AVZ Discussion 2022


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Yep, so CAMI website should be updated soon, back to the future, with a box of chocolates from Kabeya
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So the Cami website being rectified could be a litmus test for how the DRC are going to react to court orders and rulings from international courts. Interesting times.
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The beauty of Zijin being so heavily involved in this case is that they actually have assets, unlike Cominiere. Some of those assets being in Aus.
Catching up on a lot of pages here, so apologies if already discussed in the 20 odd pages I have left to go....

I keep thinking the same.... but, get drawn into thinking that they have no cash and will just liquidate.... but, they do have one very big asset after all.... the 15%... that is what avz will be hoping to get its hands on when it takes financial claims against cominiere... it will be less cash we have to handover for the 15%... the $100k per day penalty could be in the form of handing over less than consideration for 15% too...
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Guessing nothing will change until after AGM if it does


Biding my Time 1971
Yep, so CAMI website should be updated soon, back to the future, with a box of chocolates from Kabeya
I'm talking to myself - thats not correct. AVZ requested this to be done, but emergency arbitrator has left it to the Arbital Tribunal outcome - so one of the refused requests
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So… would you believe I came across Michael Carrick in a lift talking to Leonard..?!??
Managed to take a sneaky picture attached here below…


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27 µg per 100 mL
I actually wish Deboss would still post all the info he has on these vermin. Surely he can make the post and ensure that everything he states is facts to ensure the maggots have no leg to stand on with a defamation case, He could of course post the information and just say "this information was given to me by an anonomous source and Im asking the public to investigate how sound it is", the media do it all the time. He could also not use there real names and just call them things like "bitch tits" did this and that
Pass it on to Jordan Shanks- He loves ripping shit apart- have a look at the John Baralago saga... search 'friendly jordies- bruz'
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numbnuts is at it again


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Yep, so CAMI website should be updated soon, back to the future, with a box of chocolates from Kabeya
What makes you say that? Hard for me to see that happening?



Like I said these scumbags wont stop, they'll pull anything, and it seems to forever change, hit one mole and up pops another. This one contradicts even their own actions though, but that's no surprise becuase they arent a very clever bunch. Anything clever theyve done has been orchestrated by their Chinese fraud masters.

Lets not forget some of the bs issues that wanker at Boatman raised in his first report, that'll probably be there next go to at this rate, going back to dodgey Jerkoff

I guess we just gotta see what happens in the courts over the next few weeks, but surely some can understand why I say its not worth celebrating a single bloody thing unless we have a ML in hand and are trading, anything short of that means F all at this stage in the game

keep ya eye on the prize
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numbnuts is at it again

To paraphrase Nick Cave talking about the Red Hot Chili Peppers, I'm forever standing by the DRC mining code and the Dathcom JVA hearing an idiotic legal take, asking who is that, and the answer is forever Cominiere

IGF report is all about the AVZ sale being irrevocable and it being Cominiere and Dathomir's fault. Also these parasites said fucking nothing for years about this at Dathcom AGM's while we paid for everything until they realised the value of what was in the ground. And even then it was only after the Chinese pointed it out for them.

Cominiere even had the fucking nerve to ask for an advance on dividends when trying to avoid giving us our preemptive right on the 15% they were trying to sell to Zijin for peanuts and now they reckon we shouldn't have ever been in the project lmao







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To paraphrase Nick Cave talking about the Red Hot Chili Peppers, I'm forever standing by the DRC mining code and the Dathcom JVA hearing an idiotic legal take, asking who is that, and the answer is forever Cominiere

IGF report is all about the AVZ sale being irrevocable and it being Cominiere and Dathomir's fault. Also these parasites said fucking nothing for years about this at Dathcom AGM's while we paid for everything until they realised the value of what was in the ground. And even then it was only after the Chinese pointed it out for them.

Cominiere even had the fucking nerve to ask for an advance on dividends when trying to avoid giving us our preemptive right on the 15% they were trying to sell to Zijin for peanuts and now they reckon we shouldn't have ever been in the project lmao

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surely the ICC arbitrator is doing this reading these arseholes excuses

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1. "USD 6 million from AVZ received by you for this sale of Dathomir."
2. "No lawsuit against Dathomir but rather a gracious 5% from your side."
3. "Sale done by your friends Cong and Eckof."
4. "Same thing by you, selling cheaply to Zijin, joint lawsuits by AVZ opposing it."
5. "IGF accuses of selling at a low price."
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Master of Quan
Anyone know if the company has access to the online/mail in votes after todays deadline? The size of Nigel’s smirk as he walks into AGM could be telling…
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Anyone know if the company has access to the online/mail in votes after todays deadline? The size of Nigel’s smirk as he walks into AGM could be telling…
Yeah the company would be able to see how voting is progressing already via the Automic portal as the issuer. It will just be in person votes that they aren't able to assess yet.
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Master of Quan
Yeah the company would be able to see how voting is progressing already via the Automic portal as the issuer. It will just be in person votes that they aren't able to assess yet.
Ok you blokes in the know, send me a DM on how we going so I know whether to turn up with champagne or a mouth guard to AGM
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