AVZ Discussion 2022


Fuck off you fucken cock head. Everyone here is on to you except zeebot who is probably rooting you.

Like I said, I’ll be spending my time on the BRN thread from now on seeing how he is a tech head, so you’re moderator mate can see what it’s like. That’s if he doesn’t moderate me which is more likely as you and he are rooting each other.

On ignore for you mate, my only wish apart from AVZ going mining and all genuine holders being rewarded for their efforts (unlike you numpty) is that I hope I meet you one day

Although I can just hear it now, oh please someone help me, the crazy cult man is bullying me


Season 4 Troll GIF by Living Single

Genuine apologies to genuine holders, if you can’t get rid of this troll for flaming, baiting and trolling then the forum really has gone to shit
very grown up of you Davo...you're just proving youre an emotional keyboard warrior mate, thats all

the fact you think you are "on to me" shows me just how deluded you really are, add that tirade right there and yeah, well no explanation necessary

I'd call on some others who know who I am and that my intent is genuine but they should not need to waste time appeasing your over emotional false allegations, or anyones for that matter
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Yaseen I really dont know what your purpose is?

Are you a Troll.

very grown up of you Davo...you're just proving youre an emotional keyboard warrior mate, thats all

the fact you think you are on to me shows me just how deluded you really are

I'd call on some others who know who I am and that my intent is genuine but they should not need to waste time appeasing your over emotional false allegations, or anyones for that matter
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Hates a beer
I remember the days where a few would attack wombat for his occasional negative posts and even though I was one of the cheerleaders I thought hang on a minute I can see this guys genuine and just voicing his opinion, and I recall actually defending him as opposed to attacking him personally and calling on the choir.

Are you saying you used to post here under a different name - so why the need to create a new account under a new name? You also said earlier today that almost every LTH knows who you are. I've held since 2017 so unless you are Der Geist reincarnated then I've got no idea who you are.
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very grown up of you Davo...you're just proving youre an emotional keyboard warrior mate, thats all

the fact you think you are on to me shows me just how deluded you really are

I'd call on some others who know who I am and that my intent is genuine but they should not need to waste time appeasing your over emotional false allegations, or anyones for that matter
Yaseen, you come across as a complete narcissist stirring shit with a hidden agenda.
Best to just give your posting a break for now as it is serving no benefit to the group.
Be like me, I don’t have anything technical to contribute so I don’t post very often.
The group has many great minds and it annoys me that you have disrupted the flow of good information.
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Are you saying you used to post here under a different name - so why the need to create a new account under a new name? You also said earlier today that almost every LTH knows who you are. I've held since 2017 so unless you are Der Geist reincarnated then I've got no idea who you are.
you must of missed it, but who's this cheerleader here who now looks like an imbecile in hindsight just prior to suspension, and who choses to learn from his mistakes as opposed to gripping onto a cult? yeah thats me




and there's Davo and you, but Davo is apparently onto me he said while hes telling me to F off here and give me likes on X :ROFLMAO:. Lets hope he's more onto these Chinese rats than he is me or we're in trouble considering he's one of the better posters here
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Yaseen, you come across as a complete narcissist stirring shit with a hidden agenda.
Best to just give your posting a break for now as it is serving no benefit to the group.
Be like me, I don’t have anything technical to contribute so I don’t post very often.
The group has many great minds and it annoys me that you have disrupted the flow of good information.
proven otherwise multiple times and yet here you are accusing me again

do you see the insanity yet

the narcs keep attacking, and i dont give an F, ill stand up to them


I have yaseen on ignore as he is clearly a troll. Its great I dont need to read his dribble anymore however problem is, people keep taking his bait and responding to him, please put him on ignore and if you decide not to, if you think he is a troll dont respond to him. he/she is craving attention and is living off of your responses.

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proven otherwise multiple times and yet here you are accusing me again

do you see the insanity yet

the narcs keep attacking, and i dont give an F, ill stand up to them

Is this really worth your time?
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Is this really worth your time?
haha, now theres a better question

just wanna read others opinions of the stock without attacking them personally and to occassionally voice my opinion too without being attacked

do onto others as you want done to yourself

time will tell if the cult come to their senses or if thats a fruitless exercise

pretty sure anyone who really read the thread from my first post, or any neutral bystander would think wtf is wrong with these ppl who keep attacking this guy over and over

I dont wish to take over the bloody thread, I just want the above but I will defend myself if needed..sounds pretty bloody logical and rational to me


