AVZ Discussion 2022


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It's just a play on words and his name...



I know I'm not overly smart but I think it might have been me that coined a few of those when the MMGA goons were on the scene

So it was just something like...

Pirate Pete ("Huge Lips" wasn't one of mine but I wish it was! :ROFLMAO:)


and Dudbrooke

I didn't think about it too much...

They were just absolute, fucking first class, anti-AVZ, pro foreign interest, Zijin, Cong, China, DRC can live in poverty while we get brown paper bags sellout arseholes and the nicknames sorta rhymed and just seemed to fit

No need to interrogate Dave for a few throwaway nicknames that might have been my wine inspired whim that others picked up on and just had a bit of a laff with
I don't think dick and cohorts have foreign interests in mind, their main game is/was self interest.
If it means they can generate max money out of AVZ by giving it to foreign interests on the cheap, then that will be the go.
Don't forget they might try again.
They are a bunch of cheap selfish grubby opportunists, who even would sell their mothers if the price is right.
That's why they are also called motherfuckers.
Kong knows the type, that's the only reason they fitted in his scheme.
He knew what Peter H was capable of, a man without a conscious, who is well prepared to fuck 21000 retail investors over.
He had shown his value when he did his trick with Amani gold and thought he could pull a similar trick with AVZ.
The dick had to do all the hard yards in the front row, while Peter H sat in the back observing his performance.
At the end of the day, the 3 musketeers could be disposed of, as having served their purpose and no further required.
If it would have suited Kong, the musketeers would have gone swimming in the Congo River with their feet properly secured in concrete so they couldn't win a medal swimming in record time from Kinshasa to the Banana Port.
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Hates a beer
I was just about to sign off for the day when I had a look at the ASX200 and saw the funniest thing I’ve seen all year 🤣🤣🤣

A year after Omni Bridgeway decided to try and instigate a class action against us (and offered to fund it just to try and suck people into their corrupt scam) they are down over 65% over the last year

How’s that dirty scam working out for you scumbags at Omni Bridgeway now 🤣🤣🤣

I think it might be time for Omni Bridgeway shareholders to start a class action against Omni Bridgeway

ASX-listed litigation funder Omni Bridgeway is gearing up for a major fight in Britain’s High Court after a client refused to pay a multimillion-pound bill, claiming the funding agreement was unenforceable in England.

Lawyers for the client, Bugsby Property LLC, said the action could have wide-ranging implications for the litigation funding industry in the UK, and accused the Perth-based Omni Bridgeway of “aggressive” behaviour.

The lawsuit against Omni Bridgeway is the first major challenge following a UK Supreme Court judgment in July. Jessica Shapiro
The fight in London’s commercial courts is the latest challenge against litigation funders, including in Australia where former treasurer Josh Frydenberg sought to impose stricter regulations.
Bugsby Property received just under £3 million ($5.8 million) from Omni Bridgeway and more from litigation funder Therium for legal action over a failed acquisition of London’s Olympia Exhibition Centre in 2016.
Bugsby was partially successful and awarded about £15 million in damages.

But lawyers now acting for Bugsby said the funding agreements with Omni Bridgeway and Therium meant the pair were entitled to 133 per cent of the award.

Funder claiming 133pc is ‘terrifying’​

“Winning in the High Court to be told that the funder is claiming 133 per cent of the winnings is terrifying,” said Ashkhan Candey, managing partner of New York-based litigation firm Candey, which is representing Bugsby.
“There needs to be greater public transparency into how funders operate,” Mr Candey told The Australian Financial Review, adding he was hopeful a judgment from the UK Supreme Court in July would provide the answer.
The Supreme Court ruled that many existing agreements used by litigation funders were “damages-based agreements” (DBA) under the law and subject to a strict regulatory regime, including a 50 per cent cap.
DBAs are where the amount payable to a funder is “determined by reference to the amount of the financial benefit obtained” if the lawsuit is successful. Litigation funders, who had believed their funding agreements did not constitute DBAs, scrambled to review and rewrite agreements.

Bugsby’s action against Omni Bridgeway is thought to be the first challenge to seek a declaration that an existing funding agreement is a DBA and unenforceable. It would also require a ruling that the court could not cure the unenforceability or give restitution and return money invested.
Mr Candey said Bugsby was “disappointed and shocked” that while the parties were waiting for the High Court in London to determine the claim, “Omni Bridgeway obtained ex parte and without notice a £20 million freezing injunction against them – almost seven times the amount they funded our client”.
“They also attempted to have a recent hearing about the freezing injunction held in private, though this application was unsuccessful. This conduct is not only disproportionate and aggressive, but also seems to run against Omni’s value of being the champion of ‘access to justice’.”
In its financial results for the year ended June 30, Omni Bridgeway downplayed the development, saying it had “very limited” exposure to affected matters.
An Omni Bridgeway spokesman declined to comment.
Omni Bridgeways shares traded at $1.65 at 10.45am AEDT, compared with $4.60 last November. The company’s largest shareholder is Rest Super, which has increased it holding to 8.5 per cent in the past year.
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Hey John you were at the AGM, I saw you.

