AVZ Discussion 2022


A hot lap in the Hyundai once he’s better after 3 bottles of wine Is the go I reckon mate 👍

Stay safe boys & gals..

Gotta go prep the boat ffs it’s late already dammm the time flys….

See you at dawn…

Righto Cash
With the continuing negative picture being built up by external vested interests on the AVZ front can you provide any positives specifically in relation to your boating expedition?
I want real facts, species, numbers, no twitter bs, avoid anything like a “boatman’s report”🙄 and verifiable sources please (a photo would be sufficient)
Anything less than this I will have to call a ZOOM conference to discuss potential anomalies in the execution of your piscary duties…
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100%, most punters aren’t like us and trawling through Twitter to establish legitimacy. Many, like some of my friends have thrown money on AVZ because someone (me) told them it was a good thing. They’ve had a fright now and they don’t care what the outcome is, they just want their money back. I know it’s shortsighted and it’s not my position. A bit like today’s election, there are a lot of people who aren’t putting thought into it but the effects are huge. Clive Palmers blatant lies via text yesterday might be obvious to some of us, (like the blatant corruption over Monono) but it will make some vote for him. When AVZ hits market, expect some people to just desperately try to get their money back. Regardless of the truth, some damage has been done. I’m in for the long haul but I think a lot of people would take the $2 takeover now.
True and one thing these pricks clearly want is cheap shares and to make a killing on short trading. Which in itself is 🤬 and I'm hoping they don't get their wish from this blatant misinformation and scare campaign.
The long game is a bit murkier but they're coming at us pretty hard.

A summary of the Minutes of the council of Ministers should be available at some stage today on https://youtube.com/c/CongoLiveTV
Worth keeping an eye on but the release time varies. This time last week it was already available.
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This is getting murkier every day, and it looks like China are pulling many strings. I'll take a $2 takeover.
My post from the 12/05 :
"Forgive me for bringing up the Take Over subject again . I know it's a touchy subject here. If in fact Zijin do have their grubby mitts
on 30 %, and we ditch the CATH 24% ,that will make it AVZ 60% Zijin 30% DRC 10% . Is anyone here sensing a low ball TO offer
by Zijin coming up . Say $1.50 ."
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100%, most punters aren’t like us and trawling through Twitter to establish legitimacy. Many, like some of my friends have thrown money on AVZ because someone (me) told them it was a good thing. They’ve had a fright now and they don’t care what the outcome is, they just want their money back. I know it’s shortsighted and it’s not my position. A bit like today’s election, there are a lot of people who aren’t putting thought into it but the effects are huge. Clive Palmers blatant lies via text yesterday might be obvious to some of us, (like the blatant corruption over Monono) but it will make some vote for him. When AVZ hits market, expect some people to just desperately try to get their money back. Regardless of the truth, some damage has been done. I’m in for the long haul but I think a lot of people would take the $2 takeover now.
“I’m in for the long haul but I think a lot of people would take the $2 takeover now.”

Which may just be exactly the type of outcome these murky and nefarious ongoings are designed to achieve.

Put enough paranoia and doubt into the minds of the holders and get them to part with their investment at a fraction of its true value
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My post from the 12/05 :
"Forgive me for bringing up the Take Over subject again . I know it's a touchy subject here. If in fact Zijin do have their grubby mitts
on 30 %, and we ditch the CATH 24% ,that will make it AVZ 60% Zijin 30% DRC 10% . Is anyone here sensing a low ball TO offer
by Zijin coming up . Say $1.50 . Alternatively do we go mining as have suggested here with Zijin ."
Fuckem I say....We go mining and take $7 plus once nameplate is achieved.
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Fuckem I say....We go mining and take $7 plus once nameplate is achieved.
Me too Jag . 100% with you . If it was our say . Hopefully it will be . I am remaining optimistic . I've been in this situation before .
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I'd like to know what the previous TO offer was . Any reason why that was and remains a secret ?
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I'm in for the long run, why not? We all know the demand for lithium will continue to rise. We all know we have the largest lithium deposit in the world at Roche. Yes, just Roche. We still have our other tenants that we own 100%! Yes that's right, 100%. Imagine if they rival Roche? Just think about that for a moment.

