AVZ Discussion 2022

Based on the announcement yesterday, option 2 is a no deal for AVZ.

If the Fat Tail Nominees are elected to the Board, it is understood the Fat Tail Nominees will seek to
procure the Company undertake the following:
• selling the northern portion to Zijin: splitting the Company’s project tenement (ie PR13359) in
two and selling the northern portion to Zijin Mining Limited (Zijin);
The north of the tenement has been sold by Cominiere not Dathcom
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Might be a hard sell though for zijin to turn around and pay 4-5b USD for the southern tenement area whilst paying DRC absolute peanuts for the Northern exploration zone.

Sure its proven up but still, that would raise some embarrassing questions over corruption. I guess there could be other potential buyers like CMOC or something. Or Zijin could just continue to play their underhand games with Cominiere and try seize the lot, ICC and ICSID be damned
RD is proven with an up grade to come (550 mil tonne approx ) from surface . It has a dollar value .
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This statement by the BOD pretty much sums up what everyone on this forum has feared about MMGA movement....


So unaustralian as other posters have mentioned, criminal and goes completely against the national interest , i would like to think that the BOD has passed this on to FIRB and also ASIC !!


"Compromise of AVZ legal rights"............in other words, court proceedings to drop?

" Memorandum of understanding for SETTLEMENT..........an alternative resolution more favourable to AVZ and in best interests of SH "

Does that sound like a TO ?

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If the board have and I'm not saying they have, agreed under MOU to give up the northern section in return for Mou then they need their heads examined
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I'm not ruling out MMGA's ties with ZJ just yet - rightfully AVZ should launch another claim against this bullshit, but MMGA as the mouthpiece for detractors will jump at the opportunity to add to their 'tsunami of litigation' narrative.

All interlinked - IMO

I like Carlos' scenario 2, makes sense it has to be Cominiere who returns it. Still don't fucking like it though. What a cluster fuck of epic proportion. Wombles makes a good point about the south already being proven, but dollar values and logic aren't our opponents strong suit. They'd likely offer 10c and the head of a new goat because that's how they roll.
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I'm not ruling out MMGA's ties with ZJ just yet - rightfully AVZ should launch another claim against this bullshit, but MMGA as the mouthpiece for detractors will jump at the opportunity to add to their 'tsunami of litigation' narrative.

All interlinked - IMO

I like Carlos' scenario 2, makes sense it has to be Cominiere who returns it. Still don't fucking like it though. What a cluster fuck of epic proportion. Wombles makes a good point about the south already being proven, but dollar values and logic aren't our opponents strong suit. They'd likely offer 10c and the head of a new goat because that's how they roll.
Anyone know what previous offers were ?
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This statement by the BOD pretty much sums up what everyone on this forum has feared about MMGA movement....

View attachment 47907

So unaustralian as other posters have mentioned, criminal and goes completely against the national interest , i would like to think that the BOD has passed this on to FIRB and also ASIC !!

View attachment 47909

"Compromise of AVZ legal rights"............in other words, court proceedings to drop?

" Memorandum of understanding for SETTLEMENT..........an alternative resolution more favourable to AVZ and in best interests of SH "

Does that sound like a TO ?

TBA who would know , they all talk in riddles same as my ex wife and I got fucked over
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Cumquat Cap

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I had the same but it was sticky and involved Latina's
I fucking knew you boys were having the same wet dream nightmares i was referring to!
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Does that sound like a TO ?
AVZ announcement on 27th of September mentions that negotiations with DRC government are about us getting the ML in exchange for dropping the ICSID proceedings. Although this was before the MoU was mentioned. If we had a TO offer surely it would have been announced by now seeing as Zijin are making moves. The key piece in all this is that according to Zijin's announcement today they have no legal basis for continuing their claim at the ICC. They have transferred the money that was meant for that 15% purchase to paying for the north instead upon completion of the award of PR for 15775 so they are no longer able to be recognised in Dathcom imo
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RD is proven with an up grade to come (550 mil tonne approx ) from surface . It has a dollar value .

