AVZ Discussion 2022


These Chinese stooges just keep telling more lies every day. They are not honest, they are liars and the parties in the dispute they are referring to are Dathomir, who reneged on their contract with us and Cominiere who the DRC Inspector General of Finance has already confirmed illegally and fraudulently sold off shares in Dathcom and did so at $120 million below it’s market value and then squandered the $30 million they received from Zijin.

We all know this of course, but for some reason MMGA continue to put out more deceptive and misleading lies ahead of the AGM.

Everything else in their recent email is a lie too and Math, Huljich, Carrotdick and Dudbrook in their desperation just might have left themselves wide open for litigation as a result.
"Everything else in their recent email is a lie too and Math, Huljich, Carrotdick and Dudbrook in their desperation just might have left themselves wide open for litigation as a result."

Not to mention possible Criminal Prosecution from the Aust Federal Police for conspiring to undertake corrupt activities and receive corrupt commissions and probably hide corrupt commissions and payments and fail to pay tax.

I hope AVZ and FIRB and Aust Embassador of DRC make reports and representations to Aust Federal Police to investigate the conduct of these 3 MMGA puppets plus shonky Leonard Math and Klaus who undoubtely has some finger in this Cong and Huljich.
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"Everything else in their recent email is a lie too and Math, Huljich, Carrotdick and Dudbrook in their desperation just might have left themselves wide open for litigation as a result."

Not to mention possible Criminal Prosecution from the Aust Federal Police for conspiring to undertake corrupt activities and receive corrupt commissions and probably hide corrupt commissions and payments and fail to pay tax.

I hope AVZ and FIRB and Aust Embassador of DRC make reports and representations to Aust Federal Police to investigate the conduct of these 3 MMGA puppets plus shonky Leonard Math and Klaus who undoubtely has some finger in this Cong and Huljich.
Actually IF they got voted in they could probably do done immediately for misconduct etc.

Perhaps the feds should be waiting outside just incase.....

See you later PH

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I had a dream last night that at the AGM they read out the results and we won by a small margin and the majority of the audience at the AGM went wild with cheer, reminiscent of a a goal after the siren to win the Grand Final. Lets recreate this plz
I had dream that we won by a landslide and Nells got so excited she ripped off all her clothes .
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Anyone got the link for voting with the BoD? I haven't been receiving anything because my address wasn't updated. As a master procrastinator I better get on this before it is too late, and I don't have much time today
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ICSID might be in for some delays....

Z lent their legal team to Cominiere, and the lawyers spin their verdicts, emboldening the DRC to move on things like 15775. Look at the garbage that C published on X the other day, 100% lawyer written, and then Cominiere gives a glowing recommendation for the legal team, and they get in on the ICSID proceedings.

Z paying the bills....
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Anyone got the link for voting with the BoD? I haven't been receiving anything because my address wasn't updated. As a master procrastinator I better get on this before it is too late, and I don't have much time today
Try this link.
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I don’t post much these days but read most posts here. Just want to let you all know I have voted as per the boards recommendation. I am not a major holder but I also don’t have an insignificant share… lots of people coming out of the woodwork for this one and combined I can’t wait for the result this week!
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Another email laden with lies has landed from you know who.. I've reported it as spam - 4 or 5 emails in a week is too much....

View attachment 49975
Try as they may I will not change my support for the current BOD. Interesting to note my email is getting bogged down with their lies so clearly they are getting desperate. We have the law on our side and when we win case after case Felix will intervene to give us our licence as the consequences for him will be severe.
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Anyone going to be kind enough to live Tweet the AGM?
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Z lent their legal team to Cominiere, and the lawyers spin their verdicts, emboldening the DRC to move on things like 15775. Look at the garbage that C published on X the other day, 100% lawyer written, and then Cominiere gives a glowing recommendation for the legal team, and they get in on the ICSID proceedings.

Z paying the bills....
Silver lining though, the same legal team repping Z & C and now the DRC, just make the collusion narrative all the more tenable for the tribunal.

Not expecting a delay for the current ICSID emergency submissions/verdict, but have heard that it was requested because 'we are new on the case, and require more time to prep'...

If it sounds familiar, its because it was tried for AVZ v Cominiere, but failed spectacularly.
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Weather forecast for this Thursday in Perth: 1pm - 36C, 4pm - 37C, 6pm - 32C and a great humidity to go with it. Ideal weather for sport events in Langley Park along the Swan River, bring it on. 🤣
12pm beer at The Grosvenor, 1pm beer at Fenians, ready for the AGM!
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Counter arguements


  1. Hardly see any experience in MMGA that resulted in the price of the respective Company's they were a director of increasing for shareholders.
  2. "Known resource of the DFS" - so this would exclude the North tenement?
  3. What is the resolution? to sell us to Z?
  4. "All Parties" - being corrupt and paid for by Z?
  5. "Prior shareholders' approval" - being the Corrupt Chinese trying to steal and halting work on our resource? Recent social media votings shown a 5% 'approval' rating of MMGA.
  6. "cure" - by saying that we no longer have the resource?
  7. Develop Manono and sell it for peanuts to Z?
  8. Relationships are broken with the Corrupt parties.
  9. Litigation is imperative in maintaining our legal ownership of Manono. The court of the public opinion of AVZ is in favour of what we have done for the community.
  10. "Out of money" - lies - recent funding acquired for litigation, with a decent kitty in the bank. Along with the daily fines from Cominere - We're OK for the short-medium term.
  11. International Arbitration is required by the terms of the JV.
  12. Criminal Conviction was false.
  13. The relinquishing of the North was due to corrupt DRC parties working on behalf of/for the Chinese.
  14. The largest shareholder, but not the Majority of shareholders.
  15. The proposed nominations from MMGA will, with no doubt, erode shareholder value to cents on the dollar (if that). The current board is fighting for our legal ownership and title for Manono - the distraction from MMGA is distracting them from working towards this effectively and efficiently.
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Cumquat Cap

Assume FIRB will wait and see what the outcome is before they press the issue further - whomever procured those photos of the boys sitting in Cong's hotel lobby is a fucking legend - proof they're working in cohesion with those cunts from Zijin.

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Assume FIRB will wait and see what the outcome is before they press the issue further - whomever procured those photos of the boys sitting in Cong's hotel lobby is a fucking legend - proof they're working in cohesion with those cunts from Zijin.

This will be our anthem, against those boys.

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