maybe you should ask one of the nominees how the 2 to 17 block was selected in that particular order; there’s a few of them around and also why are endorsed candidates all sitting at the back …you do know that the guys ( all company endorsed ) sitting at the back were on the scene before 2 to 17 ; the company just didn't position them there so as to give 2-17 the best shot of knocking company endorsed candidates 18 to 22 out
anyway, as you will and as you see it I suppose

Ps - Just remember to vote no for the MMGA guys at pretty sure the endorsed candidate will get through if after the mom endorsed block 2 to 17 is rinced out and those votes are compared to the candidates out of the 18-22 endorsed ; they will move through IF their vote counts are at a better comparative percentage than those in contention within the 2 to 17 block .