It is painful to see the smear campaign occurring right now, but this will not happen with our 100% owned tenants. We are 90% and DRC will be 10% or so when we start Mining there. Roche is a stepping stone in my view. We will simply use it as a means of creating all the infrastructure needed to support a fully fledged Battery Manufacturing Economy that will support the World in the transition to EVs.
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I'd like to know what the previous TO offer was . Any reason why that was and remains a secret ?

My guess is it was so low it was not only insulting but releasing details of the offer would have been damaging to the SP at the time.

Someone else said they thought it was from Zijin and I'm thinking that is correct, slippery fucks probably said hey Nige take a 20c takeover or we will try and take it anyway through other means (probably what were currently experiencing). I'm guessing Nige's response was get fucked.
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Harden up you lot FFS. They are lying deceitful fuckers and I will be hanging in for the 40 cent divvies. By the way what happens if we end up with 30%? 🤣🤣
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Fuckem I say....We go mining and take $7 plus once nameplate is achieved.
I have always liked that my investment in AVZ that it would help the DRC's people improve their standard of living. I'd bet Zijin if they were successful (which I hope and think not) in their attempts to gain control of the Manono project wouldn't help the people as much as AVZ would. But that's my personal opinion only.

Talk of a take over of $1.50, $2.00 .... up to even $7.00 would be in my line of thought a be a Great outcome for many of us long term AVZ holders. I'd love to see AVZ go all the way in full control and take this Massive project well into the future, The people of DRC deserve to have their lives improved by us and not just the Chinese companies pulling all the strings all the time in Africa.

I have a feeling something other is in the winds that we do not quite know about yet. But we have to wait and see... Hey could be the Pope even.. he is due for a DRC visit isn't he?

Wouldn't be a funny to see Zijin place a check on AVZ's table for say... lets say the 90% uptick to $1.50 or even $2.00 offer..
Then Elon musk struts through the door and slams a $4.00 offer saying 'll double that... take it or leave it. I'd bet CATL would probably say yes to that too, now wouldn't that be convenient. Dreaming... probably.

Yeah.. I can see something coming though.. maybe its that (a takeover) Who knows ? But all we can do is sit back and watch and see. I have full confidence Nigel and co that the outcome will be a at the very least a Good one for us Avz holders.

And a big shout out to all contributors who are searching for clear transparency and truth and not the mud throwers. you guys do a great job. Have a great weekend all.

Da Euchreman
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Yep, it's a coordinated attack alright. They're not getting any of my shares. Hold strong guys & gals. They really want Manono for a reason. Diamond hands and all that Twitter crap :ROFLMAO:
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My post from the 12/05 :
"Forgive me for bringing up the Take Over subject again . I know it's a touchy subject here. If in fact Zijin do have their grubby mitts
on 30 %, and we ditch the CATH 24% ,that will make it AVZ 60% Zijin 30% DRC 10% . Is anyone here sensing a low ball TO offer
by Zijin coming up . Say $1.50 ."
Never, you're confusing ownership of Dathcom with ownership of AVZ. A foreign take over of an Australian company particularly by a Chinese one will not be approved by FIRB
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Got to love franck's language :LOL:

Btw @JAG cut and pasted direct link from the browser address bar into the text box will display the tweet along with a direct twitter link to the conversation in question.
Bit better than HC. ;)
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getting very bloody interesting all round

right now managements main agenda needs to be to protect that 24% until the government can give us a legal assurance in writing that we own 75%, and if they're smart then that's exactly why we're staying in a halt until June 1(could be a chance of saving us $20m).

it's clear we are getting attacked from every angle known to man, and seeing the lengths they've gone to thus far, I don't trust any of them, that includes CATL, and with CATL having links to Zijin and in direct talks with the government while we seem to be getting ignored(im sure we're not and its just a case of nothing can be said officially yet until they've worked out how it can be tackled), but yeah I don't like it

The DRC has crooks in almost every department it seems, then we have boatman who I'd suggest is working in collusion with another large Chinese/Hong-Kong fund who's shorting, and the report itself is probably from Zijin and Dathomir themselves who are conspiring with the fund to attack the SP. So Zijin/Dathomir make the report, they give it to the large said hedge fund who will make a short attack who will in turn pass it on to some other smaller player like Robertson or some other wannbe gangster who will release, and boom. What I don't like is how vulnerable we are right now with Huayou at the top of our register who lets say could come from behind with a knife, then we have Zijin coming from the left, Dathomir from the right, and knowing all the connections CATH could easily come from straight in front of us with a death blow who are already sitting at the top of the register as well, add to that all their easily bribed butt-boys in the DRC doing their bidding coming from the top with illegal "legal rulings" as has been seen in the kanagroo courts already. All these crooks are on the Chinese pay roll Im sure.

