AVZ Discussion 2022


With regard to the Artinasal mining by the locals my understanding was one thing the govt wanted to do was set up a regulated market for the product

Where individuals could sell their product through official channels at properly regulated prices and the govt would then pool that resource and onsell to the broader market

The main thrust was initially Cobalt but I understand it could extend to Tin (Cassiterite) and other elements

That way the local miners weren't beholden to shonky players and opportunists taking advantage of them

Sounds noble in design and make sense

Whether the DRC govt could actually pull that off????.....well that is a whole other story

https://www.mining-technology.com/a...200,000,from governmental or mining officials.
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I'm fine with the suspension going on for as long as it takes . What we need this week is the ML . 2 weeks now since the Ministerial Decree .NF in his interview 06/05 was expecting the " ML in it's entirety within a week at the most ." Nothing runs on time with this lot as we know , but if no ML
come friday then we need a guarantee from NF it's coming .
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I think everyone knows by now that i call a spade, (probably the reason why i had 371 moderations and got suspended by HC but hey ), i have been a liberal supporter my entire life, but this election IMO is a pivotal election for AUSTRALIAS future, we need to seriously address the infrastructure for the EV revolution going forward and ENCOURAGE, not DISCOURAGE the poulation to purchase EV vehicles, there should be a heavy tax on the purchase of NEW fossil fuel vehicles, not the other way around, we need to address the sensible eradication of coal and other practices as a major driver for our energy supplies and replace that with greener innovations like solar, green hydrogen , Lithium home battery packs etc.

We need to set up a BATTERY HUB in Australia, just like the DRC , US, Europe, Asia are doing, we have all the minerals and expertise to do so, creating thousands of jobs.

We need to step up our manufacturing in general to stop the self reliance on China and other countries for our needs and wants.

We need to set up a FOOD BOWL in Australia, with water canals coming from the NT and spread to every part of australia, so agriculture doesnt have to rely on the whim of global warming.....we have a shit load of water wasted every year, but yet no Govt prepared to have a vision longer than their nose.

We need to address our AGED CARE system , to give all of our ELDERLY the type of care they deserve.

We need to CONTINUE to be strong on China, our SECURITY is paramount.

We need to address the DOMESTIC VIOLANCE that is a scourge on our society !!

Wages need to keep up with inflation for ALL !!

Which party LABOUR / LIBERAL is going to cover most of those bases??

I know and it AINT LIBERAL !!


I have been a liberal supporter my entire life, but this election IMO is a pivotal election for AUSTRALIAS future, we need to seriously address the infrastructure for the EV revolution going forward and ENCOURAGE, not DISCOURAGE the population to purchase EV vehicles, there should be a heavy tax on the purchase of NEW fossil fuel vehicles, not the other way around, we need to address the sensible eradication of coal and other practices as a major driver for our energy supplies and replace that with greener innovations like solar, green hydrogen , Lithium home battery packs etc.

*Well in that case, If you need anymore convincing, Do yourself a favour and take a look at how,

Australia’s slow warming to electric cars may get election boost

One of the world’s biggest laggards in electric vehicle adoption, Australia, is finally warming to the idea.

On the campaign trail three years ago, Prime Minister Scott Morrison famously told car-loving Australians that EVs were too feeble to tow trailers and boats. :rolleyes:

Battery-powered cars would be the death of the weekend, he warned. :ROFLMAO:

Back then, not even one in every hundred new vehicles in Australia was electric, and it was rare to spot one on Sydney’s roads.

Even tractors outsold them almost 2-to-1, and Morrison went on to claim an unexpected election victory.

The picture is changing.

EV sales in Australia are soaring — led by the almost-ubiquitous Tesla Model 3 — and more brands and models are arriving in the market.

A national election on Saturday could prove pivotal: Morrison, who has ruled out subsidies for electric cars, trails in opinion polls.

The opposition Labor party, meanwhile, is offering tax exemptions on many EVs. (y)

A surge in demand saw electric vehicle sales in Australia triple last year, to about 20,665, and hasn’t relented in 2022, according to Behyad Jafari, chief executive officer of the Sydney-based Electric Vehicle Council.

