AVZ Discussion 2022


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Taking a step back, we have ongoing cases against them so non-payment on emergency rulings will look poorly on them - so logically they can't just do a runner.

If they do a runner*, because lets face it they probably don't care about ICC cases and its just to drain our funds - I've mentioned before that ICC and ICSID have the power to intercept payments from most international banks and institutions. DLA just need to raise this point to the courts - and wouldn't you know it, if you don't pay according to ICC and ICSID, they don't really favour you going forward.

*This is a possibility for sure.... Refusing to pay is classic DRC, playing the victim, crying poor etc. but there is precedence for intercepting payments which is easy to argue.

For the way payments work, if the damages amount is high, they will draft the payment scheme. If its payment to the Arbitrator and legal teams, its a lump sum immediately, but won't go through AVZ, payable directly to DLA and ICC/ICSID.

We can even ask the courts to force securitization at the next hearings which puts a portion of the payable amount into escrow and will be paid upon a verdict. I'd say with the penalty ticking up to 100mil, we could ask for 20mil as security without much issue - then just work on the verdict and 20mil instant in the bank with the following 80mil that we have to chase up.

Obviously leaving it to DLA and BOD to decide, but that's my takeaway, and why i'm cool as a cucumber.

everyone revolution GIF

Thanks again mate .I guess first things first is the MoU .Unfortunately delayed due to the attempted MMGA coup , however already written up and ready to be signed after several meetings with "high level" members of the DRC gov. Once we know the outcome of that I'm guessing we will know what our path is moving forward, and also a sense of closure to the uncertainty SH have endured . IMO
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I am highly interested in the current state of the "said" MOU between AVZ and presumably the DRC Government

What is the content?

Who are the participants?

What are the objectives?

Who is accountable?

What conditions are involved?

How enforecable is the MOU if it's a non-binding agreement?

If anyone can add to the discussion I'd really appreciate the contribution because after getting the fucktard, anti-Australian, money grubbing, Tommy loving, MMGA, Chinese backed corrupted arseholes out of the way for the time being this for me is the next most critical piece of the puzzle

Disclaimer: And I mean this 100% .... don't share a fucking word of anything here on the open forum if it might prejudice the plans of the current BOD or assist the self serving c#nts trying to steal Manono from genuine shareholders/stakeholders and the good people of the DRC.....you know who those pricks are
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I am highly interested in the current state of the "said" MOU between AVZ and presumably the DRC Government

What is the content?

Who are the participants?

What are the objectives?

Who is accountable?

What conditions are involved?

How enforecable is the MOU if it's a non-binding agreement?

If anyone can add to the discussion I'd really appreciate the contribution because after getting the fucktard, anti-Australian, money grubbing, Tommy loving, MMGA, Chinese backed corrupted arseholes out of the way for the time being this for me is the next most critical piece of the puzzle

Disclaimer: And I mean this 100% .... don't share a fucking word of anything here on the open forum if it might prejudice the plans of the current BOD or assist the self serving c#nts trying to steal Manono from genuine shareholders/stakeholders and the good people of the DRC.....you know who those pricks are
Sorry W.N I’m a bit confused by your disclaimer… this forum is available to anyone whether you have a stock exchange account or not, you can read all the threads - therefore an open forum. I’ve probably misunderstood and completely agree with keeping any information which may jeopardise us away from here, but was confused by your wording?
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Sorry W.N I’m a bit confused by your disclaimer… this forum is available to anyone whether you have a stock exchange account or not, you can read all the threads - therefore an open forum. I’ve probably misunderstood and completely agree with keeping any information which may jeopardise us away from here, but was confused by your wording?
Just interested in what's happening going forward with the MOU now that the MMGA goons are sidelined after their absolute fucking arsekicking at the AGM

What a complete and utter public flogging that was.....embarrassing for MMGA and Fat Slob Holdings

Complete DUDS with corrupt backers

Anyhoo...wanted to move on and discuss the potential AVZ/DRC MOU but maybe that's best left to the board and the appropriate time

No need to carry on ....might wait for an official announcement for the time being rather than speculate

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Sorry W.N I’m a bit confused by your disclaimer… this forum is available to anyone whether you have a stock exchange account or not, you can read all the threads - therefore an open forum. I’ve probably misunderstood and completely agree with keeping any information which may jeopardise us away from here, but was confused by your wording?
He's advising the secret squirrel crew to discuss things off forum on their Wechat group. Or some other safe space for sensitive souls. Apparently this place is infested with spies. 🥺
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Cumquat Cap

Not a great sign Felix waving off the EU counterparts who were there for electoral legitimacy.

