AVZ Discussion 2022


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Wow, you saw Deboss! Wow!
Fuk me, surely that's a joke?
Anyway what did he look like?

Thanks for sharing,
White shirt, bald head, could be money bags brother.
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I guess nothing was asked about the situation on the ground with our tenement then?
Like whether or not Zijin/cominiere coacroaches are crawling all over the camp and the core samples... :unsure:
I asked Nigel about that.......
Camp and core samples security guarded 24/7 ( 30 + security guards rotated), not sure how that expense fits in the budget, but hey, its farken secure.
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@BEISHA & @Roon pretty well summed it up to a tee.
Unfortunately there was no Q&A session after the festivies, however, I can understand why they didn't offer the opportunity.
The 3 stooges walked out with their tail between their legs, Carrick was the only one to actually stand up tall and proud (part of me wonders if he is genuine but is just so dumb that he doesn't realise he's on the wrong side).

Nigel, John and the rest of the team handled the AGM in a very civil and cooperative way, given the circumstances.

The highlight of the day was seeing everyone come together to fight for what is right, great to put some faces to names and a very confident Nigel talking to shareholders after the AGM, take that however you will.
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someone's jumping at shadows :ROFLMAO:, we've hit a new level

but yeah, I wondered who was getting all butt hurt with the amount of mods I got, well I didnt wonder much

On topic, Did anyone happen to ask the board roughly what percentage chance they think we have of obtaining a ML before delisting date, or perhaps roughly what percentage chance we have of appeasing the criteria needed to list before that date, and exactly what the board knows that criteria is from a governance perspective and a management perspective?
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I was in the same row. He was passing me when he started turning on the drama about his phone.

He is a LTH. I have spoken to him at length at a previous major shareholders event.

I was surprised to see him "passing notes" with the MMGA lawyer. And even more surprised by the question he asked re due diligence around Locke, which seemed to demonstrate a complete misunderstanding of the situation. And Nigel called him on it nicely.

I don't think he's a journo, but I could have that wrong. Wouldn't be the first time haha. I guess if Tom Richardson can be called a journo it's not setting the bar very high.
The tosser you are talking about is the germ that apparently owes certain posters a lunch. The dickhead had absolutely no idea what he was talking about! Aka - Anonymouse/Beaner /wanker 🤣🤣
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Thanks all for the updates.

I'm most concerned avout Zijin taking core samples at CDL.

Did we take any at any point and haven't announced to market? It makes sense that they'd keep it close to our chest as we don't want to fuel anymore desire for CDL.
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I am happy that a high hurdle has been overcome and that the whole story and the shareholder initiative will be included in my memoirs.
From the reports I've read about the AGM so far, I can't shake the feeling that there are still so many stones ahead of us and I don't know if we can jump over them all. The election, Zijin, more corrupt public servants...hopefully the ISID and ICC will have the impact on the DRC AND on the BOD that we are hoping for. Apparently they can only work with fire under their asses.
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Well thank you Jag, great to meet up with you brother, i thought it was classic that i was having a cig across the road from where you parked initially, then when you got out of the car with your " FUCK MMGA " shirt on, i knew right there and then before we even shook hands for the first time .....that it was likely to be you ;)

Great to catch up with DEBOSS, Hadley brothers, @EarleofBarrow ,@Roon ,@tonster66 ,@Scoota30 ,@John25 and plenty of other individuals pre AGM (y)(y)

Deboss gathered us all in and gave us a pep talk about the etiquette required when asking questions of the BOD or MMGA, great camaraderie !!

As i was at the booth to register my attendance, guess who was behind me ?..............Peter Huljich 🖕🖕🖕

Guess who was in front of me flicking his nose with his finger pretending to be on cocaine in reference to Peter Huljich?............JAG :LOL::LOL:

200 strong crowd attended i reckon, BOD were emphasising decorum when asking any questions regards to resolutions ,John Clarke was in complete control of the narrative.


Questions were asked about the cash bonuses and lack of cost cutting considering the balance sheet was dwindling.

In a round about way the BOD did confirm cash bonuses were awarded due to the fact Nige & Co have spent 240+ days in the DRC fighting for our cause ( way beyond the call of duty regards to being away from family etc )

Remuneration is market indexed to retain the best personnel regards to skill set and delivering outcomes for AVZ.

AVZ BOD confirmed that the 20m credit facility plus remaining cash ( 11.5m ) is sufficient to cover salaries, working capital and arbitration litigation going forward

AVZ BOD reiterated that they are eager and willing to negotiate on good terms to expedite ICC / ISCID arbitrations.