Politicians now know better than to dismiss EVs out of hand, and a change in government might push adoption closer to global standards, he told me last week. (y)

“A fresh set of eyes could only be more helpful,” Jafari said. (y)

“No one dares to be hostile to electric vehicles anymore. :)

The trend is moving in our direction.” (y)


Morrison’s federal government has said its A$250 million ($172 million) Future Fuels Fund should deliver EV charging infrastructure to 50,000 households and fund 1,000 public-charging stations.

But there’s no sign of financial support for EV purchases. (n)

Labor is also pledging cash for charging stations on Australian highways, and is going a step further. (y)

The party plans to exempt many electric cars from a 5% import tariff, as well as a 47% tax on EVs that are provided by employers to staff for private use. (y)

While Morrison once derided EVs for political gain, Labor leader Anthony Albanese is promoting them to try and win votes. (y)

Last month, he visited Tritium, a Brisbane-based maker of fast-chargers for EVs.

He called the Nasdaq-listed company, which has a market value of about $1.4 billion, a “great Australian success story.” :)

Still, plug-in vehicles make up only 2% of all new-car sales in Australia, industry data show.

That’s way behind a global average of 13% in the final three months of 2021, and a tiny fraction of the market share in leading adopters like China, Norway and Sweden.

Australia also lacks fuel-efficiency standards that could evict the most polluting vehicles from the market and make more room for EVs.

That’s led carmakers to prioritize other nations for new models, meaning those who do switch to electrics face limited choice and need patience — wait times for some deliveries run to months. :(

Even if there isn’t a change in the national government this weekend, political winds are shifting.

Last week, Western Australia announced A$3,500 rebates on EV purchases. (y)

That means every Australian state and territory, including the most populous, New South Wales, now has announced some form of EV subsidy, incentive or tax exemption.




The-future-is-Electric !!!.jpg


Food for thought on the Road to Manono and Australia's EV Future 🚘 🔋 🔌
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"The voluntary suspension is requested in connection with the finalisation and release of an announcement in relation to its mining and exploration rights for the Manono Lithium and Tin Project."

The part of this announcement that has had my curiosity is , " In Connection With " the finalisation . If it for the finalisation why say it's in connection with the finalisation ? Quite ambiguous . Guess we will know come Friday .
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I'm fine with the suspension going on for as long as it takes . What we need this week is the ML . 2 weeks now since the Ministerial Decree .NF in his interview 06/05 was expecting the " ML in it's entirety within a week at the most ." Nothing runs on time with this lot as we know , but if no ML
come friday then we need a guarantee from NF it's coming .
IMO if we haven't received the ML by this Friday then in all likelihood it's on hold until the ownership issues are resolved.

Could be many months away if that's the case.
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Australia should open Ford and Holden again with EV's, and PLS etc can feed them, make the Chinese even more hungry for Li

I miss not seeing a new HSV model every couple of years 🤪
Fyi, fwiw,



The final Holden Commodore comes off the line at the Elizabeth plant in 2017.

'All the bones are there': could a new electric vehicle be built in Australia?

With the right incentives, many believe Australia can still ride the electric revolution, reviving its car industry and slashing emissions at the same time

The situation is deeply frustrating to Electric Vehicle Council of Australia chief executive Behyad Jafari, who says he regularly talks to companies looking to manufacture EVs in Australia.

While critics charge that Australian labour costs are too high, Jafari says the actual work of manufacturing electric vehicles is half what it once was.

Rather than “guys bending metal” it’s more about building the robots that build the cars – and with a highly educated workforce, Australia is highly competitive.

“On paper, Australia looks really good to these companies,” Jafari says.

“The second thing they ask is a question about the competitive landscape. What are governments doing?

Essentially, they’re asking whether there will be a market for 50,000 vehicles in Australia – but we sell 7,000 electric vehicles a year here and there’s nothing in place to change that, when every other country in the world has an ambitious plan in place to change it.

“It’s not even an accident anymore.

It’s decided government policy that they should do nothing. They’ve entrenched that to the country as a whole, teaching us we can’t do these things. But the only reason we can’t do it is inaction.”

According to political economist Dr Mark Dean, that will have to change fast if Australia has any hope of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. A transition to electric would be required in a space of about 10 years – a feat that requires a plan.

“When you’ve mothballed the industrial-scale facilities that produce these things, you can’t just switch them back on,” Dean said.

“And Elon Musk isn’t a genius who came up with the concept for EVs. His success is based on decades of public investment.

“There’s a lot of work needed to achieve decarbonisation and it’s work we can do.