I'm sorry but CATH deal can't go through, unless we are willing to not cry poor if we end up with 36%, the chinese on AVZ board, and then a shitty takeover offer of AVZ once they've finished the short attack and they'll end up with the whole bloody lot, we are way too vulnerable in my eyes and it's time to put shields up(well that should of been done long ago, and perhaps was, we dont know everything). I mentioned similar previously more so as a laugh but also food for thought, but now I think fuk a duk, this attack is huge, this is war

Felix needs to come to the rescue asap, he cannot rely on the men in any department to protect justice on this, and we cannot sell 24% until we have legal assurances in writing that have been vetted over and over and over by multiple international lawyers, and even if we retain majority ownership then and Felix gets the boot then I can tell you now we will be wishing we let the Chinese on board, because good chance the other dodgey fucks will say it has to be state owned, then move the Chinese in, why? brown papers bags is why, there's just too many crooks and Felix needs to throw his weight around right now and start cleaning house pre-election before the crooks bring him down.

my gut feel, the DRC is just too corrupt for Felix to survive in 2023 unless he can quickly start to appease the masses quicker than he's done thus far and wipe out corruption asap, there's just too many crooks in high places.

If I was in charge(lol) of AVZ and I couldnt get an assurance in writing from the government by 1 June then I'd say CATH deals off due to the forces we are facing, just be straight up with them and give em the $20m if we have to, maybe Felix will then act when he see the relationships of AVZ and CATH deteriorate and in turn put a spanner in the works of his boasted battery hub dream. btw some asked before why nxt ann 1 june, well CATH money due then, another reason im dubious and a piece of me thinks 'have CATH delayed the money because they're part of this attack and it's all part of the plan, bit strange waiving of ML but still no cash'. The other thing is if we pull out of CATH deal, then Huayou and CATH could absolutely obliterate our SP with 500m shares or on the other hand as said then start buying more to get on the board and go down that alley, Idk they've got us pretty cornered if they're all in this together.

My conspiracy mind is taking over after what we've witnessed thus far

My biggest thought right now is Id get on the blower to Zijin and offer a $2 takeover if the gov cant give that assurance by 1st June(im convinced it was Zijin that gave us the lowball offer Nige alluded to, so maybe Zijin would be that cocky they'd knock back $2 TO and laugh at us, but surely we could get abt $1.80 absolute min from those cunning snakes.... then I'd personally say 'well done Nige, you did your bloody best mate, now gtfo of that country and go and retire and enjoy your $100m or so mate'. Noticed he resigned as a director of AJN 10 days ago while in suspension too, hmmm wow I'd love to know all the shit that has gone down in all this. Anyway, In saying all that wow would I love it if we come out on top of the Chinese and it's full stream ahead, but we'd need to do everything possible to win over as many locals, officials, politicians, and NGO's as possible before that election.

Im pretty sure with the markets the way they are atm and if no legal/government ruling on June 1st in our favour then 80-90% of us here would vote yes to a $2 TO? I would as it may start to become too consuming after that
Wake up everyone

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Never, you're confusing ownership of Dathcom with ownership of AVZ. A foreign take over of an Australian company particularly by a Chinese one will not be approved by FIRB

I suspect the way any "takeover" would work is another entity (Zijin) would buy out AVZ's interest in Dathcom (which is the company that will hold the mining license and is not an Oz domiciled entity)

Whatever that % interest of AVZ in Dathcom is (75%, 66%, 51%???????????....who fkn knows)

FIRB nil involvement.....not their turf

Then I suspect AVZ would either keep that money and look for another resource (good luck finding another once in a lifetime Manono....)


Distribute the proceeds to all the shareholders of AVZ, wind up the company, and everyone rides off into the sunset

We pocket a buck fiddy to 2 bucks and the DRC get's completely fkd over by Chinese interests, corruption continues to run rife and the Congolese population continue to suffer ongoing predation, pain and poverty

Great outcome.... :rolleyes:
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