AVZ Discussion 2022


bit worried about the Chinese apparently employing locals to start mine operations. When you are hungry, poor and have little hope you don't care who pays you (even if most probably underpaid salaries and their knowledge of disgusting human rights issues). If true it may be difficult to for them just step away and wait for AVZ? the local pastors, communities etc have been banking on this mine development for years... These are key stakeholders, who would be are another piece to adding pressure on the current Government. Dunno, just feel sick about it.
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Misappropriation of 10 million dollars from Gécamines: will Adèle Kahinda sanction her DIRCABA who is one of the beneficiaries of the kitty?
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so strange that Ive offered to prove to multiple ppl in PM that I am a genuine holder and also who i am on the crapper and X. To add to that Im pro board, anti MMGA and anti chinese coup. Yet instead of a sinlge person attacking me showing some genuineness the attacks persist

truly baffling, it really is

I have no idea how anyone can deny these individuals are attacking like a cult

anywho, if everyone cld just stick to discussing the stock and sticking the site rules all would be fixed, lets see
LI said all down to your timing.
yibin, lithium plus & now huayou. Together they have over 600 millionen, this agm voting is going to be crazy. I hope a lot people voted, over 600 millions would be close to the needed 50% if there would be the same amount of votes like the last years. And we only talking about 3 shareholders, I guess there are a lot more Chinese holders in the registry. But this year will be a record of votes.

What could happen to our investment if mmga win?

I mean after „drc law“ we own nothing anymore. If they stop all the court cases we have theoretically no asset with value left and would be worth not a cent. They could easily say the drc law was against us no chance to change it, and fuck us completely. What do you believe is more likely, a complete fuck over, a possible low offer sellout or a little percentage of the south because cominiere is so friendly to us? 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮
yibin, lithium plus & now huayou. Together they have over 600 millionen, this agm voting is going to be crazy. I hope a lot people voted, over 600 millions would be close to the needed 50% if there would be the same amount of votes like the last years. And we only talking about 3 shareholders, I guess there are a lot more Chinese holders in the registry. But this year will be a record of votes.

What could happen to our investment if mmga win?

I mean after „drc law“ we own nothing anymore. If they stop all the court cases we have theoretically no asset with value left and would be worth not a cent. They could easily say the drc law was against us no chance to change it, and fuck us completely. What do you believe is more likely, a complete fuck over, a possible low offer sellout or a little percentage of the south because cominiere is so friendly to us? 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮
There are 3.5 billion shares in AVZ so if only 50% vote this would 1.75 billion shares- 600 million of this portion would equate to 34%.
If we get 75% voting amounting to 2.625 billion shares then the 600 million will only be 22% plus the unknown of other Chinese MMGA supporters.
I agree it may be close but we hopefully still have a chance to close MMGA down.
As long as we all vote!
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Misappropriation of 10 million dollars from Gécamines: will Adèle Kahinda sanction her DIRCABA who is one of the beneficiaries of the kitty?

No one benefits from that horrid kitty
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Biding my Time 1971
Can check ASX listed LPM and Cath relationship. Cath at least has 5% voting power

It’s LITHIUM PLUS PTY actually who holds 4.99%. That’s Bin Guo as a sleeper.

If people haven’t realised he would always vote MAGGOTS after seeing photos of him meeting those cunts in Perth, then I’m wasting my time explaining this once again

So yes Pei presumably has control of 5%+, but will never declare it formally
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Not sure if this is worth the effort tbh on seeing what's transpired since your first posts

If you are indeed genuine, what's with the blatant inability to address the patent mistake you made introducing yourself on here on a day of positivity (ICC announcement) and instead of taking the win (one we have had too little of over the last 2years) and celebrating like any long suffering shareholder would. You made that mistake. Of course that's suspicious behaviour.

If you were indeed also a long-time lurker on here, you would damn well know through experience in seeing others that coming on here all negative and then abusing members calling them childish and cult members wouldn't win you any favour. Indeed, you would know, it would result in people calling you a troll and reporting you practicing their right to expel any underhanded characters from the forum. You made that mistake.

On that note, in being a new member at such a heightened time, an of course, being a genuine shareholder you would know that these are tense times for the company. One would think that you would be self-aware enough (especially as a SH) to realise that, an of course, having read the forums, you would be painfully aware this forum in particular gives no quarters to trolls. You made that mistake, that is suspiciously similar to **************s mistakes of past.

We have had many trolls try enter this place, it gets boring, so yeah don't expect the red carpet if you turn up and start calling people childish and this place a cult. Which begs the question why are you so desperate to enter a cult?

So is it indeed you that needs to apologise?