Biden and the US won't play too nicely if there's been signs of electoral fraud (which there certaintly will be).

Felix has shown his true colours in the past 6 months imo
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Not a great sign Felix waving off the EU counterparts who were there for electoral legitimacy.

Biden and the US won't play too nicely if there's been signs of electoral fraud (which there certaintly will be).

Felix has shown his true colours in the past 6 months imo
The US were fine with the election shenanigans last time around, I'd say their response will be predicated on their view of FT's position vis-a-vis China versus the West.
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"The Company is continuing to investigate the conduct of certain third parties and the unauthorised disclosure of confidential and privileged information"

"The Board expects the conclusion of this investigation to allow it and the Company’s management team to refocus its efforts on its strategy to advance the development the Manono "

Refocus ??? Maybe do both at the same time . Get the f--king ML /settlement asap AND investigate certain third parties . You getting paid enough to multi task .
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Cumquat Cap

Nigel better get his ass back to the DRC and see if Felix wants to sign this MoU as part of his campaign platform - a bullshit excuse tabled for the delay a few months ago.
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He's advising the secret squirrel crew to discuss things off forum on their Wechat group. Or some other safe space for sensitive souls. Apparently this place is infested with spies. 🥺
fly spy GIF
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Not a great sign Felix waving off the EU counterparts who were there for electoral legitimacy.

Biden and the US won't play too nicely if there's been signs of electoral fraud (which there certaintly will be).

Felix has shown his true colours in the past 6 months imo
Before the US points the finger at other countries’ electoral legitimacy it should look at its own backyard.
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Nigel better get his ass back to the DRC and see if Felix wants to sign this MoU as part of his campaign platform - a bullshit excuse tabled for the delay a few months ago.
Maybe AUD$150,000/day is not enough incentive for Felix.
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Maybe AUD$150,000/day is not enough incentive for Felix.
In itself it's also not going to stop Zijin from proceeding to solidify their ground position in the northern tenement area. It's a hefty sum viewed in isolation, but if they drilled out and continue construction for another say 6 months and faced the resulting fine of 18m euro (plus the ticking payment from May til now) that's ultimately chickenfeed against the prospective value in winning that tenement - which will be in the tens of billions of euros at a minimum. I believe that a unethical behemoth like Zijin would view this as a necessary price to spend in risk v reward terms, to allow it to better argue that it should be at least allocated a permanent licence over this tenement, if not the lot, and build its standing to that end should it come to negotiations.

However there is another question entirely of whether this approach will significantly impact their chances at the ICC, and whether their actions will also impact the DRCs position at ICSID should these emergency injunctions also be implemented as expected. I would suggest the answer is yes, it would have a serious impact, but how that feeds into Zijin's risk/reward calculations is an open question. I suspect they will push on regardless, unless ordered to stop after the injunctive decision by the highest levels of government with associated promises. I don't see much likelihood of this, in the near term at least, so whilst they can I expect we'll see frenzied Zijin action in this zone and at Mpiana-Mwanga to build on the 'ground reality' they are clearly aiming to present as a fait accompli.

Let's hope we hear something of the MoU soon!
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In itself it's also not going to stop Zijin from proceeding to solidify their ground position in the northern tenement area. It's a hefty sum viewed in isolation, but if they drilled out and continue construction for another say 6 months and faced the resulting fine of 18m euro (plus the ticking payment from May til now) that's ultimately chickenfeed against the prospective value in winning that tenement - which will be in the tens of billions of euros at a minimum. I believe that a unethical behemoth like Zijin would view this as a necessary price to spend in risk v reward terms, to allow it to better argue that it should be at least allocated a permanent licence over this tenement, if not the lot, and build its standing to that end should it come to negotiations.

