AVZ Discussion 2022


In Germany a guy post some interesting questions :

"The question I ask myself is to what extent is the government in the Congo still behind AVZ and how will the court rulings be implemented if we get justice in all instances?
I have the impression that AVZ is slowly fighting a losing battle and is still left empty-handed despite the positive outcome of the legal disputes."

I have done a copy and translated it via google.
At the moment I can understand him a little bit, but I hope that F.T. and the leaders of CAMi are so correct and will accept the court decisions
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In Germany a guy post some interesting questions :

"The question I ask myself is to what extent is the government in the Congo still behind AVZ and how will the court rulings be implemented if we get justice in all instances?
I have the impression that AVZ is slowly fighting a losing battle and is still left empty-handed despite the positive outcome of the legal disputes."

I have done a copy and translated it via google.
At the moment I can understand him a little bit, but I hope that F.T. and the leaders of CAMi are so correct and will accept the court decisions
Oberster Gerichtshof der Demokratischen Republik Kongo

Do you need me to translate the rest of the answer into German or are you just trolling?



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Same old Aussies always winning
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Smarter & Legal minds here, please think of & action ways to get the 3 MMGA nominations withdrawn.
I've emailed FIRB again, copying Albo & Richard Marles for good measure.

To: ForeignInvestmentCompliance@treasury.gov.au
Cc: A.Albanese.MP@aph.gov.au; richard.marles.mp@aph.gov.au
Subject: RE: Chinese Bribe Aus Businessmen to Steal World's Biggest Lithium Deposit from AVZ Minerals [SEC=OFFICIAL:Sensitive, ACCESS=Legislative Secrecy]
Importance: High

Dear ForeignInvestmentCompliance

CC: The Hon Anthony Albanese MP, The Hon Richard Marles MP, FIRB Executive - protectors of Australia’s National Interest

Pursuant to the summary I provided below, please be aware that Chinese corporates, invested in AVZ, are now directing their shareholder votes for the 3 Australian businessmen, “MMGA” (Fat Tail Holdings). 3 of the top-5 shareholders are Chinese, themselves with approx. 20% of SOI, are acting in concert, along with additional Chinese shareholders, to take control of the AVZ BOD, and sell off by far the world’s biggest hard-rock Lithium deposit (for EV batteries), located at Manono, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC / RDC), to Club China, led by Zijin and Simon Cong.

AVZ’ AGM and Board re-elections take place this Thu-23/11 2pm WST in Perth. Online voting on resolution ends Tue-21/11 2pm WST.

Please take whatever actions are possible to stop China from stealing the DRC Manono Lithium asset from AVZ.

New references:
... etc.
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Cumquat Cap

Heres to hopefully a prosperous week for genuine $avz holders - I hope the evil gets crushed on Thursday and please vote if you haven't already.

Felix will be right in the thick of election running when the ICSID case rears its ugly head so hopefully that improves our leverage.

I too received a response from FIRB and surely this will pique their interest.

Once again, hoping for a great week for genuine shareholders and fuck MMGA
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Hey @JAG youre gonna need a bigger T-shirt for all of the fuck yous
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I have been thinking for a few months now about just what is wanted out of AVZ , some here are talking cents the dollar what I dont understand is why companies , private people with so many shares would want the value of their millions of shares to go back to cents when 2 years ago it was worth billions to them , secondly why an AUSTRALIAN writer would write so much against a company that so many of his countrymen are involved in , I would love to know the reason for so much negativity when I only saw positivity , AVZ was a ticket to a good life for many and a retirement for myself and many others , I have lost full faith in human nature as to why they want us to fail in our investment , anyway as far as telling my boss to shove it that will not happen as he is closing the business in 2 weeks and we are all out of work so this vote is now more important than ever , thanks to all who post here the info is so helpful and keeps me living in hope , good luck all , sorry missed Friday joke but will post 2 this Friday . Thanks for reading guys
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Cumquat Cap

Sorry to hear that Pok - fingers crossed mate.

Also, Tommy the twat is an English fuck - definitely not Australian
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I have been thinking for a few months now about just what is wanted out of AVZ , some here are talking cents the dollar what I dont understand is why companies , private people with so many shares would want the value of their millions of shares to go back to cents when 2 years ago it was worth billions to them , secondly why an AUSTRALIAN writer would write so much against a company that so many of his countrymen are involved in , I would love to know the reason for so much negativity when I only saw positivity , AVZ was a ticket to a good life for many and a retirement for myself and many others , I have lost full faith in human nature as to why they want us to fail in our investment , anyway as far as telling my boss to shove it that will not happen as he is closing the business in 2 weeks and we are all out of work so this vote is now more important than ever , thanks to all who post here the info is so helpful and keeps me living in hope , good luck all , sorry missed Friday joke but will post 2 this Friday . Thanks for reading guys
Greed, greed, greed.

this is what happened when you have your hands on a life changing grunt lithium source
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Mr Clean

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I've done a triple-check of my vote castings on Automic website for all three of my holdings and they all look set as the board recommend.
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It’s an omen for this week’s AGM
Weather forecast for this Thursday in Perth: 1pm - 36C, 4pm - 37C, 6pm - 32C and a great humidity to go with it. Ideal weather for sport events in Langley Park along the Swan River, bring it on. 🤣
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Anyone with savvy media skills able to make a parody of this song centred around corruption instead of coal?

Snippets of this would be a good entrance song if the MMGA crew show up or speak at the AGM..
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Weather forecast for this Thursday in Perth: 1pm - 36C, 4pm - 37C, 6pm - 32C and a great humidity to go with it. Ideal weather for sport events in Langley Park along the Swan River, bring it on. 🤣
Things are slowly warming up in Perth for Thursday …Cashy ,dont forget protection(sunscreen hat)that is 😛🤓Nut MIA on weekend..below ..A Frank classic ❤️
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Dave Evans

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Things are slowly warming up in Perth for Thursday …Cashy ,dont forget protection(sunscreen hat)that is 😛🤓Nut MIA on weekend..below ..A Frank classic ❤️
View attachment 49969
It sure is mate. Fucking roasting this week.
Got some good sun protection but 👍

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Another email laden with lies has landed from you know who.. I've reported it as spam - 4 or 5 emails in a week is too much....

Screenshot 2023-11-20 at 1.04.44 pm.png
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Dave Evans

Another email laden with lies has landed from you know who.. I've reported it as spam - 4 or 5 emails in a week is too much....

View attachment 49975

These Chinese stooges just keep telling more lies every day. They are not honest, they are liars and the parties in the dispute they are referring to are Dathomir, who reneged on their contract with us and Cominiere who the DRC Inspector General of Finance has already confirmed illegally and fraudulently sold off shares in Dathcom and did so at $120 million below it’s market value and then squandered the $30 million they received from Zijin.

We all know this of course, but for some reason MMGA continue to put out more deceptive and misleading lies ahead of the AGM.

Everything else in their recent email is a lie too and Math, Huljich, Carrotdick and Dudbrook in their desperation just might have left themselves wide open for litigation as a result, which leads me to wonder if the Chinese entities backing them and promising them millions of shares, have also told them they will pay their legal fees as well.

One of innumerable facts MMGA have failed to disclose is how they would raise money to pay Simon Cong more money for the 15% of Dathomir shares we already paid for or whether they would tell Cong he can keep that 15%, thereby devaluing AVZ.
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I had a dream last night that at the AGM they read out the results and we won by a small margin and the majority of the audience at the AGM went wild with cheer, reminiscent of a a goal after the siren to win the Grand Final. Lets recreate this plz
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