AVZ Discussion 2022

You will receive all the answers by next monday.
Just on the power plant or on everything?

Any hint as to what our significant compromise is?
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IGF report and AVZ preemption right breach claim are now based on a purported transaction that never happened. Zero chance Felix isn't in on giving the north to Zijin imo
Such a cluster fuck
If rumour is right it's PR05 now holding us up. Keep an eye out for a new watch on that wrist
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The MoM's attitude is the delays are all AVZ's fault. Which completely ignores the fact that it was Zijin that initiated arbitration for a purported transaction they are no longer claiming. We did not issue any proceedings against Cominiere until after the decrees were cancelled with no reasons known to the mining code and Cominiere attempted to illegally terminate the Dathcom JVA. Only arbitration we launched before the decrees were cancelled was against Dathomir but this was well past the time the MoM had in the mining code to strip our rights and is still not a reason for termination of PE in the mining code.

It's all fucking made up bullshit just to rat fuck us imo
Are our Lawyers in DRC invisible?
Christian Lukusa won lawyer of the year last year didn't he?
How can MOM be so unaware, it's impossible. Leads one down the path of sugary snacks🤔
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Just on the power plant or on everything?

Any hint as to what our significant compromise is?

It could be tonight but all concerns will be addressed.
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It could be tonight but all concerns will be addressed.
Fuck me your full of shit, please correct me when your right
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Screenshot 2023-10-28 at 13.26.47.png

After reassessing my previous votes.....I decided to change my vote for both the Hadley brothers....3 and 5 and our current board.
It makes sense to me, if we all vote the Hadley brothers in, there is not much chance that the 3 Zijin puppets will make it.....
Any thoughts welcome...
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I am a first-time poster here, but I've been reading every day and I'm well aware of what's happening. A few days ago, I came across a post asking how to vote in the Annual General Meeting (AGM) if you own shares in SuperHero. That's when I realized that I also have a small parcel of shares in Superhero that I had forgotten about, even though I had already voted for my larger parcel through the automc website.

Recognizing that every single vote can make a difference in keeping the MMGA away from the Board, I contacted SuperHero. Below is their response. I thought of sharing it here, hoping it might help someone. WE have to inform them our preferences and they will vote on behalf of us



They've been paying themselves a wage and bonuses FAR above executives who run businesses that actually produce profits.
We dont produce ANYTHING!
We operate in defecit.

Please go ahead and justify this?
I wanted to address your recent criticism towards the board and express my disagreement. In my opinion, the board has performed admirably, especially considering the challenges we are currently facing. It's often easy to criticize from the sidelines without fully understanding the intricacies of their responsibilities and the effort they put in.

I would like to point out that if you truly believe there are better individuals suited for the board, you could have potentially pursued a board position yourself. However, I understand that board memberships come with their own set of difficulties and pressures, which might not be apparent to everyone.

Considering the significant amount of stress and uncertainty the board has undoubtedly endured, I firmly stand by my support for their efforts. I believe they have consistently strived to represent the best interests of all our shareholders.

Ultimately, if you find fault with the current board members, I wonder if you would prefer an alternative, such as MMGA, representing the shareholders instead?

Its easier to throw stones.

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I would like to point out that if you truly believe there are better individuals suited for the board, you could have potentially pursued a board position yourself. However, I understand that board memberships come with their own set of difficulties and pressures, which might not be apparent to everyone.

Interesting take. I don't have to be qualified or able to do a job to know if someone is delivering the results I pay them for.
If an employee does a shit job I put them on perfomance management.
If they don't improve, I replace them.
I don't take over their job.
I certainly don't expect them to reward themselves handsomely for it.

Considering the significant amount of stress and uncertainty the board has undoubtedly endured, I firmly stand by my support for their efforts. I believe they have consistently strived to represent the best interests of all our shareholders.

The best interests of shareholders would have included more communication and disclosure, both before and after suspension.
The best interests of shareholders would have included keeping their word when they said they would improve communication.
The best interests of shareholders would have meant reducing costs so we can continue to fight, but there are no communicated plans to do so.

The conduct at the last AGM made it clear the BoD don't consider themselves accountable to shareholders at all.
They are in this for themselves. Don't be under the illusion they give a crap about shareholders.

I support the BoD and not MMGA.
However, I'm not deluded that the BoD has delivered what we want.

We know the job is hard, that's why they get paid a substantial sum.
Accountability matters.

Nigel has stated they underestimated and didn't expect the amount of Government corruption in the DRC.
In the DRC.
That's their fuckup. They need to recover the situation.
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I wanted to address your recent criticism towards the board and express my disagreement. In my opinion, the board has performed admirably, especially considering the challenges we are currently facing. It's often easy to criticize from the sidelines without fully understanding the intricacies of their responsibilities and the effort they put in.

