Omni Bridegeway will gather legs if this MOU / ML doesnt come to fruition and LTH have to await ISCID deliberations which could take years....

, just sayin.
I have been consistent with my views on AVZ bod lack of disclosure, that being said, I think the bod has done a tremendous job getting Manono to ML decree level and fighting hard against the multiple corruptors, looking to steal.......they have my full support.
The upcoming AGM is going to be a pivotal fork in the road, i certainly wont be holding back in seeking clarity.
I think i might take a break from this thread for a while and join
@Hudnut on the 2023 AGM QUESTIONS, as
@John25 states, its less than 3 weeks to go and preparations need to get a wriggle on...
I am hoping your encyclopedia brain will drop by and assist along with the many other smart cookies that exist on this forum