It would take a strong industry policy direction to identify something like this as a target, not a burden, and to whip up an economy geared to act on that. If we take risks, the rewards are enormous.”

The vision for a new electric vehicle sector in Australia is not without its supporters.

Ed Husic, Labor’s shadow minister for industry and innovation, has been promoting the idea lately, saying on Tuesday that it represented an opportunity for Australia.

“I certainly accept it’s a massive challenge, right, to do this, especially after the government chased out car-makers from the country, but I think Australians do believe that we have got a great track record on manufacturing, we’ve got a lot to offer and why couldn’t we make a big difference, a big push in this space,” Husic said.

“With the 17 million cars we have on Australian roads, we need to upgrade the fleet so that we can see cars and transport in terms of reducing emissions is a big thing. So a win on manufacturing, a win of emissions.

Why can’t we do it?”

Even on the local level there is support. In South Australia, SA Best parliamentarian Frank Pangallo says he will write to Elon Musk to invite the world’s richest man to set up an EV manufacturing plant in the state.

“Of course we can build electric cars here,” Pangallo said.

“I’m no engineer, but I would say we already had the skills and expertise to build cars. We were building them for decades.

“The fact is that we know that we still have a great deal of infrastructure at the Holden site in Elizabeth.

We know it’s still there. It’ll be a great opportunity for a start-up or a company like Tesla to move here and save considerably on set up costs. I’ll be impressing that upon Mr Musk.”

If Tesla has a powerful hold on the popular imagination, Australia has its own EV entrepreneurs.

Greg McGarvie is the founder of ACE Electric, an Australian start-up with plans to build electric utes, vans and passenger cars. While starting from scratch has taken more time, he says it has meant the company could rethink the best way to build a car and investigate the most advanced manufacturing techniques.

His vehicles are stitched together with a method similar to that used to build the Boeing Dreamliner, where sheets of carbon-fibre composite – a material two-to-three times stronger than steel – are chemically welded together.

The company has already recorded over $2 million in reservations, enough that they hope to begin production on the first 300 vehicles later this year.

While McGarvie says he’s had strong interest from south-east Asia and countries as far afield as eastern Europe, Australian authorities have been slow to act. It took the South Australian state government to offer development support at the end of 2020 for things to really get moving.

“We can manufacture these vehicles. Easy,” McGarvie says. “The only condition is government making it easy to proceed and to actually support it. The reason China is manufacturing 1.2 million electric vehicles a year is because their government said we will support anyone who’s got the go to set up auto.

“This is already happening everywhere else, Australia is just playing catching up. In five years, 10-years-time, if you’re parked at a traffic light and a fossil fuel smoker sitting beside you, it’ll be like going into a hospital or nursery and lighting a cigarette.”




Food for thought on the Road to Manono via South Australia 🚘

Frank :cool:
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Found this video on youtube, think its the ACAJ meeting thing, I can't really tell whats going on because auto translated subtitles and shizzle but
they're showing a video of kids and women mining cassetirite I assume and the dude walks over and shows a plank on the ground that looks like its got AVZ carved into it.... are they trying to say this is us and what we are doing and stirring everyone up? dodgy as fuck man.
View attachment 6854
View attachment 6856

Funded by Zijin . Desperate bastards . AVZ is not even mining yet . Pathetic attempt at a smear campaign . Surely the current DRC government will not buy into any of this BS.
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Australia should open Ford and Holden again with EV's, and PLS etc can feed them, make the Chinese even more hungry for Li

I miss not seeing a new HSV model every couple of years 🤪
Agreed mate but they won’t as it’s cheaper to farm it out … Ohh Anyone have parts for a VP GTS ?? I need a sunroof motor 😉


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I can dream

Nice GTS, cant help with the sunroof though

Like an Aussie bogan I looked at the last model GTS's last year but the prices were just getting too ridiculous for the amount of K's they had on them, so I went with the BMW M3 instead. I'm a big holden fan though
Yuk sorry you might as well tell me you own PLS shares 😂

