Is there any source that you can point me to that says that?Need over 50% to get passed ; company endorsed issues / candidates takes precedence over non company endorsed issues / candidates .
List of non company endorsed candidates will get voted on in the sequence they are shown on the proxy .
When it was 2 positions available , If the first 2 for example got over 50% of votes in their favour , then the balance would be ditched .
Since now there’s 5 positions up for grabs and 3 of these are company endorsed . They will keep drawing ; say if 5 come out for the non endorsed pack ; that doesn’t mean they all get through to occupy a position ; the top 2 technically would pass through and then the 3 with the lesser votes would be compared to the votes of the company endorsed candidates.
The above is how i comfortably understand how it works
I've skimmed through the Constitution and the Corps Act.
14.3 of the Constitution says the following, and i can't find anything in the Corps act about board endorsed nominated Directors.
It doesn't make any reference to board endorsed candidates taking precedence over non-board endorsed.