my purpose is to discuss the stock, which is exactly what I did until i was attacked over and over by kids high-fiving each other with childish false allegations based on their emotions and lack of ability to allow someone to discuss the stock maturely beyond their viewpoint, and yet if the kids would stop sooking Im willing to just discuss the stock, in fact i'd like nothing more here, but unfortuantley as soon as I discuss the stock they cult has a complete meltdown. I understand emotions are high on some due to our position but perhaps a stock forum isnt for them and theyd get more pleasure out of a mens club or nail salon where they dont have to read about the reality of their investmentYou’re only purpose here is to disrupt the forum.
Some here have dragged this thread into a desperate attempt to appease their emotions alone, and they are taking zero responsibility for that and in fact they'd prefer to play the victim
it's like "oh zee pls protect me from any holder who wishes to keep his feet on the ground and discuss the negative with the positive. If his negative and positive view is outside my understanding or emotional bearance then I need him silenced immediatley or ill have a nervous breakdown". It's a new low for many here, and apparently if they can't blame me for their actions then its all zee's fault, pathetic really, time to grow up
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