Did you think carrot dick's performance was so convincing you would put your life savings on his performance?

To be extremely honest, I thought wow, somebody stuffed up and it wasn't me.

Huljich location during the AGM was a part of the Fat Tail show, a coward with a huge mouth, afraid to open his trap in public.

I do appreciate your opinion, because you are a thinker.
I realise it is your opinion and respect it as such, doesn't mean I agree with it.
Everybody is entitled to their opinion, that is why we are here, to test our opinions without fear.
Hi Cruiser
It was a poor performance by the MAGGOTS at the AGM …🥕took all the hits whilst the other 2 hid like Mongrel Dogs ,probably came in late ,felt the mood of the room .Honestly it would be like taking water pistols to a gun fight .The intent was there ,you could feel the tension in the room & JC kept the lid on tight

Before the AGM I have never been a true fan of our BoD & their silent tactics but after the weeks leading to the meeting realised the 💩thats being going down ,so its 🐶/Ben/John & Co or we are screwed .The 1 thing we learnt was who in the TOP 20 register are the real Kunts.

Think Bags/Dave 😛was tongue in cheek suggesting 🥕would make a good CEO or Director of a company because he was SO unimpressive ,still in a little disbelief that was the best they had to throw at us 🤷‍♂️bit of a anti climax fizzer .Looks like everyone has gone to ground at present waiting for outcomes/Xmas …Thanks for the deep thinker reference Cruiser ,you probably caught me at a time thinking “Yep have time for another🍺 or 🍺🍺

As i referenced before it was nice putting faces to TSE names in finishing i have come to the conclusion …We have it …they want it SO

Or we go mining …my preference 🤑💰💵💸
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Really looking for some guidance from the outcomes of the arbitrations.

Hopefully good news for AVZ and some more ammunition in the fight against corruption and increasing the chance of seeing the DRC laws and Mining Code finally being upheld

Fuck it's been a long wait to get to this point

And still a good while longer to go probably until we get the outcome we want for shareholders and the good people of Manono and the DRC in general

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In the meantime, Graeme's reply to Copperbelt article

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Hi Cruiser
It was a poor performance by the MAGGOTS at the AGM …🥕took all the hits whilst the other 2 hid like Mongrel Dogs ,probably came in late ,felt the mood of the room .Honestly it would be like taking water pistols to a gun fight .The intent was there ,you could feel the tension in the room & JC kept the lid on tight

Before the AGM I have never been a true fan of our BoD & their silent tactics but after the weeks leading to the meeting realised the 💩thats being going down ,so its 🐶/Ben/John & Co or we are screwed .The 1 thing we learnt was who in the TOP 20 register are the real Kunts.

Think Bags/Dave 😛was tongue in cheek suggesting 🥕would make a good CEO or Director of a company because he was SO unimpressive ,still in a little disbelief that was the best they had to throw at us 🤷‍♂️bit of a anti climax fizzer .Looks like everyone has gone to ground at present waiting for outcomes/Xmas …Thanks for the deep thinker reference Cruiser ,you probably caught me at a time thinking “Yep have time for another🍺 or 🍺🍺

As i referenced before it was nice putting faces to TSE names in finishing i have come to the conclusion …We have it …they want it SO
View attachment 51915
Or we go mining …my preference 🤑💰💵💸
I originally wanted to go mining and saw the project as transformative for the DRC and also potentially for shareholders

Unfortunately with the shitfuckery I've seen I have become so disillusioned with the high ranking corrupt officials and politicians of the DRC and the perverse activities of China backed Zijin that I simply want out

If Nige can get the "right" deal and present it to shareholders I'd be all for it
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Was the hearing in Washington merely formalities? Would like to know what transpired even just an acknowledgement that the everyone showed up to the teleconference would do.
Hello AVZ.... Is anyone home
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Dave Evans

I originally wanted to go mining and saw the project as transformative for the DRC and also potentially for shareholders

Unfortunately with the shitfuckery I've seen I have become so disillusioned with the high ranking corrupt officials and politicians of the DRC and the perverse activities of China backed Zijin that I simply want out

If Nige can get the "right" deal and present it to shareholders I'd be all for it

Nut, unfortunately the level of corruption in the DRC and the length of time it has gone on for makes it difficult for anyone to believe anything will change.

