"Everything else in their recent email is a lie too and Math, Huljich, Carrotdick and Dudbrook in their desperation just might have left themselves wide open for litigation as a result."These Chinese stooges just keep telling more lies every day. They are not honest, they are liars and the parties in the dispute they are referring to are Dathomir, who reneged on their contract with us and Cominiere who the DRC Inspector General of Finance has already confirmed illegally and fraudulently sold off shares in Dathcom and did so at $120 million below it’s market value and then squandered the $30 million they received from Zijin.
We all know this of course, but for some reason MMGA continue to put out more deceptive and misleading lies ahead of the AGM.
Everything else in their recent email is a lie too and Math, Huljich, Carrotdick and Dudbrook in their desperation just might have left themselves wide open for litigation as a result.
Not to mention possible Criminal Prosecution from the Aust Federal Police for conspiring to undertake corrupt activities and receive corrupt commissions and probably hide corrupt commissions and payments and fail to pay tax.
I hope AVZ and FIRB and Aust Embassador of DRC make reports and representations to Aust Federal Police to investigate the conduct of these 3 MMGA puppets plus shonky Leonard Math and Klaus who undoubtely has some finger in this Cong and Huljich.