I hope Nige and Co are putting the hard word on the government and reminding them they'll have nothing if they cant provide stability in the area and convince the locals AVZ's mine is in their best interest along with providing for their basic needs and demands. Felix needs to show some serious leadership here, they seem so out of touch with reality with conference after conference on the world stage and ignoring all the basic issues, they need to appease ACAJ, the NGO's etc, they need their feet on the ground, not forcing a bloody AVZ lawyer to sell it to the locals ffs, but of course it's easy for me to say from over here
Hi all, my first post here, from Los Angeles. Heavily invested in AVZ since Feb21. Read every HC post since, and recently came over from the Crapper/AVZ because I couldn't take it anymore.
ohreally's post (admire his posts):
This line is interesting to me, because I'd been thinking similarly myself "
they seem so out of touch with reality with conference after conference on the world stage and ignoring all the basic issues.."
However, over the last couple of days I've leaned toward the opposite: It dawned on me that the ministers have been traveling, talking, and organizing like crazy - since Dec19 - trying to put together Felix's bold down-stream vision.
Perhaps this is a band-width issue, or perhaps they're on point and on mission to get down-stream intertwined with AVZ production.
IMO, there's too much high level, country-building and monetary-generating stuff happening now to give the Zijin assertion too much airspace. Felix knows that if he can pull off full vertical integration for EV batteries, the DRC will never look back. This is the generational moment --
IMO, it would be inconceivable if Felix didn't bat down anything (illegal) that would hamper something this significant. This is genuine progress being made here, over the months, years. Telephone meetings have turned into in-person meetings with CATL. Felix is entering the world stage atm, and I believe he and his ministers are smart enough no know the West is watching, via credit ratings, etc.
Perhaps, in Felix's mind, vertical integration for his country IS the basic issue and everything else is back-burner.
If this is the case, I would assume continued bullish tone from Nigel --
It all started here:
"Study by BloombergNEF (BNEF) on a unified African supply chain estimates that it would cost $39 million to build a 10,000 metric-ton cathode precursor plant in the DRC. This is three times cheaper than what a similar plant in the U.S. would cost."
- CATL has an in-person w/ minister of industry re: battery pilot plant - May 15
- 545m African Dev Bank debt funding package - March27
- UN establishing consultants to establish battery precursor plant in Katanga - March 28
- Feliz jumps on a call with CATL - Feb 12
- DR Congo and Dubai Port world to invest in deep water port - Jan31
- DRC minister of finance announces jump in credit rating - Jan30
- Felix meets with US Dep Security Advisor - Jan 28
- Felix talks with his PM, mining minister and government delegates focus on Li projects in Katanga - Jan22
- Felix tells his ministers to get busy with manufacturing EV batteries in DRC with 3 month window - Dec19