AVZ Discussion 2022


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Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 7.02.35 am.png
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Cumquat Cap

Wonder if avz recorded the meeting as evidence that all was above board and Fattail given ample opportunity to plead their case?

Surely nothing in this at all given how professional our team have acted
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Wonder if avz recorded the meeting as evidence that all was above board and Fattail given ample opportunity to plead their case?

Surely nothing in this at all given how professional our team have acted
This isn't about the AGM per se, but about Fat Tail's wider claim that AVZ deceived shareholders about the saga over the voluntary relinquishment of the northern tenement area. It also likely looks intended to prop up Zijin/Cominiere's claim that this relinquishment was done without approval of the JV partners, in order to benefit NF through his connections with AJN, and thus was another reason that the dissolution of Dathcom should be legitimized.

Seems to be another effort to disrupt and undermine AVZ and it's management and ultimately hinder our prospects towards a favorable outcome, with the obvious aim of benefiting our opponents. Fat Tail at least could argue previously that they intended to gain board representation in order to steer the ship towards a settlement, however with this court action they have really shown their true colors and whose interests they are supporting.
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Biding my Time 1971
Wonder if avz recorded the meeting as evidence that all was above board and Fattail given ample opportunity to plead their case?

Surely nothing in this at all given how professional our team have acted

Not related to the meeting result, looks more like Z's focus on Northern....

Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 12.17.57 PM.png

No need for guesses on who's funding it of course
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This is pure vengeance, like how does it achieve anything for them? Shareholders are just going to hate them more. Fuck this I thought we might actually hear something positive before Christmas. Merry fucking Christmas indeed…
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This is pure vengeance, like how does it achieve anything for them? Shareholders are just going to hate them more. Fuck this I thought we might actually hear something positive before Christmas. Merry fucking Christmas indeed…
Not pure vengeance, a pure legal strategy of shitfuckery in line with all previous efforts by Zijin and their DRC lackies to hamstring AVZ. It's so clearly backed by those trying to steal the project that I wonder how they could claim with a straight face that this isn't directed by our enemies. Wonder what they've been promised??

Not only does it tie our hands with more time consuming legal dramas, it gives Zijin/C another line of ammunition to present to DRC to undermine our negotiating position and state again why AVZ cant be trusted, and that it doesnt matter anyway as this means Dathcom can be dissolved and us fobbed off (as i heard this is an argument they put forward along with the financial issue and others as backing for that play) It also allows them to say again that the current leadership could be on the way out, as was the case prior to the AGM, and that they just need to hold the line...Whilst they continue to solidify their ground-level control over the tenement by pressing ahead with drilling, and obstruct our prospect of any other resolution. Dogs.
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I knew the cunts would be back given their lawyers cheeky smile leaving the AGM
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Not pure vengeance, a pure legal strategy of shitfuckery in line with all previous efforts by Zijin and their DRC lackies to hamstring AVZ. It's so clearly backed by those trying to steal the project that I wonder how they could claim with a straight face that this isn't directed by our enemies. Wonder what they've been promised??

Not only does it tie our hands with more time consuming legal dramas, it gives Zijin/C another line of ammunition to present to DRC to undermine our negotiating position and state again why AVZ cant be trusted, and that it doesnt matter anyway as this means Dathcom can be dissolved and us fobbed off (as i heard this is an argument they put forward along with the financial issue and others as backing for that play) It also allows them to say again that the current leadership could be on the way out, as was the case prior to the AGM, and that they just need to hold the line...Whilst they continue to solidify their grounbd-level control over the tenement by pressing ahead with drilling, and obstruct our prospect of any other resolution. Dogs.
They must of had their arses kicked by ICSID .
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Not pure vengeance, a pure legal strategy of shitfuckery in line with all previous efforts by Zijin and their DRC lackies to hamstring AVZ. It's so clearly backed by those trying to steal the project that I wonder how they could claim with a straight face that this isn't directed by our enemies. Wonder what they've been promised??

Not only does it tie our hands with more time consuming legal dramas, it gives Zijin/C another line of ammunition to present to DRC to undermine our negotiating position and state again why AVZ cant be trusted, and that it doesnt matter anyway as this means Dathcom can be dissolved and us fobbed off (as i heard this is an argument they put forward along with the financial issue and others as backing for that play) It also allows them to say again that the current leadership could be on the way out, as was the case prior to the AGM, and that they just need to hold the line...Whilst they continue to solidify their ground-level control over the tenement by pressing ahead with drilling, and obstruct our prospect of any other resolution. Dogs.

