Provlem is 95% off what you posted has nothing to do with the big action of the past 48 hours, yet you decided immediately after our agn win was the right time to pop out of the woodwork and "contribute" a list of negatives.
So just fk-off for a while and let people enjoy the win.
it wasnt the fact that 95% of ppl chose to troll, personally attack and make proven false allegations against me in reply to a post about the stock? thats exactly what it was, and a herd mentality ensued. Clearly many here get their feathers ruffled way too easy. Id expect that from some 10year old girls, but grown men (and a women), yuck
I treat others as I'd like to be treated myself. If a holder posts about the stock whom I share a few same views with eg (pro current board, anti-MMGA, anti Cominiere, anti DRC frauds, anti paper bags, anti Zijin, etc etc) then you better bet i wont try to beat theam down if they discuss their opinions on the pros and cons, and I sure as hell wouldnt start personally attacking them or trolling them with off-topic diatribe and trying to shout them down if they dared defend themselves against others doing just that, nor wld i even contemplate trying to get them banned and bring the forum into chaos thumbing up others doing likewise and turning it into a manic cult like environment. I would in fact defend the one getting attacked out of principal and i'd expect that of any mature adult with a conscience.
its bloody insanity, completely and utterly absurd and I have no guilt whatsoever calling them out for it, they can carry on bullying and cry all they want. It's all emotional crocodile tears
In relation to your post before this one:
a few balanced and emotionally stable ppl here have responded about the stock and also contacted me personally to show support, but yeah most chose to personally attack instead. most of them trigger happy and proving they hadnt even followed the thread properly and werent even aware of who was constantly initiating all the attacks
at this stage, whatever, really no idea why all the attitude under the circumstances....these are ppl who I all got along with fine previously and still giving me thumbs up on X and HC. The insanity is off the charts, its obvious most cant see past their emotions rn, i'd honestly feel ashamed of myself in their position, and that's how Im judging it, putting myself in their exact position I'd slap myself and publicly apologise and do my best to bring the thread back on topic and back to sanity
I remember the days where a few would attack wombat for his occasional negative posts and even though I was one of the cheerleaders I thought hang on a minute I can see this guys genuine and just voicing his opinion, and I recall actually defending him as opposed to attacking him personally and calling on the choir. The amount of irony here, oh dear, and now Dave ( after abusing me over and over with false allegations) is taking off to the BRN thread to talk about the negative becuase he says its all justified
, but this once cheerleader here(me) talks about some negative after 18months of suspension and a royal sh** fight and he cant handle it he reckons, F off, F off, F off he says with the minions holding up his throne. Go figure.
sheer insantiy on so many levels
nuff said