Here's a question...
Why hasn't Tommy the Flog written an article in the AFR detailing the exposed corruption and collusion between Jin Cheng, Zijin, Cominiere, Dathomir and their illegal attempts to steal Manono?
The information is swirling around out there so with Tommy the Flog's great interest in AVZ why wouldn't he write a thrilling exposé article and bring all that to light on the national stage?
I'll tell you why........
Because the corrupt evil fuckers that have been feeding that slimy shit information (Zijin, Cong, Boatman, Eckhoff, Huljich et al) won't pay that useless fucking excuse for a jounalist to write that article brown bag for Tommy the Flog on that one
Gonna be real interesting for Tommy when the truth behind his motivation to write biased articles and obfuscate the facts in relation to AVZ and Manono is revealed
Real interesting.....