Resolution was passed in the affirmative 👍👍

Resolution 2 - 17 were rejected by a large majority !!

Meaning MMGA are ...

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RESOLUTION 18 - 22 ( Graeme Johnston, Dr John Clarke, Dr Casta Tungaraza, Serge Ngandu, Her Exellency Salome Sijaona were approved in the affirmative by a large majority..........(y)(y)(y)(y)

Sadly, as soon as resolution 1 - 22 were resolved, the curtains were drawn down.............meeting closed , no question time ! :(

View attachment 50366

Apparently question time was nailed on the head because of threats of defamation litigation against AVZ BOD by MMGA plus AVZ BOD didnt want to reveal any info with the defeated Ludbrook, Carrick , Huljich still in the room........"I spie with my little eye something beginning with Xi".......springs to mind.

Anyway, that didnt deter me , so i decided to approach the BOD in person after the meeting concluded as i had alot of questions prepared and didnt want to waste a opportunity to ask.

Firstly, i introduced myself to Her Excellency Salome Sijaona, congratulated her on her appointment then asked her why she was endorsed to join the BOD, i suggested... "could it be your extensive connections within africa could lead to projects outside of Manono ? "

She replied..........YES !

I also asked what FT attitude was towards AVZ and this long drawn out fuckery.........she wasnt prepared to comment, but she did reveal that light is at the end of the tunnel...decades of corruption means the wheel slowly turns

She also revealed that DRC locals support AVZ, they appreciate the good will directed towards them in contrast to Zijin .

Locals are most impressed by the fact Nigel has learnt french so he can speak the native tongue !

I moved on to Graeme Johnston and asked whether the BOD has held one on one meetings with FT.

NO.....only via FT private advocates, however there is strong suspicion that those advocates have been complimented with brown paper bags, thus getting in the ear of FT talking negatively of AVZ in the covid period, so trust is low.

Moved on to see Nigel.

He can confirm that Cominiere is doing works on the Hydro power station, he also confirmed that Zijin is drilling holes in CDL.

All this despite the emergency injunctions preventing such action !........:eek:

Nigel not concerned, he maintains that AVZ has very strong cases against Cominiere / Zijin / DRC govt with iCC / ISCID arbitrations and every day illegal works is done, $100,000 penalties acrue, i asked how this penalty could be enacted on and he confirmed ICC has no juristiction in country, however private assets could be seized, but more importantly ,he mentions that the collective ICC / ISCID / IMF / WORLD BANK are all interconnected and the recent deliberation against DRC was damning.

In actuality, DRC applied for 13b from World Bank, but was only awarded 3B , minus 1B for the deliberation above.

The financial squeeze is impacting DRC

Sustained bunsen burners applied to DRC govt by the interconnected global organizations is forcing the DRC govt to come back to the negotiating table with AVZ and nothing will be concluded until conditions are agreed upon that is favourable to AVZ...........aka MOU.

Nigel stated that the defeat of MMGA today at the AGM is another pivotal moment.

The 20m credit facility another dagger in the heart of detractors whos intention from the get go, was to bleed AVZ dry financially and complete the steal, that eventuality now thwarted.

I also asked about the CATH relationship...........;)

Mr Pei is frustrated by the ML delays, Pei was invited to come to the DRC by AVZ and witness the road blocks first hand to garner a understanding of the delay, initially he accepted, but when he mentioned off the cuff that it could be a good opportunity to conduct a private meeting with Simon Cong ....the offer was retracted ( no shit sherlock...........shifty as fuck imo )

Cath deal is a 50 /50 proposition.......not in the bag by any stretch and i got the strong impression that there wasnt alot of concern if a break away fee was awarded either way.........:unsure:

I can also confirm that AVZ bod has had discussions with FT political opponents, should FT not win re election.

Apparently one of FT opponents is scathing with FT lack of mining results as per one of his mandates( achieving better outcomes for DRC govt with chinese mining deals post Kabila , no doubt Manono gets a mention too ) and that will formulate the main argument to the locals not to re elect him..........no argument from me !

So AVZ have covered their bases in that regard.

So going forward, Nigel stated to me that he will be flying back to DRC soon and continue the good fight, looking forward to some impending ICC deliberations and continue to have open dialogue to negotiate and agree on outcomes that are favourable to AVZ and long suffering LTSH.

Not sure the MOU will be resolved before DRC elections.

