Just once mate why don’t you post something worth reading you fucken loser wanker
The fact is I’m glad Nigel’s the one fighting for our project and not some of the fucken loser wanker fucken deadbeat brain dead fuckwit dickheads on here who keep whinging and whining but have never done a fucken thing to help the company
Fuck off you loser fuckwits
Ha ha , looks likes you may have hit the bitter spot when reading half the junk we have to wade through on some of these social media platforms ; unfortunately the trolls heavily dilute the quality on these forums ; Hotshithole is totally unreadable , I rarely even login to that one these days ( one of the good things that has come from this circus ) ; TSE now has the trolls gradually squeezing through the cracks; it’s becoming a little more unreadable with every day that passes tbh .
Appreciate your continued battling and research bags ; we have all walks of life in here with various and opposing views … yourself and Deboss for example would appear to have political etc views which maybe of the opposite sides of the spectrum , but what we can agree on is the both of you and many in here are on the same side and fully support the company and want the same ending … I hear Deboss likes his happy endings

; we just need to all stick together on this one even if reading this sewer soup with a few golden nuggets mixed sends us to boil point more often than not.
I’ve basically dropped off from posting ,as reading some of the stuff particularly with some of these new characters appearing out of the blue would have me typing some Moneybag / Deboss type rants ( which does have me firing out the ‘good on ya‘ words )
Bring on the day when we get past this shit show and no longer have to go through getting our mental nerve endings torched every time we read AVZ forums which have corrupt mud with intent flowing through it .
AVZ shareholders all sail on the same boat with the same wind behind its sails at least until this shit show is done with ; most of us have been here for the last 4|5+ years , so to some extent we know whose not in the Trojan Horse within these forums … hopeful the trolls are in the belly of the brazen bull soon enough.
Keep up the good work