Well it is purely a distraction in my opinion - our case with the ICSID hopefully will have a result before Christmas - I see MMGA as a distraction.

I am not going to lose sleep.


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And this is what the court system in Australia is being used for? This shit should be thrown out with prejudice! Absolute dogs. It’s almost treason considering our critical
Minerals agenda.
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Not really surprised by this which in itself is sad.

This is obviously a war of attrition.
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Dave Evans


You fellas in the west should have dealt with the stooges the NSW way. And I don’t mean the way those pussy’s from Newcastle and Deboss dealt with them

I mean the real Newcastle way.

At 3:05 in the song, even after being thrown in the back of the paddy wagon several times and been punched and held by several cops, Ian still manages to throw a couple of rights

Next time have the meeting in NSW. Fucken Pussy’s

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I think most were thinking after AGM "what's next?" Here it is.
There is always going to be something else, Chinese are not going to walk away ever. Clearly the 3 stooges are under instruction from Z.
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When will Fat Slob Holdings realise AVZ shareholders don't need or want them to look after our interests?

Those pricks are so out of touch it's farcical

If getting figuratively smashed in the fucking face at the AGM didn't do it what will?

And when will the foreign backers of these absolute flogs be fully exposed along with their vile and illegal attempts to steal the Manono project from honest AVZ shareholders and the good people of the DRC?
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I see the Australian puppets working for Fat Tail that are working in the interests of themselves and other non-DRC and non-Australian parties as traitors, nothing more nothing else.

They are clearly driven by greed and self-interest and don't care one bit for the harm and damage being caused to 20,000+ Aussie retail investors who have invested in AVZ. The results of the AGM were clear. What other evidence does Fat Tail need that their strategy is not supported and in the interests of shareholders?

I seriously don't have one group of people I despise more than those representing non-Australian interests, trying to rob shareholders by undermining what AVZ is trying to achieve ethically, and following DRC law and regulations that will significantly benefit one of the poorest localities in the world for generations to come.

It's so obvious AVZ is genuinely seeking to achieve win-win outcomes since they were incorporated, unlike the parties who have acted criminally for generations and say it but have never followed through with actions. I feel so sorry for the Monano populace who have never had people representing their interests. I hope they get this opportunity with AVZ and Australia for an increased standard of living, it might be the last chance for some.

It is also time for the Australian government and DFAT to step up get actively involved. Do something and stop being passive. Even if DFAT need to make an exemption on what they ordinarily get involved in terms of diplomacy and their mission, they should get involved in this - other government's countries are involved, so why isn't the Australian government actively involved. DFAT have an African office - this should be one of their priorities. I mean set up a special focus group to ensure Australian interests are represented and succeed rather than being walked over. The African office is set up to make sure foreign aid programs make a difference and flow through to where it is supposed to go. DFAT - one of the best aid programs you cold deliver is making sure AVZ start this project and deliver on their promises to the Monano community. Separate to this, there are 20000 + Aussie investors interests at stake here, let alone tax royalties that would flow to Auustralia, and the strategic importance of this project.
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I think most were thinking after AGM "what's next?" Here it is.
There is always going to be something else, Chinese are not going to walk away ever. Clearly the 3 stooges are under instruction from Z.
Not that many here need reminding but it does speak volumes to the strategic value of the entire resource for them to wage this war of attrition. Minister for mining needs to step in and out full weight of commonwealth and aus government behind this. We just sitting on our asses while China sets itself up for 200 years of global economic dominance and we kindly beg them for resources that should be/were ours.
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Master of Quan
Tick tock AFR, where’s the article……?
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Biding my Time 1971
When will Fat Slob Holdings realise AVZ shareholders don't need or want them to look after our interests?
never, coz they are only looking after the interests of China, fullstop
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Dave Evans

You fellas in the west should have dealt with the stooges the NSW way. And I don’t mean the way those pussy’s from Newcastle and Deboss dealt with them

I mean the real Newcastle way.

At 3:05 in the song, even after being thrown in the back of the paddy wagon several times and been punched and held by several cops, Ian still manages to throw a couple of rights

Next time have the meeting in NSW. Fucken Pussy’s

PS Would not be surprised one bit if der geist was providing information to the stooges and tommy t comes out with a follow up. Scumbags stick together like flies on shit.

The stooges last effort was an embarrassment, this latest stall tactic shows how desperate they are. I’m eagerly awaiting the ICSID outcome
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