More patience required but Her Exellency Salome comments.........." light at the end of the tunnel " gives me confidence that this long drawn out fuckery will result in AVZ being winners at the end.

When ?

Who the fuck knows.


Love your work mate
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Hates a beer
If this was a TV series, the scene where Carrick and his crew walk into the AGM is the cliffhanger end of the last episode in Season 11. Then Season 12 begins with the AGM itself.
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Well thank you Jag, great to meet up with you brother, i thought it was classic that i was having a cig across the road from where you parked initially, then when you got out of the car with your " FUCK MMGA " shirt on, i knew right there and then before we even shook hands for the first time .....that it was likely to be you ;)

Great to catch up with DEBOSS, Hadley brothers, @EarleofBarrow ,@Roon ,@tonster66 ,@Scoota30 ,@John25 and plenty of other individuals pre AGM (y)(y)

Deboss gathered us all in and gave us a pep talk about the etiquette required when asking questions of the BOD or MMGA, great camaraderie !!

As i was at the booth to register my attendance, guess who was behind me ?..............Peter Huljich 🖕🖕🖕

Guess who was in front of me flicking his nose with his finger pretending to be on cocaine in reference to Peter Huljich?............JAG :LOL::LOL:

200 strong crowd attended i reckon, BOD were emphasising decorum when asking any questions regards to resolutions ,John Clarke was in complete control of the narrative.


Questions were asked about the cash bonuses and lack of cost cutting considering the balance sheet was dwindling.

In a round about way the BOD did confirm cash bonuses were awarded due to the fact Nige & Co have spent 240+ days in the DRC fighting for our cause ( way beyond the call of duty regards to being away from family etc )

Remuneration is market indexed to retain the best personnel regards to skill set and delivering outcomes for AVZ.

AVZ BOD confirmed that the 20m credit facility plus remaining cash ( 11.5m ) is sufficient to cover salaries, working capital and arbitration litigation going forward

AVZ BOD reiterated that they are eager and willing to negotiate on good terms to expedite ICC / ISCID arbitrations.

Resolution was passed in the affirmative 👍👍

Resolution 2 - 17 were rejected by a large majority !!

Meaning MMGA are ...

View attachment 50364

View attachment 50365


RESOLUTION 18 - 22 ( Graeme Johnston, Dr John Clarke, Dr Casta Tungaraza, Serge Ngandu, Her Exellency Salome Sijaona were approved in the affirmative by a large majority..........(y)(y)(y)(y)

Sadly, as soon as resolution 1 - 22 were resolved, the curtains were drawn down.............meeting closed , no question time ! :(

View attachment 50366

Apparently question time was nailed on the head because of threats of defamation litigation against AVZ BOD by MMGA plus AVZ BOD didnt want to reveal any info with the defeated Ludbrook, Carrick , Huljich still in the room........"I spie with my little eye something beginning with Xi".......springs to mind.

Anyway, that didnt deter me , so i decided to approach the BOD in person after the meeting concluded as i had alot of questions prepared and didnt want to waste a opportunity to ask.

Firstly, i introduced myself to Her Excellency Salome Sijaona, congratulated her on her appointment then asked her why she was endorsed to join the BOD, i suggested... "could it be your extensive connections within africa could lead to projects outside of Manono ? "

She replied..........YES !

I also asked what FT attitude was towards AVZ and this long drawn out fuckery.........she wasnt prepared to comment, but she did reveal that light is at the end of the tunnel...decades of corruption means the wheel slowly turns

She also revealed that DRC locals support AVZ, they appreciate the good will directed towards them in contrast to Zijin .

Locals are most impressed by the fact Nigel has learnt french so he can speak the native tongue !

I moved on to Graeme Johnston and asked whether the BOD has held one on one meetings with FT.

NO.....only via FT private advocates, however there is strong suspicion that those advocates have been complimented with brown paper bags, thus getting in the ear of FT talking negatively of AVZ in the covid period, so trust is low.

Moved on to see Nigel.

He can confirm that Cominiere is doing works on the Hydro power station, he also confirmed that Zijin is drilling holes in CDL.

All this despite the emergency injunctions preventing such action !........:eek:

Nigel not concerned, he maintains that AVZ has very strong cases against Cominiere / Zijin / DRC govt with iCC / ISCID arbitrations and every day illegal works is done, $100,000 penalties acrue, i asked how this penalty could be enacted on and he confirmed ICC has no juristiction in country, however private assets could be seized, but more importantly ,he mentions that the collective ICC / ISCID / IMF / WORLD BANK are all interconnected and the recent deliberation against DRC was damning.

