, it is located in a good lithium resource mineralization belt with huge ore prospecting potential. It has the conditions for large-scale open-pit development and good development prospects. Zijin Mining relies on its mature independent geology The prospecting and exploration capabilities are expected to achieve an important breakthrough in the exploration of spodumene pegmatite resources. Zijin Mining will invest sufficient funds and technical support based on actual needs to promote the exploration and development of the project.
It is understood that, following the judgment of the judicial authorities of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the approval of government agencies, 100% of the exploration rights of the Manono lithium mine No. PR13359 has been returned and registered in the name of COMINIERE (Congolese Mining Development Co., Ltd.). Subsequently, COMINIERE invited the company to cooperate in the exploration and development of the northeastern part of the exploration rights, and the two parties established a joint venture, Manono Lithium Industry.
According to the joint venture agreement, the two parties hold the northeastern part of the exploration right project (No. PR15775 exploration right) through the joint venture Manono Lithium Industry. Zijin Mining holds 61% of the joint venture company through its overseas subsidiary Jinxiang Lithium Industry, and COMINIERE holds 39% equity. The two parties agreed to directly exchange the company's 15% stake in Dathcom for the 61% equity interest in the project company held by Jinxiang Lithium.
The agreement stipulates that Jinxiang Lithium will lead the geological exploration, development, construction and operation management of the project. Previously, Zijin Mining has obtained the development rights of the Mpiana-Mwanga hydropower station near the mining area through public bidding, which will provide sufficient low-carbon power guarantee for the development of the project.
The project plans to complete the project construction as soon as possible within 2 years after the feasibility study and financing plan are determined, and simultaneously build a lithium smelting industrial park. The products will be given priority to downstream enterprises in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in accordance with market-oriented principles. After the project is developed and completed, it will become one of the world's leading lithium production bases and better promote the economic and social development of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Zijin Mining actively embraces the new energy revolution and is committed to providing low-carbon mineral raw materials for a better life for mankind. In 2021, it strategically deployed the new energy industry to form the 3Q lithium salt lake in Argentina, the Laguotso Salt Lake lithium mine in Tibet, and Xiangyuan hard rock in Dao County, Hunan. The lithium mine's "two lakes and one mine" pattern controls more than 12.15 million tons of lithium carbonate equivalent, ranking 9th in the world and 3rd in the country. It plans to form a lithium carbonate production capacity of 120,000-150,000 tons in 2025.
Since 2014, Zijin Mining has successively built and put into operation large-scale mines such as the Kolwezi Copper Mine and the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Mine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with a cumulative investment of more than US$2 billion and providing more than 6,800 local jobs. Being invited to participate in the project's cooperative exploration and development this time is mainly based on Zijin Mining's efficient construction and operation management capabilities and excellent ESG concepts and practices in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. After the project is developed and completed, it will become one of the world's leading lithium production bases, provide high-quality low-carbon metal raw materials to combat climate change, further promote the economic and social development of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and local communities, and boost Zijin Mining Join the ranks of the world's leading lithium producers.

Thank you very much for the recognition of what Zijin stole, that about 50% of Manono 13359 is worth so much.

It makes it so much more believable to put the real value on the entire project when going for damages.
Several jaws will hit the deck when the damages claim is presented.

Fuck thieving Zijin, they should be kicked out of Australia ASAFP as persona non grata.
No wonder Zinjin has done so well, fuckwits are alpha male assholes, they don’t give a shit and will get it done.
We are basically the nerds following the rules getting bullied. They are laughing at us MFs
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It seems that AVZ without prejudice to our position has agreed to have an Arbitration session before ICSID hands down a ruling
Possibly Other parties conceding and giving in to avoid the ICSID decision becoming public and the whole corruption story unfolding in DRC
We clearly have the upper hand in proceedings, so this may be a chance for DRC to rebuild working relationship
AVZ should release a ASX update if this in fact what they have agreed too.
Personally would prefer that they proceed without arbitration session to let the corrupt parties be jailed and put in a firing line based on ICSID outcome.
ICSID would have handed their decision down by next Friday, this may have delayed that process.
There should be no compassion from AVZ as we didn't break the law
Looks like everything back to normal.