Wait till you need to Change a water pump or alternator on that thing $$$$$$ ,

Na should be right mate but it’s no Camry @JAG 👍
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Ever wanted to reach through the screen and punch someone in the face ?
This weapons grade muppet refuses to process any evidence given that Zijin have acted illegally and then peddles utter bollocks that has the strength of a wet tissue. One-sided shite always against AVZ while ignoring the elephant in the room. He seems to have a real issue with AVZ an can’t conceal it. Looking forward to AVZ burning his shorts
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I think there was talk of an avz foundation or some such to aid in distributing funds. Anyone remember the details? Pretty sure it was discussed in one of the NF interviews a while back.
Yea I remember that. If anyone has details let us know. Otherwise I'm sure I can track the details down.
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Master of Quan
Ever wanted to reach through the screen and punch someone in the face ?
This weapons grade muppet refuses to process any evidence given that Zijin have acted illegally and then peddles utter bollocks that has the strength of a wet tissue. One-sided shite always against AVZ while ignoring the elephant in the room. He seems to have a real issue with AVZ an can’t conceal it. Looking forward to AVZ burning his shorts

I think people need to start thinking how Der Puppet got his info. He didn’t just google AVZ and this popped up. He is being fed information from someone in the know. Perhaps someone who used to run AVZ and has ties to zijin through his new companies. So alot of info IMO will not be current.
Will be interesting once the dust settles if Nigel and co decide to take some personal action, like Kumova vs Davidson ( Swami ), who has been made to release his source for the info. Der Puppet went pretty hard to start with. I heard he had a disagreement with Nigel in his office a while ago hence the bad blood. All IMO
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Agreed mate but they won’t as it’s cheaper to farm it out … Ohh Anyone have parts for a VP GTS ?? I need a sunroof motor 😉
Did you try NAPA auto parts, sunroof motors are a pretty standard items.
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AVZers it’s a new dawn/day is it Friday yet
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I think there was talk of an avz foundation or some such to aid in distributing funds. Anyone remember the details? Pretty sure it was discussed in one of the NF interviews a while back.
Check out the DFS, there are a few mentions. See below:

Screenshot_20220518-074901_Adobe Acrobat.jpg

Screenshot_20220518-075325_Adobe Acrobat.jpg
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Yuk sorry you might as well tell me you own PLS shares 😂

Wait till you need to Change a water pump or alternator on that thing $$$$$$ ,

Na should be right mate but it’s no Camry @JAG 👍
Step aside
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Agreed mate but they won’t as it’s cheaper to farm it out … Ohh Anyone have parts for a VP GTS ?? I need a sunroof motor 😉
Did you try NAPA auto parts, sunroof motors are a pretty standard items.
Was just about to reply along these lines. I doubt its a GTS specific part, probably not even a VP specific part, and even then under the GM part sticker its probably just AC Delco or similar... If you get desperate I'd take it in to an auto sparky and I'd bet they can find a generic replacement.

twin turbo six hasnt got room to swing an ant in the bonnet, thank God I wont be touching that engine, but come on 400KW at the wheels now just with a tune and some basic mods and weighs only 1.5t, she's actually a GTS eater....vroom vroom and looks tough as fuk too I might add😜

There she is, eats GTS's for brekkie
View attachment 6888

I've been in a stock one, can confirm that's a rocket not a road car :ROFLMAO:
Ever wanted to reach through the screen and punch someone in the face ?
This weapons grade muppet refuses to process any evidence given that Zijin have acted illegally and then peddles utter bollocks that has the strength of a wet tissue. One-sided shite always against AVZ while ignoring the elephant in the room. He seems to have a real issue with AVZ an can’t conceal it. Looking forward to AVZ burning his shorts

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Hey Cash, one of my best mates is a parts interpreter for Holden.. I'll see what I can do 👌

No way i'll be getting into an EV come 2025 when get to fang around in this day to day :cool:
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I think people need to start thinking how Der Puppet got his info. He didn’t just google AVZ and this popped up. He is being fed information from someone in the know. Perhaps someone who used to run AVZ and has ties to zijin through his new companies. So alot of info IMO will not be current.
Will be interesting once the dust settles if Nigel and co decide to take some personal action, like Kumova vs Davidson ( Swami ), who has been made to release his source for the info. Der Puppet went pretty hard to start with. I heard he had a disagreement with Nigel in his office a while ago hence the bad blood. All IMO
The idiot posted a chat with Klaus, there is evidence out there on the net. So I do hope he has a little visit to court.
Yes it’s very swami like, who years ago I thought naively was a good guy, until he started outright lying on a stock I owned, I double and triple checked and he was full of shit.
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