In actuality, DRC applied for 13b from World Bank, but was only awarded 3B , minus 1B for the deliberation above.

The financial squeeze is impacting DRC

Sustained bunsen burners applied to DRC govt by the interconnected global organizations is forcing the DRC govt to come back to the negotiating table with AVZ and nothing will be concluded until conditions are agreed upon that is favourable to AVZ...........aka MOU.

Nigel stated that the defeat of MMGA today at the AGM is another pivotal moment.

The 20m credit facility another dagger in the heart of detractors whos intention from the get go, was to bleed AVZ dry financially and complete the steal, that eventuality now thwarted.

I also asked about the CATH relationship...........;)

Mr Pei is frustrated by the ML delays, Pei was invited to come to the DRC by AVZ and witness the road blocks first hand to garner a understanding of the delay, initially he accepted, but when he mentioned off the cuff that it could be a good opportunity to conduct a private meeting with Simon Cong ....the offer was retracted ( no shit sherlock...........shifty as fuck imo )

Cath deal is a 50 /50 proposition.......not in the bag by any stretch and i got the strong impression that there wasnt alot of concern if a break away fee was awarded either way.........:unsure:

I can also confirm that AVZ bod has had discussions with FT political opponents, should FT not win re election.

Apparently one of FT opponents is scathing with FT lack of mining results as per one of his mandates( achieving better outcomes for DRC govt with chinese mining deals post Kabila , no doubt Manono gets a mention too ) and that will formulate the main argument to the locals not to re elect him..........no argument from me !

So AVZ have covered their bases in that regard.

So going forward, Nigel stated to me that he will be flying back to DRC soon and continue the good fight, looking forward to some impending ICC deliberations and continue to have open dialogue to negotiate and agree on outcomes that are favourable to AVZ and long suffering LTSH.

Not sure the MOU will be resolved before DRC elections.

More patience required but Her Exellency Salome comments.........." light at the end of the tunnel " gives me confidence that this long drawn out fuckery will result in AVZ being winners at the end.

When ?

Who the fuck knows.

Thanks Beish that's awesome!
  1. Jag giving the finger to fuck face in line - priceless.
  2. Renumeration support vote pretty low which is interesting
  3. I hope the fucking Zeej kooks stack and date their core samples in order nicely and leave them arranged in a nice orderly manner for us.
  4. Dont think we have heard the last of the rat fuckers.
  5. Thanks for stripping out our power station for us - that saves a few million.
  6. Not related: AVZ are lucky to have the SH social media campaigners - i reckon it made a difference. Well done and we have memes forever!
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I'm most concerned avout Zijin taking core samples at CDL.
This is bloody concerning

Thanks @BEISHA for dropping this information and overall summary and everyone else who’s summarised the event for those unable to attend.
Mucho appreciarto
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Thanks Beish that's awesome!
  1. Jag giving the finger to fuck face in line - priceless.
  2. Renumeration support vote pretty low which is interesting
  3. I hope the fucking Zeej kooks stack and date their core samples in order nicely and leave them arranged in a nice orderly manner for us.
  4. Dont think we have heard the last of the rat fuckers.
  5. Thanks for stripping out our power station for us - that saves a few million.
  6. Not related: AVZ are lucky to have the SH social media campaigners - i reckon it made a difference. Well done and we have memes forever!
Oh i forgot number 7:

7. No reporting inn the AFR this morning and ill be interested to see how this is spun by Tommy, the paid marketing specialist for the Chinese interest.

Tommy, none of us here will forget your biased reporting. Remember that
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Oh i forgot number 7:

7. No reporting inn the AFR this morning and ill be interested to see how this is spun by Tommy, the paid marketing specialist for the Chinese interest.

Tommy, none of us here will forget your biased reporting. Remember that

Silence by Tom will speak volumes.
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Silence by Tom will speak volumes.
Im sure he will ass cover somehow... like, "SH baffled by board lack of Q and A or some shit"

I cannot described my distaste for the slimeball.

i see our mate tolate must have gone and set up his tinder profile.

How long before he is back you think?
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Classic Franck! :LOL:
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Wow, you saw Deboss! Wow!
Fuk me, surely that's a joke?
Anyway what did he look like?

Thanks for sharing,
White shirt, bald head, could be money bags brother.

For those who didn’t get to meet Deboss, here is his photo again. He’s not hard to remember and doesn’t always wear his gold chain. Some of you may have even seen him at your local gelaterie


Cruiser, this is for you

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