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A genuine holder would just leave rather then stir up shit and compromise the conversation.
The troll is on ignore
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A genuine holder would just leave rather then stir up shit and compromise the conversation.
The troll is on ignore
Another attack by another Sherlock

A genuine holder wld stop initiating attacks on someone who have proven they are a LTH who has been extremely pro AVZ for years and still to this day is pro-baord, anti MMGA, anti chinese/cominier dogs, etc etc

its really as though some here failed reading and comprehension, and are really trying to escape their own stupidity by attempting to use their emotions as a base for logic, its baffling

ill step away from the keyboard and see if any genuine person can stand up for sanity here:rolleyes:

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Need a function to not just ignore what idiots post, but also the ability to not allow fuck heads to read what i post.

Or alternatively, the easier method is just to ban the fuckwit.

Casa Rtp GIF by Promenade

Guess i'll be moving to dms or emails only - just like Vishnu, I am waiting.
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mmmm hmmmm, and they just keep supporting everything Im saying

Beisha one of the rare few who has kept it on topic without any attacks, big respect to him. Theres others who have Pm'd me here who have also voiced their concern for the cult behaviour, some saying they fell like they cant even discuss certain topics too often or theyll be shouted down by the choir and called a troll. 18months of Chinese/DRC torture has really messed with a few minds here. Kudos to those who've remained mentally stable among it all

bring on the ML and hopefully the instos smash this down to 10 cents so I can grab another million, i'll be happy with $3+ too of course, just saying

enjoy ya night boys and gals
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Ohhh nooo... her ewe go

I havnt listened to this yet.

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mmmm hmmmm, and they just keep supporting everything Im saying

Beisha one of the rare few who has kept it on topic without any attacks, big respect to him. Theres others who have Pm'd me here who have also voiced their concern for the cult behaviour, some saying they fell like they cant even discuss certain topics too often or theyll be shouted down by the choir and called a troll. 18months of Chinese/DRC torture has really messed with a few minds here. Kudos to those who've remained mentally stable among it all

bring on the ML and hopefully the instos smash this down to 10 cents so I can grab another million, i'll be happy with $3+ too of course, just saying

enjoy ya night boys and gals
Fucking wow how many dexies do you pop a day bro ?

I haven’t said anything yet but Fuck you really love to have the last say huh ?

Sure your here to discuss the stock, Great 👍

Just fucking relax dude.

I’m hoping by “enjoy ya night boys and gals” it means you have found the sign out button.

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Fucking wow how many dexies do you pop a day bro ?

I haven’t said anything yet but Fuck you really love to have the last say huh ?

Sure your here to discuss the stock, Great 👍

Just fucking relax dude.

I’m hoping by “enjoy ya night boys and gals” it means you have found the sign out button.

I didnt think it would that hard for ppl to just get back to the stock once they realise im a LTH and all the initial attacks oc chinese spy blah blah blah, shadow jumping have no merit, apparently its extremely hard :ROFLMAO:

not a single person who has seen proof im a long term holder wishes to admit they were wrong,,instead they say, "im onto you, fuck off ill get you banned"...but thats ok, ive come to expect it and really lowered my expectations here

Why doesnt someone grow some balls and say to the others hey look he's proved you allegations wrong, back the F off because you've made a tool out of yourself and the guy is merely defending himself and has a right too?

instead just more cult behaviour, attack the easier target in fear of the cult, its pathetic mate, not putting that all on you of course, you've actred decently

to point out the obvious no-one needs to reply to this if theyre here to discuss the stock, its quite simple
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Ffs @zeeb0t what do we need to do to get rid of this goose, 10 pages of dribble surely you’ve had enough reports to make a bloody moderator action. Do ya job please
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Ohhh nooo... her ewe go

I havnt listened to this yet.

I reckon the dude didn't do a bad job of reading the room and reporting on the AGM

Pretty much aligns with what our good people here have said

Not sure how the dude got into a closed AGM without being a shareholder?

I thought at the end he was very guarded about saying anything more about what was at play and by whom and chose to discuss the AGM only

That to me shows the dude understands the litigious nature of the general environment and was very careful to divulge any thoughts or opinions beyond simply covering the general machinations of the AGM

The overall feeling though was he recognised just how galvanised genuine SH's are behind the board and how fiercely they will fight MMGA and others who they can see through and have ascertained do not have the best interests of SH's at heart

It's an okay 15 or so mins with a glass or two of red

Thanks for posting
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