AVZ Discussion 2022


The emails only make up 28% of the register and guaranteed half of them would know MMGA BS campaign, some won’t even open it and some probably go to spam. So yeah, wouldn’t be hanging my hopes on that avenue if I were Lenny.
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OK this logic is a little flawed and relies on some assumptions that need to be clarified.

Just like those against MMGA do not represent a homogeneous block, my assumption is the same on the other side.
They may have a large group of holder that they're working in concert with, and who will all vote in coordination. But we've seen how hard they're fighting to contact other holders to sway them to their position. 2 things from this:
1. They probably don't have the votes themselves to force through the resolutions they want
2. Anyone that they may manage to convince to vote in favour of an MMGA director via solicitation and marketing (/fearmongering) is not part of their coordinated block, and so we cannot make assumptions on their other votes.

All that to say, there are not simply 2 voting blocks in this election that are entirely congruous within themselves and entirely mutually exclusive.

MMGA especially will be relying on the 'swing-voters' (for lack of a better term) who may not entirely agree with them but are just a bit fed up after 2 years of being left in the dark while our investment goes through a shitshow. The 1 thing you have to give MMGA credit for is it has forced the BoD to give us more information about what is happening.
I understand the sublety of your point....

We can't necessarily know how the "swing" voters will vote outside of "presumably" resolutions 9,10 and 17

Appreciate the post and the contribution to additional clarity

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The other good thing is that a number of people have found the MMGA material in their Spam Folder including myself - allot of people dont check that folder so it will be interesting to see how effective the email campaign is. It should also be noted that many people who have found the emails from MMGA have marked them as Spam and therefore that will flag through the email provider such as Gmail and Hotmail I suspect.

I dont see them being overly effective with their email campaign and if they phone me I will have a couple of choice words for them.


Or let them know you are onboard, so they don’t keep trying so hard. 🤫 😉
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Master of Quan
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what a Mickey Mouse organisation using Mailchimp- I wonder if they used the trial free option
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Just replied to their email
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For me, it went straight to Junk folder,

I guess I shouldn't disturb it there and let it enjoy the companies of tinder and halloween dates ( and no, I was never on tinder same way I never opted for emails from MMAGGOTs)

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Master of Quan
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He has raised awareness of tommy the tits motivations which is great
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Cumquat Cap

Ben did a good job explaining the situation and was much more diplomatic then I would have been. Especially relating to Tom Richardson the twat
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For me, it went straight to Junk folder,

I guess I shouldn't disturb it there and let it enjoy the companies of tinder and halloween dates ( and no, I was never on tinder same way I never opted for emails from MMAGGOTs)

View attachment 48551
I feel very left out so far no email from THEM or Tinder or Halloween Date
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