I would like to point out that if you truly believe there are better individuals suited for the board, you could have potentially pursued a board position yourself. However, I understand that board memberships come with their own set of difficulties and pressures, which might not be apparent to everyone.

Considering the significant amount of stress and uncertainty the board has undoubtedly endured, I firmly stand by my support for their efforts. I believe they have consistently strived to represent the best interests of all our shareholders.

Ultimately, if you find fault with the current board members, I wonder if you would prefer an alternative, such as MMGA, representing the shareholders instead?

Its easier to throw stones.

It's not a game of be happy with management or you're on MMGA's side. I will vote yes for remuneration to stop criticism of the board by our enemies post AGM but management specifically talked about 3 month reviews and cost cutting if no ML soon at last years AGM.

The auditor of the financial reports has brought attention to the material uncertainty of our ability to continue as an entity. Criticism of spending by management especially giving themselves personal cash bonuses without tangible outcomes is part of being a responsible shareholder.

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Everyone keeps saying we should vote XYZ to block the 3 cunts, and some are saying the board secretly want us to vote people in to block the 3 cunts. But if the board really wanted, they could have just filled the board to 9 so there wouldn't be any spots to fill, just re-elections.
People are crazy conspiracy theorists. (Unless I'm wrong and they can only add 3 people a year without shareholders approval, then I retract my statement)

Vote as the board are saying. No need to waste more money on more board members than required, and no need to add more opinions in the board. We need unification.
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Everyone keeps saying we should vote XYZ to block the 3 cunts, and some are saying the board secretly want us to vote people in to block the 3 cunts. But if the board really wanted, they could have just filled the board to 9 so there wouldn't be any spots to fill, just re-elections.
People are crazy conspiracy theorists. (Unless I'm wrong and they can only add 3 people a year without shareholders approval, then I retract my statement)

Vote as the board are saying. No need to waste more money on more board members than required, and no need to add more opinions in the board. We need unification.

Everyone keeps saying we should vote XYZ to block the 3 cunts, and some are saying the board secretly want us to vote people in to block the 3 cunts. But if the board really wanted, they could have just filled the board to 9 so there wouldn't be any spots to fill, just re-elections.
People are crazy conspiracy theorists. (Unless I'm wrong and they can only add 3 people a year without shareholders approval, then I retract my statement)

Vote as the board are saying. No need to waste more money on more board members than required, and no need to add more opinions in the board. We need unification.
"But if the board really wanted, they could have just filled the board to 9 so there wouldn't be any spots to fill, just re-elections."

With respect I'm not sure that is right, otherwise the BOD would have done just that, and put in 9 directors instead of facing this uncertantity and actively having to tell us to vote against the Fat Tail nominees. There was obviously a legal reason as to why they couldn't put the 9 directors in.

The way Deboss says to vote makes absolute sense, if you get 2 people in, any 2 people for that matter prior to getting to the Fat Tail nomiees, then they can't get in.

And how much is that going to cost I am only guessing, but I don't think it would be much and it protects our BOD if the Fat Tail nominees don't get in.

What happens if you vote no for everyone as you have suggested and the you get down to the Fat Tail nomiees and then they are voted in. Then the Chinese/ disgruntled holders will have showed there hand and may potentially vote against the 5 BOD nominees. Then we have 2 current BOD members and 2 new Fat Tail members as our new board.

Really not thinking that's what the BOD would want. I think BOD have to be seen as impartial but I think they would be a lot happier if the shareholder nominees got in over the Fat Tail nominees. For me it doesn't make sense to vote any other way, why give the Fat Tail nominees any chance of getting in.

If the BOD decides that the 2 new shareholders are not a good fit then the BOD still has a majority vote so no harm done.

All the best

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Master of Quan
"But if the board really wanted, they could have just filled the board to 9 so there wouldn't be any spots to fill, just re-elections."

With respect I'm not sure that is right, otherwise the BOD would have done just that, and put in 9 directors instead of facing this uncertantity and actively having to tell us to vote against the Fat Tail nominees. There was obviously a legal reason as to why they couldn't put the 9 directors in.

The way Deboss says to vote makes absolute sense, if you get 2 people in, any 2 people for that matter prior to getting to the Fat Tail nomiees, then they can't get in.

And how much is that going to cost I am only guessing, but I don't think it would be much and it protects our BOD if the Fat Tail nominees don't get in.