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I'm glad you are back geist, I felt so fucking lonely without you.
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I'm glad you are back geist, I felt so fucking lonely without
You only have to wait a week or so before shane has a new alias
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I'm glad you are back geist, I felt so fucking lonely without you.
At least the ads are getting better ❤️‍🩹

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Biding my Time 1971
What do you make of this ?

View attachment 52138

That was the hearing that we had been waiting for, (and did happen - see 9cards many posts about it) from which the Tribunal was to hand down a verdict within 15 days. I think Filthy is alluding to a new development.

Keep watching
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I was thinking about this last night. There's not enough information right now but what if, given ICSID procedures take quite a long time, that we had arranged/requested an mediated arbitration to discuss a way to an amicable resolution, but just to get it in the calendar to occur after the emergency orders are posted?

So, if this request doesn't impact the emergency ruling then this could be a masterstroke: get the emergency orders in and approved to fire a shot across the bow of the DRC, highlighting what could be expected to follow should this case proceed to award, and then follow that up with a sit-down sometime early in the New Year to find a mutually acceptable outcome. The old carrot-and-stick perhaps. NF has always said this is about pressuring a resolution, so maybe they think now is the time.

Of course that raises the question of why not just wait for the request until after the emergency orders are approved, so this could be all wrong, and the requested arbitration claim isnt even confirmed yet, but just some food for thought. Could be a very positive development if true, and AVZ had received some indication that a discussion could deliver a favorable result.

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It seems that AVZ without prejudice to our position has agreed to have an Arbitration session before ICSID hands down a ruling
Settlement before the hammer comes down ? :unsure:
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Master of Quan
I was thinking about this last night. There's not enough information right now but what if, given ICSID procedures take quite a long time, that we had arranged/requested an mediated arbitration to discuss a way to an amicable resolution, but just to get it in the calendar to occur after the emergency orders are posted?

So, if this request doesn't impact the emergency ruling then this could be a masterstroke: get the emergency orders in and approved to fire a shot across the bow of the DRC, highlighting what could be expected to follow should this case proceed to award, and then follow that up with a sit-down sometime early in the New Year to find a mutually acceptable outcome. The old carrot-and-stick perhaps. NF has always said this is about pressuring a resolution, so maybe they think now is the time.

Of course that raises the question of why not just wait for the request until after the emergency orders are approved, so this could be all wrong, and the requested arbitration claim isnt even confirmed yet, but just some food for thought. Could be a very positive development if true, and AVZ had received some indication that a discussion could deliver a favorable result.

We know Zijin are drilling the crap out of the north. What if they know they going to lose it through the courts but want to know what the grounds really hold for negotiations? Would actually benefit us as we know it’s resource rich ( maybe some mica thrown in though hey Nige… )
More wishful thinking than anything else but sitting on cruise in NZ gives one plenty of time to drink and think.
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With all the shenanigans last 19 months, bit sceptical about this out of the blue meeting before ICSID injunction announced. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the DRC just wanting to buy more time so it doesn’t shed any bad light on Felix or new President so close after elections.
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My pension and super is paid in Euros there is a substantial difference.....ffs :rolleyes::ninja:, I hope you don't want us to be paid in DRC Francs
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Wouldn't that be nice...;):cool:
I want to be paid fair value, a new experience for DRC and Zijin, they are trying to fuck us over big time....
Why feel sorry for the low lives?
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I want to be paid fair value, a new experience for DRC and Zijin, they are trying to fuck us over big time....
Why feel sorry for the low lives?
Who doesn't want fair value my friend

Totally agree
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Hates a beer
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fucking fat tail scum. I hope the firb is investigating who is funding all this legal action, it cant be cheap and it smells awfully bad. no doubt further actions by the chinese scumbags to further delay, obstruct, etc to get their dirty hands on manono.
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These fucking cunts....
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