Under the leadership of Governor Julie NGUNGWA MWAYUMA, a delegation from the provincial government of Tanganyika headed by the Provincial Minister of Mines Denise KAYEMBE participates in the great international mass on metals organized in Kinshasa from September 20 to 21, 2023
This is a large Forum bringing together on the one hand multinational firms and major African businessmen and on the other hand the Congolese Government with representatives of all entities replete with the natural potential discussed in this meeting.
This Forum is the main engagement platform for producers of cobalt, copper, lithium, nickel, graphite, manganese, rare earths and “3 T” producers, battery manufacturers, investors and NGOs in Africa. With its Manono Lithium constituent
an important reserve that the world needs for the new wind of the generational electric automobile industry, Tanganyika presents itself not only as a participant but also as an active player on whom the DRC places its sights in this area.
This justifies the presence of this delegation composed in particular of the Provincial Minister, the Advisor to the Governor in charge of Mines, the principal assistant to the Governor and representatives of the subsidiaries TANTALEX and AVZ Minéral, potential partners of…
government with regard to research on the lithium reserve of
http://Manono.La submission of specifications for social responsibility for community development, being the concern of the Head of State Félix Antoine TSHISEKEDI TSHILOMBO and held to heart facilitate dialogue to define and build a new industry in the DRC. Driven by the demand for batteries and electric vehicles, in a transparent and open environment, the DRC-Africa Forum on Battery Metals is committed to positioning the country on the line of capital involved in the manufacturing of the electric battery in order to promote the national interest which is only dependent on local production and processing