What happens if you vote no for everyone as you have suggested and the you get down to the Fat Tail nomiees and then they are voted in. Then the Chinese/ disgruntled holders will have showed there hand and may potentially vote against the 5 BOD nominees. Then we have 2 current BOD members and 2 new Fat Tail members as our new board.

Really not thinking that's what the BOD would want. I think BOD have to be seen as impartial but I think they would be a lot happier if the shareholder nominees got in over the Fat Tail nominees. For me it doesn't make sense to vote any other way, why give the Fat Tail nominees any chance of getting in.

If the BOD decides that the 2 new shareholders are not a good fit then the BOD still has a majority vote so no harm done.

All the best

If Fat Tail and Co have enough votes to vote themselves in then dont they have enough to block anyone else from getting in?
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I thought I submitted my vote when I followed the "Click Here" link on AVZ's email.

But that was not the case,

1) AT WORK I clicked on "Click Here", (Ignore the name, they got it wrong, its backwards for some reason)

Screen Shot 2023-10-28 at 3.15.06 pm.png

2) I entered the secret code, my postcode, and clicked on I am not Katy Perry.
Katy Perry Performance GIF by Storyful

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3) I then filled the form for "Set Resolution" and clicked on next to "Confirm" and next to "Submit" and I thought it was done.
Screen Shot 2023-10-28 at 3.34.53 pm.png

But that was NOT the case, as at no stage the website asked me to to enter my credential BEFORE starting the "Set Resolution".

So when I came HOME, I clicked on "Click Here" and went through the same exercise, and on the final step it said, "proxy Voting Form Submitted" could be because my home pc was already signed on for Automic, I dont know?

Season 5 Idk GIF by Friends

Screen Shot 2023-10-28 at 3.16.43 pm.png

I then went to Automic website and logged in and verified that indeed it has gone through.

Screen Shot 2023-10-28 at 3.07.48 pm.png

So if you guys dont mind, when you get time, log-onto your Automic account, and verify you have done your part, because I certainly didnt at my first go and in my mind I thought MMGA was done and dusted.

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View attachment 48259
After reassessing my previous votes.....I decided to change my vote for both the Hadley brothers....3 and 5 and our current board.
It makes sense to me, if we all vote the Hadley brothers in, there is not much chance that the 3 Zijin puppets will make it.....
Any thoughts welcome...
I have altered my votes to include YES for Hadley brothers.
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Just do what the BOD say for fuck sake

The BoD haven't been in control of things for 2 years. Why start now?

Or to put it less churlishly, we can make up our own minds how to vote with OUR shares.

Frankly, I've received more information and seen better decision making from this forum than I ever have from the BoD.

(Thanks to those hard workers. You know who you are.)
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I gotta say, resolution 1 to me is far less aggravating than what I’m reading on the MMGA twitter page tonight.

Gloating about scoring our contact details from the company as if it’s some big moral victory on our behalf.

It makes me really fucking angry that those rat fucks with their smug faces are trying to fuck us all over.
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The BoD haven't been in control of things for 2 years. Why start now?

Or to put it less churlishly, we can make up our own minds how to vote with OUR shares.

Frankly, I've received more information and seen better decision making from this forum than I ever have from the BoD.

(Thanks to those hard workers. You know who you are.)
No, you're obviously right mate.
We should totally ignore the BOD recommendations and vote how some anonymous fucker, know it all, FUCKWIT, on a social media site tells you vote.

Way to go Einstein🤔

Jesus help us.

Exactly what MMGA want.

Use ya fucking brain FFS.
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No, you're obviously right mate.
We should totally ignore the BOD recommendations and vote how some anonymous fucker, know it all, FUCKWIT, on a social media site tells you vote.

Way to go Einstein🤔

Jesus help us.

Exactly what MMGA want.

Use ya fucking brain FFS.

If people always voted the way BoDs wanted them to, they've all have remuneration packages in the Billions of dollars and they'd never be held to account.

I vote the way I want to, with MY shares.

I also acknowledged that I've receive more info from this forum than I've received from MY BoD, which is true.

I didn't vote for MMGA.
You don't know how I've voted.
I also haven't voted the way others on this site have specified.
I voted the BoD recommendations for everything except resolution 1.

Of course, you can vote at the direction of the BoD that fucked up estimating the chicanery in the DRC (which they are supposed to be experts in), and put us in suspension for over a year without telling us WTF is going on.
That's YOUR right, and good on you.

I hope the BoD pull us out of the fire, but I'm not going to reward them for the current outcome.
At the last AGM they treated us like something they scraped off their shoes, and now they want us to rubber stamp more money for them.

The saying is DYOR. Well, I've MMOD (Made my own decisions).

A little less sarcasm and personal attack, and a bit more respectful discussion and thought, please.
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