Thanks wombles, you’ve for a long time wanted a takeover or plan B, and here you are now with a level head, surrounded by panic merchants.

You are exactly right mate, the drill results for RD are beyond comparison and a DFS 2 is still sitting in the drawer waiting for the right time to come out (perhaps even a little like when Mr Garrison pulled Mr Hat out of the drawer to kill Kathy Lee Gifford)

Even if it came down to just RD, we are looking at multiples of the current share price, and an MOU possibly currently being looked over by the DRC Justice Minister should provide clarity around all the matters discussed. I wouldn’t expect the MOU this week

I pretty well keep up to date with what’s going on and appreciate @Carlos Danger and @9cardomaha opinions on our legal position and appreciate @Retrobyte level head and this comment of yours

Glad to see some people still putting some thought into the comments

It’s embarrassing reading…. OMG Brittany we are like so totally fucked

Shareholders should go and watch White Chicks if they’re going to talk like them

BTW, there wasn’t a takeover offer
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DRC: We granted a license to Zijin, does that count? Now hows about dropping ICSID?
AVZ: get fucked cunt, see you in court.
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The announcement from Zijin lines up with the MMGA narrative, but we also know that Zijin’s strategy so far aligns with MMGA’s in order for MMGA to cut a deal down the line, screwing over all SHs in the process.

We also know they’ve been doing dodgy deals on the side for whoever at CAMI can flip for the lowest denominator on the portal, and that Cominiére can’t undo PR13359 without contravening the terms of the JV, which means if they do, by impinging upon the validity of the JV under its contract conditions Cominiére is in contempt of the emergency ICC arbitration, which will imperil all other arbitration results for them and Zijin. AFR Tommy will no doubt jump onboard. All of them are just putting themselves at severe legal jeopardy down the line.

It’s quite obvious the BoD are aware of everything happening on the ground and are already working on countermeasures against the detractors, who know with the coming AGM vote, they’ll go all out to destabilise SH sentiment to give the MMGA goons the assist to hopefully get elected, no matter how egregiouslay illegal their actions may be. Without the MMGA goons, Cominiére and Zijin know they can’t deliver on their claims, and therefore they’ll be forced to their knees eventually when all the dirty laundry are aired not only at ICC arbitration, but most likely in actual courts down the line too.

Tick tock mofos, better stop all your criminal activities when you still have a chance. I hope SHs hold out and see the real evidence for themselves as we draw closer to the AGM, not all these libellous claims from our detractors. After seeing all the recent photos and how closely our detractors’ actions have been tracked, I have a feeling all will be revealed soon and we’ll be able see what mgmt has in store against these muppets to cast them out of the ring once and for all.

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I wonder if we are able to get an emergency hearing from the ICSID similar to the ICC one where it stops the DRC Gov from making any more changes to the tenement otherwise they'll be fined a stupid amount?
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The key piece in all this is that according to Zijin's announcement today they have no legal basis for continuing their claim at the ICC. They have transferred the money that was meant for that 15% purchase to paying for the north instead upon completion of the award of PR for 15775 so they are no longer able to be recognised in Dathcom imo
This also makes the IGF report go away for Felix and all the other dirtiest players in the game as the sale of 15% of Dathcom from Cominiere to Jin Cheng is now cancelled
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View attachment 47849

This is what spooked Felix about the gringos into negotiating with us. AVZ says it is in possession of evidence that shows potential improper and illegal conduct of a number of the parties involved that could lead to bribery and corruption charges. Felix personally wrote a letter to Biden literally the day before we went into suspension last year pleading for Dan Gertler's sanctions under the Magnitsky act to be dropped. Felix doesn't care about a potential damages claim that could be years away. He wants to avoid having his government officials and others close to him involved in the blatant corruption around Manono sanctioned imo

Here's a copy of the letter. Try not to laugh when he talks about how dropping the sanctions is necessary for attracting investors to the DRC.

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View attachment 47853
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Hates a beer
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