Simply put Yaseen, if everyone in the room has an issue with your behaviour, maybe, just maybe its your actions/words and not every single other individual.
mate ive celebrated 50 times so far and it got me nowhere, what did it amount to? here we are in suspension after 18months with no great end in sight as far as im concerned. I wont even celebrate if the ICC rules we should get our PR back because these chinese snakes still wont back down and these RDC frauds will still look for any loop hole to support their brown bags, if that isnt blatantly obvious to all holders by now then my gosh some ppl need a good slapping. I'll celebrate when the RDC give us our rightful PE and we are trading again, either that or a min of $1.5 payout before a ML or a multibillion dolalr payout in the bank from whoever is liable for our loses. I dont see any of that in our hands now and no longer wish to count my chickens before they hatch

I hold my breath for nothing now when it comes to AVZ

Do you think im happy having what was over $1m worth of shares here that I'd planned to use on the house of my dreams by selling the first parcel when we hit a min of $3, Im not a poor man but im also not mr.moneybags, im comfortable and just pass for a soph inv. ticket, whoopdy do where does $250k py get you with post covid prices and inflation. So yeah Ive learned to not get my hopes up at all over the last two years, and im what id call 'extremely cautiously' optimistic at best nowadays and would prefer to concentrate on our challenges at hand rather than celebrate something that still hasnt got us a PE or us trading again. Im here to make money, not a cult

Ive also learned to take what the board say with a grain of salt, because no matter how accurate it is it's proven to amount to jack shit in terms of progress..I mean come'on.....imminent, expediated, talks with high ranking government officials including Felix, just need to process the fee's, it goes on and on....and here we are in suspension possibly months away from delisting. No idea why anyone would celebrate too much until we have a ML in hand after now knowing very well the vicousness and dodgeyness of our enemy
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I'll be fucking amazed if they get over 20% - stupid cunts.
View attachment 49942
Minus Lars, Boatman the MMAGOTS and other trolls and detractors they'd be lucky to get 1-2% of informed shareholders and they might luck out with a smattering of retards.
Not sure if you're taking the piss, but they pretty much have 20% in the top 20 assuming every share votes. But likely 75% of the vote will turn out, so that already gives them ~27% yes votes out of those that vote
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Deleted member 2378

LI said all down to your timing.

There are 3.5 billion shares in AVZ so if only 50% vote this would 1.75 billion shares- 600 million of this portion would equate to 34%.
If we get 75% voting amounting to 2.625 billion shares then the 600 million will only be 22% plus the unknown of other Chinese MMGA supporters.
I agree it may be close but we hopefully still have a chance to close MMGA down.
As long as we all vote!
Thank you, I had an error in understanding the voting process. After seeing the numbers looks like they will not get in if enough people voted. And this year will be a record, even the most german holders voted this year for the first time.

For the bad chinese, cominiere & mmga 🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻
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Thank you, I had an error in understanding the voting process. After seeing the numbers looks like they will not get in if enough people voted. And this year will be a record, even the most german holders voted this year for the first time.

For the bad chinese, cominiere & mmga 🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻
I think everyone will be suprised at how many people come out to vote this year. ;)
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Not sure if you're taking the piss, but they pretty much have 20% in the top 20 assuming every share votes. But likely 75% of the vote will turn out, so that already gives them ~27% yes votes out of those that vote
I'm semi taking the piss but I'm not convinced that they have the numbers or that the MMAGOTS are even telling the truth. Let's see what gets revealed over the next few days.
I do however think at least 98% of voting retail investors will see straight through the MMAGOTS strategy and vote appropriately, if not everybody for resolution 1.
I'm not convinced all Chinese shareholders will vote in unison unless the situation is a whole lot more sinister than we already think. How's the CCP going to enforce that without alerting Australian authorities? Sure a few stand to benefit from the MMGA strategy but the rest blow their cash for the competition?
I think we're good, I'm just not getting that sinking feeling in the guts.

If not what then? There will be options, EGM, Firb whatever else. Not a single one of us is going to just sit down and accept the injustice. Anyway let's see. Their strategy in convincing anyone other than their backers is a total flop imo.
If anything they've made a whole lot more people stand up, take notice and vote against them.
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WARNING: This poster could be a TROLL - do your own research

mate ive celebrated 50 times so far and it got me nowhere, what did it amount to? here we are in suspension after 18months with no great end in sight as far as im concerned. I wont even celebrate if the ICC rules we should get our PR back because these chinese snakes still wont back down and these RDC frauds will still look for any loop hole to support their brown bags, if that isnt blatantly obvious to all holders by now then my gosh some ppl need a good slapping. I'll celebrate when the RDC give us our rightful PE and we are trading again, either that or a min of $1.5 payout before a ML or a multibillion dolalr payout in the bank from whoever is liable for our loses. I dont see any of that in our hands now and no longer wish to count my chickens before they hatch

I hold my breath for nothing now when it comes to AVZ

Do you think im happy having what was over $1m worth of shares here that I'd planned to use on the house of my dreams by selling the first parcel when we hit a min of $3, Im not a poor man but im also not mr.moneybags, im comfortable and just pass for a soph inv. ticket, whoopdy do where does $250k py get you with post covid prices and inflation. So yeah Ive learned to not get my hopes up at all over the last two years, and im what id call 'extremely cautiously' optimistic at best nowadays and would prefer to concentrate on our challenges at hand rather than celebrate something that still hasnt got us a PE or us trading again. Im here to make money, not a cult

Ive also learned to take what the board say with a grain of salt, because no matter how accurate it is it's proven to amount to jack shit in terms of progress..I mean come'on.....imminent, expediated, talks with high ranking government officials including Felix, just need to process the fee's, it goes on and on....and here we are in suspension possibly months away from delisting. No idea why anyone would celebrate too much until we have a ML in hand after now knowing very well the vicousness and dodgeyness of our enemy

WARNING: This poster could be a TROLL - do your own research
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Anyone know why the latest company announcements aren't showing up here?