However there is another question entirely of whether this approach will significantly impact their chances at the ICC, and whether their actions will also impact the DRCs position at ICSID should these emergency injunctions also be implemented as expected. I would suggest the answer is yes, it would have a serious impact, but how that feeds into Zijin's risk/reward calculations is an open question. I suspect they will push on regardless, unless ordered to stop after the injunctive decision by the highest levels of government with associated promises. I don't see much likelihood of this, in the near term at least, so whilst they can I expect we'll see frenzied Zijin action in this zone and at Mpiana-Mwanga to build on the 'ground reality' they are clearly aiming to present as a fait accompli.

Let's hope we hear something of the MoU soon!
If that's the case would Zijin/Xi Jinping have the DRC let AVZ take this all the way through ICSID re the entire project including Roche Dure?


Forum members and me.

discussion reviews GIF

Its not that we don't want to share, its that it takes a mountain of work to spoonfeed everyone on here and not cause mass hysteria on every piece of intel that is available.

On a side note, DRC making moves ahead of the election, Glencore is being squeezed by DRC at the moment to renegotiate their contract with Geca, to acquire output in lieu of cash returns or dividends - this is also likely to extend to other operators in country. Possibly something in the MOU?
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In itself it's also not going to stop Zijin from proceeding to solidify their ground position in the northern tenement area. It's a hefty sum viewed in isolation, but if they drilled out and continue construction for another say 6 months and faced the resulting fine of 18m euro (plus the ticking payment from May til now) that's ultimately chickenfeed against the prospective value in winning that tenement - which will be in the tens of billions of euros at a minimum. I believe that a unethical behemoth like Zijin would view this as a necessary price to spend in risk v reward terms, to allow it to better argue that it should be at least allocated a permanent licence over this tenement, if not the lot, and build its standing to that end should it come to negotiations.

However there is another question entirely of whether this approach will significantly impact their chances at the ICC, and whether their actions will also impact the DRCs position at ICSID should these emergency injunctions also be implemented as expected. I would suggest the answer is yes, it would have a serious impact, but how that feeds into Zijin's risk/reward calculations is an open question. I suspect they will push on regardless, unless ordered to stop after the injunctive decision by the highest levels of government with associated promises. I don't see much likelihood of this, in the near term at least, so whilst they can I expect we'll see frenzied Zijin action in this zone and at Mpiana-Mwanga to build on the 'ground reality' they are clearly aiming to present as a fait accompli.

Let's hope we hear something of the MoU soon!
To be honest, regardless of the 24 hour/day security, Zijin will try asap to build a huge road block on the way to the drill cores library.
AVZ has to work as fast as possible with ICC and ICSID to kick the morons off the lease.

The Chinese will not stop with their brown bagging effort, they will try to buy every judge involved in this, anywhere in the world, much too much and easy money involved. If Felix does not get of his back quick smart, the only road will be via ICSID.

Why would Felix worry in the case he loses the election?

I would say the parts of the Power house, which have been removed for 'refurbishment', will go mysteriously missing in transport, in the case Zijin would be forced to hand the Power House back.

And if all fails Zijin has the option to push CKK under a bus big enough to get over the fuckers head.
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Top 20
I am highly interested in the current state of the "said" MOU between AVZ and presumably the DRC Government

What is the content?

Who are the participants?

What are the objectives?

Who is accountable?

What conditions are involved?

How enforecable is the MOU if it's a non-binding agreement?

If anyone can add to the discussion I'd really appreciate the contribution because after getting the fucktard, anti-Australian, money grubbing, Tommy loving, MMGA, Chinese backed corrupted arseholes out of the way for the time being this for me is the next most critical piece of the puzzle

Disclaimer: And I mean this 100% .... don't share a fucking word of anything here on the open forum if it might prejudice the plans of the current BOD or assist the self serving c#nts trying to steal Manono from genuine shareholders/stakeholders and the good people of the DRC.....you know who those pricks are
"How enforecable is the MOU if it's a non-binding agreement?"

"The proposed signing of a BINDING MoU would provide for a stay of the ICSID proceedings while the DRC Government takes the necessary steps to comply with the DRC Mining Code at which time the ICSID proceedings could be withdraw" AVZ 15/11/23

It's binding baby . Like bondage but not as fun .
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Possession is 9/10s.

Regardless of the outcome, we are going to have a hell of a time removing Zijin and Cominiere from the lease.
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