AVZ Discussion 2022


Unfort it looks like we’ve lost Yibin and CATH votes / if MMGA website is to be believed.
Ultimately, tbe sceptic in me says we probably never had their votes in tbe first place, however the recent ICC wins and likely future wins have prompted them to show their hand (as a way of signalling to gov that the impending train wreck of litigation against the gov will be dropped by hook or by crook).
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Ultimately, tbe sceptic in me says we probably never had their votes in tbe first place, however the recent ICC wins and likely future wins have prompted them to show their hand (as a way of signalling to gov that the impending train wreck of litigation against the gov will be dropped by hook or by crook).
It’s fukken sickening.
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Well, thats one question on my list to ask AVZ bod that i can scrub off........;)

Well done again AVZ for covering your bases, but doesnt give me great confidence that the MOU is going to be confirmed any time soon.......:unsure:

View attachment 49726
Certainly shows Zijin and Cong and Felix that AVZ are funded to take the legal action all the way and have access to more funding should they need it further down the track.

So it would put pressure on Felix as they now know AVZ not running out of money to defend its rights.

US$20-30 Billion compensation claim if this ICSID has to continue.

Not a good look to DRC if that number gets published from ICSID.
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They haven't. At one stage, those 2 parties declared their holdings as related (which they are by various associations, the main one being they are chinese :rolleyes: )

I see MMGA have put this on their website, so gloves are off, and CATH has got off the fence and sided with Z

This is precisely why you don't put all your eggs in a chinese basket

This is precisely why you don't put all your eggs in a chinese basket

Absolutely, i was banging on about this back in ole HC days, now the devil in the detail is coming out.......:mad:
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Agreed, Yibin voting against current BOD would essentially torpedo the CATH relationship putting the CATH TIA in serious jeopardy.
I'm sure AVZ have been in contact with Mr.Pei throughout this and have his vote.
If not then I'd expect some firework announcements once we get past the corruption and towards ML.
Dunno Tits CCP is CCP, that's the one disturbing element about all this and always has been. Despite some shareholders insistence otherwise. Snake in the grass imo.
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You would imagine that MMGA putting that claim on their website that Yibin have informed AVZ, would almost warrant AVZ putting out an announcement to either confirm or deny whether that is true and again reinforcing to all shareholders that we should support the boards recommendations.
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You would imagine that MMGA putting that claim on their website that Yibin have informed AVZ, would almost warrant AVZ putting out an announcement to either confirm or deny whether that is true and again reinforcing to all shareholders that we should support the boards recommendations.
You would think if they wanted to snipe us, they would either let AVZ know at the last moment on Tuesday 21st of November, or to not tell them at all. Seems silly to announce it too early...
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Master of Quan
Just popped into the Novotel to have a look. Room almost ready for the AGM 🥊

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Dave Evans

CATH has signed a document along with Yibin backing MMGA. This will affect our project funding ($240mil) but I don’t think they have the shares to be able to use for voting.

Our latest good news re: ICC has brought Yibin and CATH out of the shadows, so now we need to know how Huayou and Lithium Plus will vote. Between Yibin, Huayou and Lithium Plus they hold around 20%

I think as many people as are able need to contact FIRB and show the association between MMGA and Chinese companies
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You would imagine that MMGA putting that claim on their website that Yibin have informed AVZ, would almost warrant AVZ putting out an announcement to either confirm or deny whether that is true and again reinforcing to all shareholders that we should support the boards recommendations.
The real question is how do they know before us?
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CATH has signed a document along with Yibin backing MMGA. This will affect our project funding ($249mil) but I don’t think they have the shares to be able to use for voting.

Our latest good news re: ICC has brought Yibin and CATH out of the shadows, so now we need to know how Huayou and Lithium Plus will vote. Between Yibin, Huayou and Lithium Plus they hold around 20%

I think as many people as are able need to contact FIRB and show the association between MMGA and Chinese companies
It looks like CCP has made itself heard. No Chinese company would be voting against CCP orders.
Time for the shareholders to stand-up, the only ones voting for MMGA should in essence be CCP.

What are the odds-on PH receiving a broken nose or a black eye at the AGM?
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Tommy seems to know what the Chinese are doing before the Chinese do??
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The real question is how do they know before us?
Because they're on their side? All in cahoots, one big web. Sounds like we need to catapult a few pineapples into the web to break it up.
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CATH has signed a document along with Yibin backing MMGA. This will affect our project funding ($249mil) but I don’t think they have the shares to be able to use for voting.

Our latest good news re: ICC has brought Yibin and CATH out of the shadows, so now we need to know how Huayou and Lithium Plus will vote. Between Yibin, Huayou and Lithium Plus they hold around 20%

I think as many people as are able need to contact FIRB and show the association between MMGA and Chinese companies
CATH has signed a document along with Yibin backing MMGA.

Have they tho ?

Or is this another scare tactic by MMGA to weaken the resolve of the strong ?

Trust / truth isnt exactly oozing out of Tommy or MMGA is it ?

Agree, I dont believe CATH have any voting power, but a collaboration of Yibin , Huayou, Lithium could provide a real head ache and the FIRB need to be advised of this ASAP under the guise of a chinese heist.

US & Australia have signed a strategic critical mineral pact, nothing is more strategic than Manono and under no circumstances can Chyna get their hands on it , or it will be another mineral that they can control to the detriment of the west.

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Biding my Time 1971
CATH has signed a document along with Yibin backing MMGA.

Have they tho ?

Or is this another scare tactic by MMGA to weaken the resolve of the strong ?

Trust / truth isnt exactly oozing out of Tommy or MMGA is it ?

Agree, I dont believe CATH have any voting power, but a collaboration of Yibin , Huayou, Lithium could provide a real head ache and the FIRB need to be advised of this ASAP under the guise of a chinese heist.

US & Australia have signed a strategic critical mineral pact, nothing is more strategic than Manono and under no circumstances can Chyna get their hands on it , or it will be another mineral that they can control to the detriment of the west.


Mate, it will be kosher, if not, AVZ will deny it immediately, as it says they have notified AVZ of their intentions.

CATH hold about 16m shares
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It looks like CCP has made itself heard. No Chinese company would be voting against CCP orders.
Time for the shareholders to stand-up, the only ones voting for MMGA should in essence be CCP.

What are the odds-on PH receiving a broken nose or a black eye at the AGM?
Tits i think the question should be what are the odds of him NOT receiving a black eye...
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AVZ still trying to convince holders to vote as per their instructions. Received another call just now from someone representing AVZ.

Vote must be close enough to keep making this effort. Concerning.
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CATH has signed a document along with Yibin backing MMGA.

Have they tho ?

Or is this another scare tactic by MMGA to weaken the resolve of the strong ?

Trust / truth isnt exactly oozing out of Tommy or MMGA is it ?

Agree, I dont believe CATH have any voting power, but a collaboration of Yibin , Huayou, Lithium could provide a real head ache and the FIRB need to be advised of this ASAP under the guise of a chinese heist.

US & Australia have signed a strategic critical mineral pact, nothing is more strategic than Manono and under no circumstances can Chyna get their hands on it , or it will be another mineral that they can control to the detriment of the west.

Time will tell, 6 days....
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