Dave Evans
I originally wanted to go mining and saw the project as transformative for the DRC and also potentially for shareholders
Unfortunately with the shitfuckery I've seen I have become so disillusioned with the high ranking corrupt officials and politicians of the DRC and the perverse activities of China backed Zijin that I simply want out
If Nige can get the "right" deal and present it to shareholders I'd be all for it
Nut, unfortunately the level of corruption in the DRC and the length of time it has gone on for makes it difficult for anyone to believe anything will change.
But if you take into account that Kabila was the President of the DRC for nearly 20 years (2001 - 2019) and Tshisekedi could have worked with him and lined both their pockets. Instead Tshisekedi ousted Kabila and since then has had to find a balance between keeping all the corrupt ministers that carry a majority of votes on side while at the same time giving more power to the IGF to expose and slowly deal with the ingrained corruption.
Haut Katanga carries the most votes in the DRC outside of North and South Kivu and I think this is where Adele Kayinda and Guy Loando get a large majority of votes.
Truth is I would have to fact check that last paragraph to be sure, but from memory I think that’s the case.
If he wins the election, which looks likely, we may see him being able to make progress moving us forward. He would only have another 5 years in power to leave a legacy of having fought corruption and getting the Manono project started by Dathcom, which would also put him and the DRC in a better light to international investors, the IMF and World Bank.
I don’t worry about giving my opinion on which way it will go, I just look for the more positive scenarios and outcomes