There's some very ballsy comments tucked away within them, I particularly like:

"However, AVZ’s opponents have adopted a strategy of delaying negotiations in anticipation that AVZ
will run out of funds and be unable to protect its rights. The Binding Term Sheet with Locke Capital
demonstrates that this strategy will not succeed. If necessary, AVZ will prosecute all of the proceedings to final hearing."
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Thank you, I had an error in understanding the voting process. After seeing the numbers looks like they will not get in if enough people voted. And this year will be a record, even the most german holders voted this year for the first time.

For the bad chinese, cominiere & mmga 🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻

to guess the outcome as the shareholders outside the top 20 are unknown. Glad our German comrade's have all voted.
Hopefully they
LI said all down to your timing.

There are 3.5 billion shares in AVZ so if only 50% vote this would 1.75 billion shares- 600 million of this portion would equate to 34%.
If we get 75% voting amounting to 2.625 billion shares then the 600 million will only be 22% plus the unknown of other Chinese MMGA supporters.
I agree it may be close but we hopefully still have a chance to close MMGA down.
As long as we all vote!
Thank you, I had an error in understanding the voting process. After seeing the numbers looks like they will not get in if enough people voted. And this year will be a record, even the most german holders voted this year for the first time.

For the bad chinese, cominiere & mmga 🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻🖕🏿🖕🏻
Good to hear our German comrades have all voted.
Hopefully not many shares were sold off market.
What confuses me is, each director has the same voting rights so even if 3 of the stooges get in we will still maintain majority vote if we get at least 7 directors elected.
Only issue is confidentiality which is why the new policy was put in place.
Am I getting this part wrong?
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What confuses me is, each director has the same voting rights so even if 3 of the stooges get in we will still maintain majority vote if we get at least 7 directors elected.
Only issue is confidentiality which is why the new policy was put in place.
Am I getting this part wrong?
There won't be many shareholders voting for current bod recommendations and MMGA

It's either 7 - 0 or 3 - 2 imo
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I would be interested to know who AVZ is negotiating with in the DRC government, that would be great if someone who is at the AGM would ask! after MMGA is not chosen and has to leave the room. Thank you
I'm sorry, it was translated with Google because my English is bad.
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Hopefully they

Good to hear our German comrades have all voted.
Hopefully not many shares were sold off market.
What confuses me is, each director has the same voting rights so even if 3 of the stooges get in we will still maintain majority vote if we get at least 7 directors elected.
Only issue is confidentiality which is why the new policy was put in place.
Am I getting this part wrong?
If they have the numbers to vote their 3 in then they have the numbers to vote the rest out so result is 3 them and 2 us (existing)
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The Fox

mate ive celebrated 50 times so far and it got me nowhere, what did it amount to? here we are in suspension after 18months with no great end in sight as far as im concerned. I wont even celebrate if the ICC rules we should get our PR back because these chinese snakes still wont back down and these RDC frauds will still look for any loop hole to support their brown bags, if that isnt blatantly obvious to all holders by now then my gosh some ppl need a good slapping. I'll celebrate when the RDC give us our rightful PE and we are trading again, either that or a min of $1.5 payout before a ML or a multibillion dolalr payout in the bank from whoever is liable for our loses. I dont see any of that in our hands now and no longer wish to count my chickens before they hatch

I hold my breath for nothing now when it comes to AVZ

Do you think im happy having what was over $1m worth of shares here that I'd planned to use on the house of my dreams by selling the first parcel when we hit a min of $3, Im not a poor man but im also not mr.moneybags, im comfortable and just pass for a soph inv. ticket, whoopdy do where does $250k py get you with post covid prices and inflation. So yeah Ive learned to not get my hopes up at all over the last two years, and im what id call 'extremely cautiously' optimistic at best nowadays and would prefer to concentrate on our challenges at hand rather than celebrate something that still hasnt got us a PE or us trading again. Im here to make money, not a cult

Ive also learned to take what the board say with a grain of salt, because no matter how accurate it is it's proven to amount to jack shit in terms of progress..I mean come'on.....imminent, expediated, talks with high ranking government officials including Felix, just need to process the fee's, it goes on and on....and here we are in suspension possibly months away from delisting. No idea why anyone would celebrate too much until we have a ML in hand after now knowing very well the vicousness and dodgeyness of our enemy


Enough said 😂
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If they have the numbers to vote their 3 in then they have the numbers to vote the rest out so result is 3 them and 2 us (existing)
Getting scary. Further outlines the importance of spreading the word to get every single minor shareholder to vote also.
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Can we use the Dominion voting machine make it a sure thing
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