But if you take into account that Kabila was the President of the DRC for nearly 20 years (2001 - 2019) and Tshisekedi could have worked with him and lined both their pockets. Instead Tshisekedi ousted Kabila and since then has had to find a balance between keeping all the corrupt ministers that carry a majority of votes on side while at the same time giving more power to the IGF to expose and slowly deal with the ingrained corruption.

Haut Katanga carries the most votes in the DRC outside of North and South Kivu and I think this is where Adele Kayinda and Guy Loando get a large majority of votes.

Truth is I would have to fact check that last paragraph to be sure, but from memory I think that’s the case.

If he wins the election, which looks likely, we may see him being able to make progress moving us forward. He would only have another 5 years in power to leave a legacy of having fought corruption and getting the Manono project started by Dathcom, which would also put him and the DRC in a better light to international investors, the IMF and World Bank.

I don’t worry about giving my opinion on which way it will go, I just look for the more positive scenarios and outcomes
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Nut, unfortunately the level of corruption in the DRC and the length of time it has gone on for makes it difficult for anyone to believe anything will change.

But if you take into account that Kabila was the President of the DRC for nearly 20 years (2001 - 2019) and Tshisekedi could have worked with him and lined both their pockets. Instead Tshisekedi ousted Kabila and since then has had to find a balance between keeping all the corrupt ministers that carry a majority of votes on side while at the same time giving more power to the IGF to expose and slowly deal with the ingrained corruption.

Haut Katanga carries the most votes in the DRC outside of North and South Kivu and I think this is where Adele Kayinda and Guy Loando get a large majority of votes.

Truth is I would have to fact check that last paragraph to be sure, but from memory I think that’s the case.

If he wins the election, which looks likely, we may see him being able to make progress moving us forward. He would only have another 5 years in power to leave a legacy of having fought corruption and getting the Manono project started by Dathcom, which would also put him and the DRC in a better light to international investors, the IMF and World Bank.

I don’t worry about giving my opinion on which way it will go, I just look for the more positive scenarios and outcomes
My immediate concern is securing the $20 mil . No mon . No fun .
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Cumquat Cap

Anyone seeing Marius thinking DLA Piper are spreading rumours about him?

He also mentioned on X, the issues avz are facing are due to nasty comments on X (nothing to do with mass corruption by anyone who gets close to a position of power).

He turned out to be a massive failure and good luck suing DLA Piper
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Anyone seeing Marius thinking DLA Piper are spreading rumours about him?

He also mentioned on X, the issues avz are facing are due to nasty comments on X (nothing to do with mass corruption by anyone who gets close to a position of power).

He turned out to be a massive failure and good luck suing DLA Piper
That's weird. Because the difficulties were happening before AVZ shareholders said anything. Initial sentiment on the forums and Twitter was it will be sorted within days and shorts will burn. It is an insult to anyone with a brain to suggest that the DRC government's failure to follow it's own mining code, which doesn't mention hurt feelings, is because of comments by people on social media who may not even be AVZ shareholders instead of corruption.

Marius stopped working when he couldn't secure the extra 5mil. He admitted himself that the only meeting he teed up with Felix was before DLA Piper's report. Thank fuck DLA Piper did limit the money Nigel wasted on him. Management have made the right decision to keep paying DLA Piper instead of Marius as they are at least securing some progress in negotiations with arbitration instead of us being completely ignored like up until the end of May when Marius's contract ran out.
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Cumquat Cap

Couldn't agree more, complete grifter and representative of the DRC government (pay to play).

I am biting my tongue like crazy on X as i'd love to rip into him but best leave it be for a while longer
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obe wan

Couldn't agree more, complete grifter and representative of the DRC government (pay to play).

I am biting my tongue like crazy on X as i'd love to rip into him but best leave it be for a while longer
100% @cumquat best not poke that bear ; that one could whipsaw real quick
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Gosh, no trolls on the crapper.
Maybe they are all off to the troll convention in Shanghai, or all funds are withdrawn.
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Couldn't agree more, complete grifter and representative of the DRC government (pay to play).

I am biting my tongue like crazy on X as i'd love to rip into him but best leave it be for a while longer
I can almost 100% garuntee that you giving him a hard time on x won't be helpful in any way 🤣
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Gosh, no trolls on the crapper.
Maybe they are all off to the troll convention in Shanghai, or all funds are withdrawn.
Maybe they know what is going down in Washington.
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Merry Xmas DRC.....:ninja::ninja:


Article courtesy of @Frank
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Anyone know why we don’t have an update?


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Cumquat Cap

AVZ always go completely dark after they get a win at the AGM in my experience, maybe they're all on leave now?
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